Swallowed Star

Vol 15 Chapter 53: Big winner

The fifteenth chapter fifty-three chapter big winner

The three indigenous strongmen in the core control room of the festival tower watched through the monitoring and looked at everything that happened in the treasure room.

"It’s killing each other."

"It’s good to kill."

"It's good to fight."

"It’s all dead."

Pue, Latimer, and Menbu are all excited. They look forward to watching the virtual projections formed by the surveillance. As survivors of ethnic disasters, they instinctively hostile to other aliens in the universe, especially those who participate in the field. The aliens of the battlefield, they are even more incomparable hatred.

Because of their ethnic group, the four peaks of the year were in order to open up the battlefield, and they destroyed their ethnic groups.

"Just because I want to open up the battlefield, I will kill the ethnic groups." They are very resentful, and their hearts are full of hatred.

For the four peaks of the group...

It seems that a powerful group of lions is going to open up battlefields to fight, and the group of rabbits that originally occupied the battlefield is naturally solved at will. For the lions, it is normal to eat rabbits and step on dead ants. For rabbits and ants, lions are their great enemies.

There is no pity between the aliens...

"Dead, let's die all." Pue, Latimer, and Menbu's eyes were full of enthusiasm, watching all that happened.


The purple color of the whole body is mottled and ancient, and the mysterious text on the bell body is also faintly exuding a strong breath. With the terrible violent sound of "Booming ~~", it sounds in this ancient clock, although the fire of the Vulcan source crystal bursts. Being bound in one direction can still form a strong explosive impact on the entire body.


Through the bell body, there is still an invisible shock wave amplitude! Hey! Direct impact on the purple bell king standing outside the ancient clock, even if the body is weakened by 90%, the impact is still the body of the purple bell king, can instantly condense into one, but he grins and laughs Get up, the eyes are full of expectations: "Cang Jinwang, human, you are all dead, treasures are mine! Everything is mine!"



"Purple Bell King!!!"


The ancient bell roared, the terrible energy generated by the explosion of the Vulcan source crystal was swept by the ancient clock and compressed to control the bombardment in one direction - the position of Cang Jinwang! In the closed small bell body, so close to the scope, Cang Jinwang had no way to dodge, and in a moment he was subjected to terrible bombardment.

Originally it was exploding in all directions, but it was bound to be bound into one direction, and the power was soaring ten times!

This is the 3 times power of the 自美封封王巅峰, and now it has soared 10 times!

"Boom ~~~" Cang Jinwang is full of powerful energy. Before he tried to solve the problem of Zizhongwang and Luofeng, he has already burned 3% of immortal bodies, but he did not have time to kill other strongmen. It was hooded in the ancient clock, and he was able to resist the explosion of the explosion with his ultimate fighting power.

But it didn't work.

Just resisting the moment, on the energy ‘quality’, the power of the burning king’s immortal body is the bombardment of the ancient clock at this moment, which is almost the same.

In the 'quantity', Cang Jinwang only burns 3% of the energy of the immortal body, and it is almost consumed.

At the moment of being attacked, I felt that the bombardment was devastating and consuming the immortal power that I burned... Cang Jinwang understood: "It’s over! I will die!"

"My disciples."

"My teachers."

"My 佤沱 佤沱 雷 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 蒙 . Crazy, angry in the heart roaring, "Purple Bell, kill me? You die together!"

"Give me a burst!" Cang Jinwang chose to blew himself at the last minute.

Normal normal attack, the Vulcan source crystal explosion kills a king, the energy is annihilated with each other, and most of the energy is consumed by each other. Just like when Cang Jinwang smashed the night king about 50% immortal body, it was an annihilation. There won't be much movement.

But if you don't resist, don't annihilate each other, but choose to blew yourself.

Just like the reason that the night king blew himself to make such a big move, the self-destructive words... is equal to the Cang Jin Wang itself turned into a burning Vulcan source crystal!

"Boom ~ ~ ~" Vulcan source crystal energy surge.

"Boom ~ ~" Cang Jin Wang's crazy self-destruction is even more terrible.

It seems as if two Vulcan sources are exploding together, and the power is scary and scary.


Outside the ancient clock.

"No!" The purple bell king has changed dramatically. He has been controlling the energy of the explosion of the Vulcan source crystal through the ancient clock, which binds the energy to form a direction. Naturally clear, the frenzied energy generated by the explosion inside is soaring! Once said, he couldn’t hold back and couldn’t control it.

This energy will be bombarded in all directions.

Even if the bell body hinders the weakening of 90%, the remaining 10% of the impact is enough to completely destroy the direct shock of his king. After all, this is the ultimate power of the King of the blast and a source of Vulcan!


"Give me the restraint!!!"

"All directions, all one direction!!!" Faced with the death crisis, the purple clock king hysterical desperately manipulated the ancient clock, and also wanted to blast the energy of the dying king, like the energy produced by the previous Vulcan source crystal explosion. Bound in one direction and bombard the bottom!

Bound one direction, which will cause the direction of attack, the attack power is particularly terrible.

The other directions are also weak and many.

In this way, the impact of the external body through the bell body is weakened a lot, and it is obvious that it is necessary to restrain the control of such terrible energy, even with the help of this ancient clock.

"Give me the bond!" The purple bell king burned the immortal power, and the eyes were full of madness.


The burning of the immortal power, as if the raging floods are pouring out, being absorbed by the purple clock, with the burning of the immortal power to instill... The power of the purple clock itself suddenly increased, and it is the self-destruction that the king of the king wants to end up with the same Forcing a bond, bound and Vulcan source energy in one direction!

Two energy convergence!

one direction!

Directly down!

"Boom ~ ~" This energy bombardment on the ground of the treasure room, that is, the area covered by the bell body.

This treasure room wall, the ground defense is indeed very strong, Feng Wang Fengfeng strong self-destruction can be hard to resist, it must be known that this is the power of the universe's ordinary strike. However, the self-destruction of the ultimate king of the king of the king... and then bombarded in one direction through the ancient bell, the power is increased tenfold.

Causes the ground to suffer an impact of over 100 times in an instant!


The metal floor of the treasure room was directly smashed and torn, and the position of the treasure chest was the central position of the ground. It was naturally covered by the bell body and covered by bombardment! When the metal floor was completely torn, the 12 chains connected to the ground and the treasure chest bound by the chain were obviously very strong. In the face of these attacks, 12 chains and treasure chests were hard to resist. No damage.

"Tear it ~~~" The metal floor was bombarded.

In other areas of the sacred tower below the treasure room, the defense is much more fragile. When the sacred 50% immortal body blasts completely ruin the surrounding 60 kilometers, this attack is strong and does not know how much and is bound into one. direction.

"Booming ~~"

A thick impact visible to the naked eye, rushing straight down!

The fragments of the metal floor are doped with 12 chains and treasure chests, as well as a large number of treasures released by the 'world ring' shattered under these terrible bombardments. They also destroy a lot of treasures, and more expensive treasures, accompanied by Those metal fragments, chain treasure chests, were bombarded and flew directly down.

In a single breath, a deep hole with a depth of 6,000 kilometers was directly blasted. This impact disappeared, and everything within 6,000 kilometers was smashed into slag!


Cang Jinwang is miserable, but Luo Luo is also not good.

At that time, the Vulcan source crystal explosion was bound by the bombardment of the Cang Jinwang. It was only a few explosions that escaped to the Luo Feng. In fact, the threat was not too big, and it could survive. However, following the desolation of Cang Jinwang... This is a big trouble. Although the Purple Bell King is fully shackled, the energy that can be dissipated is much larger.

Luo Feng was almost robbed by the top of the king of the strong, about 30% - the power of 50%!


In the moment when Cang Jinwang blew himself, Luo Feng, who was hiding in the body of the bell, was affected by the ripples. He immediately absorbed the Earth's human beings into the world.

It’s not as troublesome as collecting items from the world ring. Luo Feng’s three bodies can be switched instantly, and they can enter the body world instantly, because the body world is the one that nurtures them. It is the core of the three bodies. Although it instantly hides in the body world, it can be saved. The 'world ring' of the original nuclear is hidden by Luo Feng in the '弑吴羽翼'.

Wu Yuyi was refining and refining by Luo Feng and could be integrated into the body.

The body muscles and the Wu Wu wing are fully integrated, and the world ring can also be integrated with the muscles. Naturally, the world ring can be stored in the '弑吴羽翼'.

in this way!

It is the safest!

"Banglong ~~~" The silver 弑 Wu Yu wing wrapped around the world ring, bombarded and flew downwards, swaying and other large treasures, a lot of debris, all flew down to the bottom. In fact, the only one of the world rings is Luo Feng's custom-made, try to make the defense strong enough.

It is only because of the power of the point that it will not be broken. Luo Luofeng did not dare to gamble, so he has been placed in the Wu Yu wing.


When Wu Yuyi wrapped up the world ring, chains, treasure chests, metal fragments, and the world's rings that were smashed by the frontal bombardment of the King of the Golden King, it was also the legacy of the former Kings, including the wealth of Cang Jinwang... ...all bombarded and flew down.

"It's all mine!"

"All of them are mine." While the entire floor was completely shattered by the bombardment, the purple bell king who burned the immortal body and bound the ‘Cang Jinwang’s self-explosive’, already consumed 26% of the immortal body, and the loss was enormous.


"Value, value!"

"The treasures of these kings, the king of the king, the accumulation of the king of the king, the accumulation of the king, the powerful defensive treasure, and the chain treasure chest, everything is mine. The lost immortal body... value It’s worth it!” Although the purple bell king was slightly misplaced due to the cracking of the floor, he could follow it and swoop down and directly rushed to those treasures.

***: The first chapter is! The last day of the month, *** rushed to vote~~

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