Swamp Girl!
Chapter 58
Before long, the carriage slowly dropped in speed, then came to a stop.
I may have been lost in thought, but it didn’t seem like it had been that long since we set out.
Besides, rather than say that the castle was close, it was actually more like Leon’s mansion was close to the castle. It only stood to reason, considering her was the Third Prince. I mean, he was at the castle every day, too.
We’ve arrived. Oh god, we’ve arrived.
I’m already nervous. I know I’m being a sore loser, whining like this, but I really, really want to go home. If I say that I’ve got a stomachache, will they do me a favor and let me go, do you think?
As if it could read my thoughts, with good timing — or maybe bad — the carriage door opened. The plan was for the coachman to get off first and open the door, it seemed. That’s the upper crust for ya, always trying not to lift a finger if they can help it.
As the armsman, Palmira descended first. Followed by — Leon. Then me.
Apparently even the order was important. I’d been properly schooled in that department. Though it was pretty much an eleventh-hour cram session.
Grudgingly stifling my inner thoughts, I stepped through the carriage door.
” — !”
And the scene before my eyes left me dumbstruck.
What stood before me was the castle. A colossal structure linking together rows of white-walled spires.
It was a series of buildings with a tower of unrivaled height at its heart, so tall it even seemed to touch the skies over the capital.
The place where the ruler of this great empire resided. Stroidel Castle.
Anyone would fully agree that it made for a majestic sight. Even more so now that the sun had set. Bathed in moonlight, it glowed in the darkness.
Acutely aware that I’d ended up in an unthinkable place yet again, I gulped nervously.
My head was empty but for one word: ‘Seriously?’
The sound of Leon’s voice brought me back to my senses. I tore my eyes away from the castle, which they’d been glued to, and turned to Leon.
Having gotten off before me, Leon was holding his hand out to me with a grin.
I sighed.
Not only was he relaxed, his figure was too perfect a fit for the place. ‘He honestly is attractive,’ I thought. God help me, but I really thought so.
Right. The castle entranced me, but even if I was closer to it than I ever thought I’d be, there was someone here I wasn’t about to lose to. Besides, I’d be seeing it all the time.
My nerves eased up a bit at the thought.
Suddenly laughing, I took the proffered hand. The words Karen said to me before we set out came back to me. That is, ‘Follow the gentleman’s lead. It will not do to lose face.’
Of course, I had no intention of coming this far to be embarrassed. If anything, I wanted to outshine Leon.
I mean, I’d be pleased by that, too.
I don’t mean to brag or anything… How should I describe this feeling?
“Thank you, Lord Leon.”
Stepping down to the ground with a sweet smile, I recited the lines I’d prepared for going outside.
It was a strange sensation, somehow. Maybe Leon felt the same, because his face held a trace of surprise.
“Is something the matter?”
“No… How should I put it? I thought I was beyond this, but I was somewhat mesmerized.”
My chest suddenly tightened at his words.
Though he’d often said that sort of thing in the beginning, I hadn’t heard much of that kind of talk recently.
Now that I was hearing it again, it was as embarrassing as I would’ve expected. Oh, god, I’m floating on air here.
I mean, don’t make me feel so damn giddy. Somehow, I feel like I’ve lost.
“Shall we?”
In response to those words, Palmira began to walk, taking the lead. Unexpectedly, her conduct was very much that of an armsman’s. Hell, I even thought she seemed far more imposing than me.
Following her, Leon lightly pulled on my hand as he stepped forward.
In the dazzling light spilling from the castle entrance, I could see several people entering just as we were. My mind had been too preoccupied to notice, but carriages had been pulling up one after another, and gaudily dressed party-goers, young and old, male and female, were likewise heading into the castle.
Every one of them was a noble.
Suddenly, I remembered what I was thinking about on the way here. Alright, I can’t be swiveling around to goggle at them.
Before the huge doors, which had been thrown open to allow entrance into the castle, Palmira suddenly stepped off to the side.
Before I could even question it, Leon passed through the doors like it was totally natural. I see — outside the castle, the armsmen functioned as heralds. Apparently, when it was time to go inside, the master was to enter first. How meticulous.
That being said, Palmira’s ability to adapt was really something. She was a proper attendant from head to toe. Except for how small she was.
And so, pulled along by the arm, I went through the doors too.
On the other side was an entrance hall with a soaring ceiling. Forget comparison, this was my first time inside a castle at all, so I didn’t know if that was normal or not.
Passing through the hall in all its overwhelming vastness, we proceeded toward a door staffed by a butler-like man past his middle age.
“My, my, it’s the prince. You arrived early today.”
“Croteaux, how is everything?”
His demeanor mild, the man noticed the prince… Leon, and executed a deep bow. It wasn’t until now that I appreciated how familiar he was with the castle’s people. Not that it was all that surprising.
“More than half are already in attendance. This time, you did not arrive last, as I would have expected.”
“Ah, Croteaux. Let me introduce you. This is Christine Rouelle Felmiran. And her attendant, Palmira Wilback.”
So this butler-ish man is a butler, I guess, but is it normal for a butler to talk this way? Wondering, I inclined my head as I was introduced.
Because I didn’t know what attitude to take, I stayed silent.
“Chris. This is Croteaux Catolette, who manages all the miscellaneous matters in the castle. Generally speaking, no one knows more about the affairs of the castle than him. If you run into any trouble here, he’s the one to call.”
“Your words are too generous. My lady Christine, Lady Palmira, please, do take care… of Lord Leon.”
Old man Croteaux’s bait-and-switch at the end completely turned the meaning of his words inside out. He even dropped a conspiratorial wink.
His unexpected words left me dumbstruck.
While he looked like a strait-laced butler, it was no stretch to call him a friendly old man, surprisingly enough.
I didn’t dislike this sort of thing, but I wished he’d stop dropping surprises on me.
“Honestly… Enjoying yourself, Croteaux?”
Though he sighed at Croteaux’s antics, Leon’s tone was one of amiable exasperation.
It was hardly surprising, but Leon gave the impression that he and Croteaux were quite familiar with each other. They’d most likely known each other for a long time.
“Enjoying myself? My, I do wonder. Could it be that Lord Leon, always unwilling to put in an appearance at this sort of gathering, consistently the last to arrive and the first to leave, has come to the castle with a beautiful woman on his arm — would there be anything unnatural about considering it a surprise upon surprise?”
“Is that true?”
Picking up on the surprising revelations in Croteaux’s speech, I unthinkingly asked for confirmation.
So, sociable Leon. And here I thought he’d behave with perfect propriety at this kind of auspicious event.
“It certainly is. Lord Leon has disliked parties since long ago. He is quite poor at handling the advances of women… Even I have always wondered what to do with a worthy member of the imperial bloodline who would flinch at such things, but even so — ”
“Alright, Croteaux, that’s enough. Let’s go in.”
With a hint of seldom-seen sourness in his expression, Leon forcibly ended the talk that I was genuinely finding very interesting.
‘Poor at handling the advances of women’, was it?
Picking up this extremely unexpected tidbit, my mouth curved in an indecent grin.
Considering everything that happened until now, that was the last thing I would have expected. Generally speaking, I felt like Leon played me like a pro every time. And pretty much no holds barred, at that.
Even though I remembered that, even though I pictured him as an expert at handling women, it didn’t fit at all with this weakness against being wooed.
It was just such a surprise to hear.
Feeling like I’d gotten a peek at another of Leon’s secrets, my mood was unexpectedly chipper.
“Hahaha, I understand. At any rate, today is a happy day. Please, this way.”
Leon’s attitude just rolled right off him. Chuckling, Croteaux opened the large double doors.
“Wow… — ahem.”
The moment they swung open, dazzling light escaped from within.
The chamber was spacious, luxuriously appointed from floor to ceiling. Lights burned in every possible place; it was a lone island of radiance in the night, like the corner of a different world. Then there were the people, wearing a rainbow of suits and dresses. It was a dazzling scene in more than one sense.
I hastily swallowed back the noise of admiration that inadvertently came out of my mouth.
As I stiffened, overpowered by the spectacle, old man Croteaux whispered in my ear.
“Lady Christine, your arm.”
His voice abruptly breaking me out of my stupor, I grew flustered as I took charge of my heart, then lightly grasped the arm Leon was holding out to me with a natural ease.
That was dangerous. I almost slipped up. Hardly surprising, considering the rush job my whole act was.
While I was loaded down with the feeling that I’d messed up right off the bat, Leon caught my eye and smiled slightly, before he stepped forward into the party proper.
As soon as we entered the hall full of friendly conversation, the area around us grew quiet, and I found myself the target of many curious gazes. The diffident and presumptuous mixed together, and I lowered my face in response.
— Straighten the back, draw back the chin slightly. Eyes, directly ahead.
Karen’s words echoing in my head, I straightened my posture, mindful of my breathing.
I’ve come this far. Am I not going to see this through to the end? A strange spirit of self-control budded in my heart. Flimsy as this veneer was, I put a damn lot of effort into it. It’d be a waste if I didn’t show it.
Following Leon, I took a graceful step forward.
I couldn’t be tense. I revealed my face. Softened my expression. Throwing out my chest, I moved my feet forward.
Now that I get a good look at them, this sure is a bunch of big-shots. Gradually, I came to take a kind of pleasure in advancing confidently under the weight of such people’s gazes. Not by myself, but together with Leon.
Of course, I knew to correct for the weight of Leon’s standing as a prince, but as a former adventurer — and slave, to boot — walking with the eyes of the aristocracy on me was something I never would’ve even dreamed of.
What’s more, those weren’t looks of reproach or scorn, but admiration, wonder, longing — they were all affirming in nature.
Even if it raises my spirits, what can I do?
“Prince Leon. You’ve arrived early today.”
“Lord Silverbark. When did you get back to the capital?”
Suddenly, a voice broke through my reverie.
It wasn’t for me, but for Leon.
Just based on looks, the man gave the impression of a heavily bearded grandfather. Like Leon, he was dressed in a military uniform. Slightly overweight, the roundness softened his features, but one of his eyes was covered by an eyepatch, and there was no hiding the large scars running down his face.
A long-time military man. He was probably no ordinary person.
The man was accompanied by an elegant older woman. I bet you ten-to-one that she’s Gramps’s wife.
“The day before yesterday. I find this season unbearable in the south,”
Lord Silverbark remarked with a laugh. Not a bad guy, don’t you think? If I had to describe the atmosphere around him, it had a relatively working class feel to it.
Though there was a III visible on his uniform. Probably the general of the Third Division, or something along those lines. In any case, this was a party in the heart of the imperial capital. No matter who showed up, it wouldn’t be weird at all.
“Prince Leon. This lady is?”
Surprisingly soft-spoken, the older woman looked at me as she addressed Leon. That is, well, I guess people would be curious.
Like Croteaux said, it seemed that Leon usually attended late, and alone.
“Ah, Lady Silverbark. And General Silverbark, as well. Allow me to introduce you. This is Christine Rouelle Felmiran. A personage with whom I have a long-standing acquaintance, who is now in my care.”1
‘Personage’, is it? Don’t make it sound so fancy.
Finding a strange nuance in words as I listened to him describe me, slightly red, I gave the couple a slight curtsy.
“Felmiran, is it… Of the Marquis family?”
The ‘personage’ part aside, it was my name that the two of them reacted to. A slight tremble ran through my body on instinct.
That’s right. Here, there are sure to be people who know me… well, [Chris]. There’s nothing unusual about that at all. But if I run into them, won’t it blow my cover?
Slightly flustered, I shifted my gaze, and just my gaze, over to Leon. He was… completely composed.
“That’s correct. However, it’s a bit of a long story…”
No kidding.
Inwardly, I felt like giving Leon the stink-eye, hearing him speak so shamelessly.
“Is that so? We all have our circumstances.”
Madam Silverbark took his meaning with a genteel grace. She looked at me with kind eyes.
Somehow I felt like I’d committed a great wrong without even doing anything, but I swallowed and inclined my head in affirmation.
“That aside, Prince. You were dispatched to the north? How was the situation there? What — ”
“Goodness. Despite the presence of such a lovely woman, that man… Miss Christine, it seems the men want to have a dismal discussion, so if you like, why don’t we keep each other company? I would like to hear your story. As would the onlookers, I’m sure. I’d also like to introduce you to everyone. Along with your adorable attendant, of course.”
Noticing the general quickly lose interest in me and strike up a conversation with Leon, Missus, no, Mistress, uh, Lady Silverbark made that proposal to me.
She was speaking with the best of intentions, I’m sure. I hadn’t the slightest doubt about that.
But would it be okay for me to separate from Leon? Me? That’s too nerve-wracking.
I glanced over at Leon. He gave me a nod. No, that’s not it. Save me.
“I am Claritte. Call me Clare.”
While my pulse was running a mile a minute, she continued with the conversation.
It was like Leon was pushing me into a bottomless abyss. After that nod, he didn’t look my way once, but instead immersed himself in talking about something with the general. How’s the war and so on. Filthy traitor.
“…Then, please feel free to call me Chris, Lady Clare. This is my attendant, Palmira.”
It can’t be helped. Resigning myself to the impossibility of escape, I bowed my head to Lady Silverbark.
As thankful as I was that I invited Palmira to come, now I’d gotten her wrapped up in this mess. Honestly, I was worried about being alone in the trenches.
“Chris it is. Shall we take that table over there? Oh, and cute Miss Attendant. How old are you?”
“Fourteen, Lady Silverbark.”
Telling the truth would’ve been more trouble than it was worth. Palmira sidestepped the issue on the spot.
…Hey, that’s the actual truth, right? She’s actually fourteen, right?
“To be young and yet so proper is quite admirable. But there’s no need to stand on ceremony. I wouldn’t mind if you called me Clare as well, you know?”
“Thank you very much, Lady Clare.”
Exceedingly shrewd, Palmira was somehow incredibly reliable.
Even though she should have received just the bare minimum of training. What did that make Aira and me?
Occupied by such thoughts, I began to walk after Clare while listening to the already rapid succession of topics flying between her and Palmira.
1. 故あって、私が保護しているひとです — Chris repeats ひとです like it’s got some special nuance to it, but I don’t get why.
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