Swallowed Star

Vol 27 Chapter 3: Iriuchi

The head of the behemoth is endless and vast... At the moment, the head is surrounded by palaces and treasures, and almost 90% of the universe's forces surround the head.

"It's really big."

"This should be the mouth of a humanoid."

Under the tomb of the tomb, the internal Luofeng, Chaos City, and other Hongmeng strongmen are amazed at the distance. There is an endless vast abyss in front, judging from the shape of the entire behemoth... This behemoth should be closed. And this abyss is just a gap left between the lips.

This narrow abyss, about 1.9 million light years long, is about 120,000 light years wide at the widest point. Even Luo Feng's field class treasures... can only explore the tip of the iceberg. This gap alone, even the Milky Way, can not be covered by throwing it into ten or eight.



A stream of light teleports appeared above the abyss, followed by a direct rush.

"Fast, fast, if there is a treasure in this behemoth, first come first. Fast!" Many potentials, power is extremely eager, although there are taboos and fears about the unknown behemoth, but they also have endless desire, so the first Time immediately dispatched some of the lords of the universe to explore the road first.

"Robo, let's go down."


The strongmen of the Hongmeng camp are also anxious. This hand has a slow hand. Anyone knows everything. Seeing other forces - sending strong people, how can they not be anxious?

The chaotic city owner looked around and immediately said: "This behemoth is unknown, and the danger is unknown. Even the strongest of the universe is not sure, so... now it is the first to send the lord of the universe to explore. Even if it falls, It is just a loss of a body and part of the treasure. The main entrance of this behemoth head... there are two ears, two nostrils, and two lips.

If you want to go in ... it is best to separate the action, the small new watermark goes along these channels separately, and explores it carefully. ”

No one knows which channel can find the treasure first.

So... every channel has to be strong.

"it is good."

"I go."

"I will go too." How fast is the efficiency of the strong, the power of the gods, and the negotiation of each other, and soon the eight masters of the universe enter. The eight Lords of the universe... among them is Luo Feng.

The chaos city owner even asked: "You can't care about entering, and when you enter, remember to record the map. Let me know the experience of the latecomers, well, let's go."


"set off."

The hatch of the tomb of the tomb has been opened.

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

A stream of light quickly flew out, including a black sphere palace. Other Hongmen strongmen, including Chaos City Masters, are looking forward to seeing one's own strongmen who are leaving, and they are all looking forward to their own big treasures in this behemoth.

Inside the black sphere palace.

Luo Feng is standing in the main hall, looking at the outside world, he is wearing a black armor and carrying a sword. And a fascinating black light centered on him and quickly spread through the black sphere palace... shrouded in the area around the light years.

"Exploring." Luo Feng's eyes are full of expectations.

This avatar is the murderer.

In fact, in the universe of the sea, Luo Feng is only with the Golden Horn behemoth, the Earth's deity. In order to explore... Luo Feng instantly turned the murderers in the original universe back to the ‘Endless Seas’ and then actively fell, and the treasures carried by the murderers were kept by the endless sea.

And Luo Feng, immediately from the Golden Horn behemoth avatar, on the part of the divine power to condense the devil squad.

The genocide is now 5,000 times the life gene level and tens of thousands of kilometers high. On the other hand, the total amount of divine power is still less than one thousandth of the horn of the golden horn. So it’s a little bit different...not a big deal.

As for the treasures carried by the genocide, it is mainly the harvest of the more than 8 million years of Luo Feng. When it was given the treasure of the 桀Vanzi, Luo Feng gave it to the ethnic group, but left a few pieces to spare. Coupled with the power of the tombs of the tombs of more than 8 million years, Luo Feng is arbitrarily swaying, often robbing some treasures to be born, but it is not too small, it is not difficult to make this set of treasures.

The armor worn by the demon squad, the swords used, are all peaks. Can only be regarded as the peak to the treasure is very common.

The palace, and the domain of the treasure, is also the peak level. Obviously more precious.

"The equipment is finished."

"Look at what is in this behemoth." The devil Luo Feng is driving a black ball-shaped palace, displaying ultra-short-distance teleports, each time teleporting within the scope of his own dispersion, during the process of advancement. ... Luo Feng naturally recorded the map.

茫茫The universe.

The three figures walked side by side from a natural wormhole.

"Listen to the news that they reported, the entire universe seems to be unable to hold back all the forces. Some of the strong players have been advanced. However, with the degree of caution, it is estimated that most of the forces send out some avatars. the Lord."

"Soon, they will understand the terribleness of this fourth Jedi."

"Don't worry, we will advance at normal speed. As for how much they die, they just look at their luck. You also don't want to slap them.... In addition to Jiuyou and so on, don't be afraid of death, don't go in for adventure.

Although we know the secrets of this four Jedi...we can’t leak it in advance...

The three great ancestors came to the command of the original will of the original universe.

They know the secrets, and they don't dare to leak them to their own strong people in advance... As an ancestor, although there are many benefits, there are many rules to follow.

Hum ~.

The speed of the giants continued to drop sharply, and they continued to decelerate under the resistance of the endless chaotic airflow. Finally, the rumbling completely stopped and did not move.

"The humanoid creature has stopped."

"Is this clothing on the body, is it a decoration? Is it a small new watermark or a treasure like my treasure, such as the treasure armor? See if you can recognize the Lord." The powerful forces who stay outside can't wait, there are many ideas, if it is some A powerful treasure should be able to recognize the Lord, so go to the test one by one.

When the strongest were first landed before the dust, the strong had been tested first.

Can't recognize the Lord!

The costume of this behemoth is like an ornament that cannot be recognized by the Lord, and no matter how it is attacked, it cannot cause any scar on the surface of this behemoth.

Enter the gap between the mouths of the giants.

Driving the palace to the treasure, Luo Feng has maintained a very short-distance high-frequency teleportation, the speed is also very fast, and soon moved forward thousands of light years away ... and now the behemoth has stopped.

"The endless vast abyss."

In the palace, the magic kill Luo Ling overlooking the bottom, can not see the bottom at a glance, look at the two sides ... the same can not see the end, endless and vast! Only the front can see the end faintly. Through the exploration of the field class treasures... Luo Feng also understands that there is no road ahead, and it is necessary to advance toward the bottom.

"Go down!"


The black ball-shaped palace quickly fell to the bottom, followed by the beginning of ultra-short-range high-frequency teleportation.

"Well? There is a huge area in front of you. I can't explore the treasures in my field?" Luo Feng was overjoyed. Since the exploration, he has not been able to find strange places. He needs to know the dangerous places such as the universe boat and the peaks, but the dangerous areas. It is impossible to explore by the domain class.

It took so long to enter the giant object, and the first thing I discovered was that the field could not be explored.

"Go and see."

Driving the black ball palace quickly approached the past.

After half an hour.

"That is" the magic kill Luo Feng in the palace overlooking the front, "bang rumbling ~ ~ ~" a huge vortex that can not see the end appeared in the field of vision, the huge vortex twisted, a circle circle spread out.

"This is... a natural wormhole?"

The magic kill Luo Feng instantly discerned, this is the natural wormhole.

"This natural wormhole is too big, and the momentum is too great. The power of twisting around alone, I am afraid that the Lord of the universe must be able to smash it. Whether it is the cosmic sea or the original universe... I have never seen it before. Big natural wormhole.” The murderous Luofeng is amazed. Obviously, as soon as you enter this natural wormhole, you can quickly reach another place.

"Go, keep going."

The murder of Luo Feng is driving the palace to the treasure, avoiding this natural wormhole and continuing to move forward.

Because any strong person who explores the dangerous land is clear... In a dangerous place, the way forward is mainly divided into two, one is teleport, and one is flying! Teleportation is the arrival of some area that can be sensed, ensuring that the security of that area will be teleported. The flight is much safer and will not stupidly fall directly into the dangerous place.

Like a natural wormhole?

No one knows what the other end is, like the natural wormhole in the universe sea and the original universe. It can be like the natural wormhole of Yuliuzhou, the peak of the peak, the heavy mountain and the giant behemoth, but no one is stupid.

"go ahead!"

Endless abyss, can not see the end.

It also seems to be no danger, the magic kill Luo Feng will drive the palace to the treasure so keep moving forward, before the teleport

"There has never been an end, there has been no end, I have come in full of the sky." The magic kill Luo Feng in the first place, has been a little anxious, after all, the other three Jedi, it can be said that the dangerous area is more, can enter the behemoth Inside the body... but it has always been an infinite abyss, nothing, and can be teleported everywhere.


An incomparably icy wind blew up, even though Luo Feng’s domain-like saga was scattered for several light years, but he could not find it at all, and it came.


It has blown through the black ball-shaped palace where the murderous Luofeng is located. The whole black ball-shaped palace is the peak to the treasure palace..." At the moment, it is like dust, all of which are turned into endless powder collapses, endless powder It floated around and then turned into nothingness. In the ball-shaped palace, the murderous Luofeng in the treasure, only felt a 'cold cold' that frozen all the power, but also seemed to freeze the soul-like cold.

Quietly silent, the magic kill Luo Feng including the sword behind, the armor of the body, also all turned into powder floating, and then turned into nothingness.

Endless abyss...

It still seems to be no danger, calm everywhere, and can be teleported everywhere.

The former demon sect Luo Feng and the palace he treasured were turned into nothingness, nothing left, as if from the future.

...... (To be continued [this text by - floating astronomy - Xiaoxin provided].

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