Swallowed Star

Vol 27 Chapter 8: We are the protagonists

Luo Fengqian waited in the dry wild tribe and waited to set off together. However, the tribal warrior Beifeng’s so-called “very soon” actually took half a year.

Virtual universe, the thunder of the island.

A group of cosmic masters of the human race are gathering here to prepare for discussion on how to treat the fourth Jedi ‘the world of Jin’.

With the arrival of a cosmic master, the atmosphere is extremely strong.

“I heard that the world of Jin has a presence beyond the true God?”

"I heard that in the world of Jin, there are many Xeons!"

"Ruo Feng, is there a lot of the best in the universe?"

One by one, because of the human family's entry into the world of Jin, only Luo Feng and other powerful people are not in a hurry.


The chaotic city owner appeared, and the original noisy cosmic master was quiet. The chaotic city owner sat in the main seat, Luo Feng sat on one side, and the dark Lord sat on the other side.

"You are here." The chaos of the city sitting on the main seat swept away. "The opening of the world of Jin has been around for some time. Except for my Hongmeng, all the forces in the universe have strong people entering 0. I have collected a lot of Hongmeng. Messages, other forces have also collected a lot of information. After some information exchange... Today, I will explain it like you, and then decide what to do with the world of Jin."

"The world of Jin.......,.

“It’s incredibly powerful!”

"In fact, it should be regarded as a fragment of the ancient civilization. The ancient civilization has long since fallen. This is a powerful world, but the indigenous powerhouses in it can only live in the world of Jin forever. Can't live out." Tao, "We are the protagonists of this era!"

Luo Feng’s eyes are bright. In fact, it’s really stressful to get in touch with the world of Jin. But now I’m listening... indeed, the world of Jin’s world can only be regarded as an oversized “cage” and the strong ones can’t come out. The era has passed, and one side is the protagonist!

"It is natural that there is no real ancient civilization, and the world is rich and powerful. It is also a fragment of the ancient civilization." The chaotic city owner solemnly said, "For us who are still very naive, it is definitely an opportunity, and it is also a challenge."

"My humanity is now only one of Luo Feng in the world of Jin."

"Where, the strongest person in the universe is called the 'true god.' And the true **** level exists... There are many, of course, the existence of the true **** is already a strong person, and can occupy a small territory." Chaos City main road, "but in Jin The world, there is a stronger existence than the true God! As long as we can reach that level, we can easily get rid of the reincarnation..."


"The world of Jin is fighting everywhere. The core of the entire Jin Dynasty is the 'army', an army belonging to a certain king of God. The army is also undergoing a brutal screening and elimination. Once it enters, it temporarily loses its freedom and must obey the military order. , a variety of cruel screening, the rate of decline is extremely high. "The owner of Chaos City solemnly said, "The powerful forces of the universe have more than 200 strong people to enter. I know only, and there are more than 120 fallen!" ”


"More than 120?"

"so much?"

One exclaimed, even Luo Feng was shocked, the chaotic city owner has not told himself this.


Chaos City nodded, "The world of Jin, the tribes are everywhere, except for countless ancient tribes. In the wilderness, there are many kinds of special life and different beasts. Walking on the wilderness, it is easy to be attacked. Those indigenous people know Some of the safe routes, but we don't know, so the single entry, less than half a year, will be over half."

"This has not yet entered the army! It will fall by half!"

"If you enter the army, it is said that the rate of elimination of the fall is more than 95%! In the army, there is a detailed guide to the practice of 'beyond the existence of the true God,' which can be known through the probability of falling... We are afraid of the entire universe. One eventually reaches beyond the true **** level."

A quiet place.

The people of the human universe, who were still eagerly awaiting, are quiet.

I have died so much without entering the army.

Into the army ... into the universe's strongest (the true God) have to eliminate a batch ... from the true God to a higher level, the army will never be easily taught, the high rate of elimination can be imagined ...


Luo Feng is also silent.

It is really difficult, but he has confidence!

"My human race has been passed down from ancient civilizations." Chaos City main road, "I am afraid that it is a high-end heritage in the world of Jin. So we don't have to take risks for the time being, let us watch temporarily, as time goes by, right The excavation of the world of Jin, the secret of the world of Jin will gradually show ............

"If you really want to go, you will be allowed to take risks only if you have a detachment."


"Be cautious."

One by one, they are calm, not as crazy as before. The real strong have to be fearless, but they can’t be too reckless.

Luo Feng also agrees with the idea of ​​the chaotic city owner. After all, according to his contact, there is no inheritance in the tribe. If you want to become a strong person, you must enter the army! This is the 'iron law' in the entire world of Jin. Only strong inheritance is allowed in the army. Even if some guidance is obtained, those who return will not dare to teach in the tribe.

And into the army?

too dangerous!

With the tragic results of the first entrants, the forces that had been eagerly awaited before were like being poured a bucket of cold water, all awake.

inherited? There is a deep inheritance in the army. It is a legacy of transcendence, but can they be passed through a heavy screening and live to be passed down?

Xeon to the treasure? There are many in the army, but that is the standard equipment of the true God. How many true gods are there in the universe? Less than one hundred true gods even went to the army... eliminated more than 90% of them? There are fewer than ten true gods in the entire universe. Just to get the standard equipment? If you think about it, you won’t be cold.

"Not urgent!"

"One epoch can enter once, we can take it slowly."

"Where the world's indigenous powers are so powerful, they will never come out. The poor indigenous people also shouted to fight for their gods. I am afraid their gods have fallen."

The forces in the universe feel that they are weak, and the soldiers can use themselves to be the protagonists of this era. The other side is just a poor worm trapped in a cage. It is better to use this kind of thinking to comfort yourself. After all, from the original is the top of the existence, to the world of Jin is only a general level of power, who is not uncomfortable with such dramatic changes?

The world of Jin, the curtain of the wild field.

"Go, the Milky Way, go, go."

The north wind shouted Luo Feng.

Luo Feng also said goodbye to some friends in the past six months, and then quickly went to the collection.

"Must come back."

"Martha, believe me."

"come back."

"Not a true God, don't come back to see me."

I saw hustle and bustle crowds with tens of thousands of people gathered. These tens of thousands of people are family members, some are friends, or some children who are full of hope, and children are eager to join the military one day. Joining the bottom line of the army is the master of the law.

"Come up." A true **** wearing a helmet snarls, his helmet has two horns, one of which has been broken. "Fast."

On his hand, it is convenient to float a ship with a deep red sè. The ancient ship exudes a strong atmosphere. Luo Feng looks up and looks at it. This ancient ship is the supreme treasure.

"Uncle Beiyan was in the army and set up a battle to get this warship. With this warship... we are safer all the way to the army." The wind sighed excitedly. "I went to the army and got it." A powerful warship."

Luo Fengdao: "We should get better, better than this 0"

"Yes, better." The north wind nodded.

The real **** who was convening the tribes turned his head and looked like a wave of hands slap on the shoulders of the north wind, making the north wind tremble: "It’s better, better than me. Do it better! Wind! We North... You are the best in this generation, don't lose our North Face 0"

"It's the wind."

Luo Feng’s heart was shocked and terrible. The real **** just slaps, but suddenly appears. I am afraid that I will not be able to dodge on my shoulders. It is a powerful **** who survived and was rewarded in the brutal screening of the army. The single slap in the face, the degree of mystery, Luo Feng estimated that it should reach the top nine levels.

The wind greeted Luo Feng, and Luo Feng also followed the battleship.

A powerful warrior of the tribe entered the warship, and some of them shouted, apparently full of endless fighting spirit.

After a while.

The ship was very rudimentary, with 800 squats standing in the huge cabin, all of which were kept at 10,000 kilometers. Although some of them can reach 100,000 kilometers, no one is in trouble.

"This time, I have 800 warriors in the dry wild tribe to join the Eastern Army!" Beiyan Zhenshen stood in the forefront and had a loud voice. "Of course, except for my family, there are also the heroes who traveled adventures, Galaxy! The strength of the Galaxy, I am afraid that none of you 800 can't keep up. If anyone can catch up with the Galaxy after entering the army, I will give it to him!"

Suddenly many tribal warriors looked at Luo Feng, and there was a faint provocation.

Luo Feng is helpless in his heart.

I have become a benchmark. Although these days and many strong people learn from each other, the 800 soldiers are from different regions of the tribe, and many of them have not discussed with Luo Feng.

"What are you doing next!" The giant wind north of Luo Feng roared, "I am not a Galaxy opponent, let alone you!"


"You are not an opponent in the north wind?" The tribal warriors who had been provocative in the past were amazed and admired to watch Luo Feng. In the entire world of Jin, they were all respected and powerful.

Northern Rock God shouted: "You guys, don't be afraid to tell you, when I was the Lord of the Law. My group of 800 tribal brothers joined the army together, and only 21 of them came back to life! More than just being a true God Three! I hope you can be stronger than my group."

Suddenly a quiet.

Although I know that the army is cruel, I can go to join the army at this moment. I still feel pressure to listen to Beiyan’s true god.

"Real God? Not only to become a true God, but to become a true god!" The north wind shouted.

"The void is true."

"Netherness is true!" Other tribal warriors suddenly screamed one by one. This is their dream. The dream of every warrior, the entire Ganye tribe has only one emptiness, the patriarch! They are also eager to become a powerful and powerful god.

Luo Feng was listening silently at the side, but his fist was clenched.

Void true God? According to the message I got, above the true God, it is the **** of the sky!

Northern Rock God looked at the fighting spirit of this group of tribal warriors, his mouth was faintly upturned, and immediately shouted: "Depart."


The ancient warship immediately crossed the stream and quickly disappeared into the sky. ! .

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