Swallowed Star

Vol 16 Chapter 11: Alliance

The sixteenth chapter of the Suihua Dragon Chapter 11

"Booming ~~~" The booming sound of the huge vortex was passed to Luo Feng’s ear.

In the huge whirlpool, the speed of the floating star is getting slower and slower, and it seems to be extremely hindered.

"A lot of towns sealed stars!"

"There are thousands of them."


A piece of exclamation.

I saw that in the distance around the huge vortex, there was a faintly rolling seal of the stars, each of which was between 9,000 and 90,000 kilometers in diameter. At first glance, there was enough Thousands of stars are slowly rolling at the same constant speed. They all revolve around the central vortex. The floating star in the vortex is the most dazzling one... This scene makes more than 100,000 The immortal gods are a bit fanatical.

"A lot of aliens can't wait for it." Luo Feng's eyes swept away.


Next to the Tianzheng Wang, he said, "I don't want to get the seal of the stars, don't tell me, you don't want to."

Luo Feng looked at the king of the eye and looked at the side of the eye, could not help but smile: "If you do not want to come to this adventure? However, the probability that we get the seal of the stars is too low, there are more than 100,000 alien immortal gods, including Nan Punishment, There are nine terrible existences of the Xuan Tomb King, the Talong King, etc..."

"They are strong, but there are more than 100,000 immortal gods in the field. The influence of individual combat power has been weakened. Who dares to violate many immortal? Even if the universe is honored, it will be a combination of more than 100,000 heroes. Ending!" Tianzheng Wang Liandao, "I have contacted several other kings to limit the king, ready to put us around a thousand comrades allies around us, temporarily form an alliance, advance and retreat together, and win the treasure together."

"Thousands of comrades allies form an alliance?" Luo Feng was surprised.

“Yeah.” King of Heaven, “I have applied for a 'temporary conference hall’ to the virtual universe system, so that we all have the right to enter directly.”

The temporary conference hall, in the extraterrestrial battlefield or the cosmic secret, the immortal gods are often used in emergency situations. Once the application is successful, all the immortalities invited are entitled to directly enter the temporary conference hall, and can make urgent decisions... Of course this It is not a small expense.

It can be nothing to the king.

"I am now sending emails and reminding them that we must act quickly and have a chance."

"You, I am the king of the sky, I have already sent you an email. After reading it, please go to the temporary conference hall immediately." The king of the heavenly king, a voice, so that the immortal gods of thousands of human camps around each other look at each other. Then all of them are connected to the virtual universe with consciousness, and they begin to check the mail.


The virtual universe, one of the plane spaces, has an island in this space, and there are also suspended islands in the sky. Each island has a beautiful conference hall. This is the 'temporary conference hall', which can be used for a certain period of time as long as it is applied.

In the conference hall, a huge round table, at the round table, has a rock-carved throne with a thousand thrones.

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out!

A figure appeared on the throne out of thin air, and the number of strong people increased. Luo Feng and Tian Zhen Wang also appeared on the throne in succession. In just ten seconds, the throne of the throne was filled with the immortal gods of the human camp. And almost all of them are kings.


Tianzheng Wang said, "According to the law of the birth of the stars in the past, from its appearance to the birth of the world, it is necessary to slowly break the obstruction of the Star Tower itself, and there will be some time. We are still ample time for the time! But the town is fighting for stars, Attracting a large number of strong people from all races of the universe, even the king of the tomb, the king of Talong, etc. appear one by one... If we don’t join hands, then there is no hope!"

"Yes, let's come here, not to watch the Dragon Kings win the treasure." Sitting in the distance, a very strong spirit shrouded in the thick armor of the gods.

"There are a lot of strong people. Once the stars are born, there is a scuffle, too many teams can't control, 1000 are immortal, and the number is just right." The king of heaven continued, "I may not be as good as the tomb, but we are Among the 1000 immortal, almost all of them are kings... There are 11 kings in the limit, and there are eight in the soul of the king!"

Luo Feng listened to the dark sigh.

The probability is really high, the normal king is immortal... It is less than 100 *** a king limit! This time, many weak people retreat. The more powerful the more they come, the higher the probability of being strong.

"There are thousands of kings!"

"I will join forces, even if they are the King of Taron and the King of the Tomb, they will not dare to fight against us alone." Tiandi Wangdao, "We have a thousand strong players to join hands... there is a qualification to fight together."

"Who is the seal of the stars?" In the distance, there was an immortal shouting in the throne.

"It's very simple. At the beginning, I waited for the joint effort." Tianzheng Wang laughed. "As for who can get the seal of the stars, it depends on luck. Who can get... then our alliance will automatically disband! At least we are all comrades-in-arms. It is impossible to kill each other. As for the one who got the seal of the stars, it depends on the ability to escape. At this time, other powerful people continue to help, even if I say, I am afraid no one will believe it."

"Ha ha..."


Thousands of gods burst into a variety of weird laughter and echoed in the ad hoc conference hall.

"As for the arrangement, it is not necessary. I will wait for spontaneous cooperation and mutual assistance. I believe that no one can be a fool of the king!" Tiandi Wangdao, "I have only one goal when I am united... When the Zhenfeng star is born, go As close as possible to the Zhenfeng Xingchen, whoever gets the seal of the stars, depends on luck and means."

"My proposal, do you agree?" The king of heaven looked around. "There are different opinions, you can speak."

The entire conference hall was silent and there was no opening.

Being able to cultivate to the royal level is not a procrastinating group. This kind of alliance... was naturally established under the terrible persecution of the Talong King and the Southern Punishment. After all, more than 100,000 kings are immortal, not stupid, everyone is ambitious.

"Very good!" The king of heaven showed a smile.

"I am the same as the alliance. It is a thing." A human powerhouse in the distance also laughed. It is a human sacred king of Wang Yufeng. In general, this kind of alliance, the human strong will naturally become the core.

"I will wait for the joint efforts. As for whether the town's seal stars can be saved, if they can escape, they will look at their respective means."

"it is good!"



A variety of voices, and even some of the kings also shouted out their own language, apparently excited, all the strong are full of desire.

In fact, after the seal of the stars, there is still hope for escape. For example, one of them has got a seal of the stars, and immediately rushed into his own camp. Then the camp may be a bit uncomfortable but not afraid of you, and other camps are strong. There is no way for a joint attack. Once the joint attack, it will spread to other strong people in the human camp, and naturally it will be resisted by the strong people of the human camp.

Under the chaos, there is a shield in your own camp, and there is hope for survival.

of course……

The probability of falling is higher!

For the sake of ‘town seal stars’, the kings who come here are dare to boast!


Luo Feng stood in the air and looked around. He could clearly see the peaks floating in the void. The immortal gods of the aliens naturally began to move closer and began to change. It was obvious that they all began to form an alliance. The strong person who came here, many strengths are not as good as the Talong King, the Xuan Tomb King, the Seven Sword King... There is no one strong, willing to be a green leaf!

It is Luo Feng...

Although he was alert and wary of everything in the Star Tower, he also thought about the opportunity to take away a 'town seal star'.

"Yang, silkworm king." Tianzheng Wang Chuanyin said, "I am waiting for the nine people are human beings, and they are more united."

"Yeah." Luo Feng nodded.

"That is of course." In the distance, a small white beard man with long white hair and long hair said.

Tianzheng Wang, Luo Feng, and Silkworm King are the strongest of the nine human beings.

Secondly, it is Feng Yufeng and Feng Wang Gao. Nine of the nine human beings did not have a slogan, and there was no seal.

"Unfortunately, the seven swordsmen will not help us." Tibetan King sighed and sighed, "If he and us are together...we..."

"We have become cannon fodder!" Tianzheng Wang shouted, "How strong is the Seven Swordsman, and his position is extremely high. Didn't you find that some strong people have been bought by him and followed him? He is the Lord of the Universe. The disciples, the wealth is definitely very high, buy some strong, those who know that the probability of getting a seal of the stars is very low, now can get the benefits, but also can make seven swords, I am afraid there are many strong willing."

"It's me, I am willing."

"You guy." The king of heaven is crying and laughing.

"Don't make trouble, look below." Silkworm King even shouted.

Luo Feng, the nine humans in their alliance, looked down, only to see below, the whirlpool of the 'town seal star' is trying to go up... The invisible resistance is desperately blocking, with Ups and downs, Luo Feng can even see a wave of fluctuations in the naked eye, covering countless seals of stars.

Whether it is the town of the stars to be born, or thousands of other stars that are slowly rolling, all of them are suppressed by invisible fluctuations.

"That is the power of the Star Tower, sealing up countless stars!"

"We can't get close." Tianzheng Wang whispered, "If you forcefully want to penetrate that layer of obstacles, it will almost fall. So no one in the field is brave and hard, and they are waiting for the seal of the stars to take the initiative. Everyone also Be careful, wait for the seal of the stars to break open, and although the obstacles are broken, there will be no fluctuations in the short period of time to suppress countless stars, we can break into the thousands of 'town seal stars' below, but don't go, no Proactively born, even the Lord of the universe can not forcibly take away the Zhenfeng Star, there is only one greedy ending - Fallen!"

Time passed by, and the power of the seal of the stars was getting stronger and stronger.

"嗡嗡嗡~~~" The force of repression under the entire void underneath, so the fluctuations generated, all the strong are clearly seen.

It is like a soap bubble, which is topped up by an embroidery needle, even if the soap bubble is tougher... As long as the embroidery needle is firm to the top, it will be broken.


The passage of time, the powerful immortal of the various ethnic groups of the universe are overlooking the bottom, are waiting for the momentum, are silently looking forward to.

"Peng ~~~~" slammed with a low volume.

call out!

The Zhenfeng Star, which has been trying hard to go up, suddenly flew into the sky and turned into a dazzling color, flying straight up.

The town seal star... is born!

***: Updated ~~~ The brothers and sisters of Hongmeng, the seal of the stars is like a bunch of fireworks, and it is turned into four characters - Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!


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