Swear Fealty To Me, My Subjects!

64. Obadiah, you don’t want Constance to be bullied either, right?

Passing through the slit in space, Rhine and Hela reached the bottom of the Golden Land in an instant.

This is an endless mine that spirals underground.

In the center of the mine, there is a golden platform suspended above the abyss.

There are some complicated matrices carved on the floor on the golden platform, and they are protected by some kind of powerful spell, which temporarily resists the erosion of the netherworld.

This is a door.

The Golden Township where Rhine is now is just a supporting field base dug by the dwarves to fill the Golden Township with fuel.

However, the real Golden Land, the doomsday fort powered by gold, has never been seen since the extinction of the golden dwarves.

And this golden platform is the door leading to the god-killing cannon.

At this moment, the bottom mine of gold and the gate of Golden Country have been completely occupied by demons.

Endless demons are crowded here, using various evil means to try out some kind of depraved ritual.

The Gospel Blood Rider of [Justice] has the ability to directly use the body of a creature to invade the mortal world out of thin air without relying on the gate of the netherworld.

However, this does not mean that the Gospel Blood Rider cannot use conventional means to invade the mortal world.

Now, at the bottom of the Golden Land, Rhine saw at least five gates to the netherworld.

As the corruption of the Nether Realm deepens, the difficulty of establishing portals in the Nether Realm is plummeting.


The Gospel Blood Rider continues to tear apart the mortal world, creating more gates to the netherworld, and then rushes into the mortal world crazily.


They need more fighters.

They must prepare for the upcoming holy war.

The cowardly goblins and the garrison are not threats at all.

But the celestial fleets of the dwarf kings,

But it will arrive soon!

Rhine: "Hela, take out the sword."

A one-handed sword made of gold was handed to Rhine.

Create a new one-handed sword 01,

This sword has another name.

The sword of justice.

Not that this sword is very just.


According to the original sequence plan,

This sword will cut off the head of the current Queen of the Nether Realm [Justice] in the future.

Using the Kryptonite Sword, Rhine can open the door to the real Golden Land.


It would be quite fatal if tens of thousands or even more demons were brought into the Golden Township at the same time as the door was opened...

The scene must be cleaned up.

And the speed must be fast, and the gate to the netherworld must be closed immediately.

Otherwise, with the five gates of the Nether Realm behind them, the demons would be able to double the number of troops killed by Rhine and return to the battlefield in the blink of an eye!

Rhine only had two options for cleaning up the demons.

Let Hela do it, or Rhine control the doll and do it himself.


After getting the krypton gold sword from Constance before, Rhine had a new way of playing in his mind.

Rhine tapped the spine of the kryptonite sword.

Rhine: "Obadiah, come out."

Obadiah: “…”

The magic light shines in the krypton gold sword, and a fat ancient dragon that is too round and mini appears reluctantly from the krypton gold sword.

Obadiah glared at Rhine coldly, full of defiance.

Obadiah: "What?"

Rhine: "Help me."

Obadiah: "No help!"

Rhine smiled: "Don't worry, it's very simple. Come on, take a look."

Rhine pointed to the demon lair at his feet: "Can we kill all these demons?"

"are you crazy!"

Obadiah glanced at his feet and was shocked.

"How can I defeat so many demons now! Can't you let your demigod do it?!"

Obadiah's strength has shrunk greatly now, and she is no longer the male princess who dared to compete with Olivia for the throne.

"But you are Gu Long."

Rhine smiled brightly: "So you can use this sword!"

Me, am I stupid?

Obadiah was stunned for a moment.

This guy...you really dare to think about it?

Rhine explained his tactics: "After all, you are also an ancient dragon, and you have the permission to use the new one-handed sword 01. Although you are in despair now, you can use the power of this sword to clean up the demons underneath. It shouldn’t be difficult, right?”

Rhine’s plan

Maybe it works.

Obadiah, however, had no desire to obey.

"I reject!"

Obadiah said coldly: "I only promised my Lord to protect you, but I didn't say that I would kill enemies for you! What's more, only the original gods are qualified to use the great power of the holy weapon! You, a mortal, Why use him?"

Rhine; "Let me remind you, this sacred vessel in your home is now named after me."

"It does not matter!!!"

Obadiah didn't want to provide even the slightest benefit to this despicable mortal.

The proud ancient dragon is unwilling to surrender to a mortal!

Not to mention, this was a mortal who had tried to kill him!

"If you dare to abuse my lord's sacred objects at will, be careful and I will go to my lord to complain!"

"Complain, haha, complain..."

Seeing that good words and persuasion are of no use,

Rhine's face suddenly turned cold: "Obadiah, you should know that your master listens to my words, right?"

Obadiah's expression changed: "What do you mean?"

Rhine sneered and asked: "You don't want your great master to be defiled by a mortal like me, do you?"

"you you……!!!"

Obadiah's eyes trembled: "What do you want to do to my lord?!"

Lai Yin Youyou asked: "If the supreme being in your family who created the world was collared like this Miss Hela... would you feel a little heartbroken?"

Hela's face turned red when she heard this, and she couldn't help but stroke the collar around her neck with her hands. She was ashamed...but also secretly happy in her heart.

After all, this is a unique oath between Hela and Rhine. Even Rhine’s beloved Constance never has it!

Obadiah was shocked. He stared at Rhine with trembling eyes.

He seemed to be trying hard to see through what despicable and evil things were hidden under Rheinhein's human skin!

Obadiah may not be human;

But this pussy is a real dog! !

He actually threatened Obadiah with the purity of his great master...! !

However, when he thinks of his great master, he is so obedient to Rhine...

Obadiah was afraid.

The sacred original sequence is the supreme existence that created the world, and is the greatest saint in this world...

No matter what, I cannot let my lord... be defiled by this despicable and shameless mortal! !

Obadiah's eyes were panicked, even a little pleading: "Wait, don't do that kind of thing!! You can't!!"

"If you don't want to do that, just go work for me!"

Rhine stuffed the kryptonite sword into Obadiah's mouth.

Then - go away!

Rhine flew up and kicked Obadiah into the abyss where the devil was!

Obadiah took off like a ball, then was quickly captured by gravity and fell into the abyss...

Obadiah's shrill scream also came from an increasingly distant place:

"Ahhhhh Rheinhein you fucking——!!!!"

Obadiah fell into the abyss.

Then, the next moment.

A golden glow comparable to the scorching sun illuminated the dim underlying world.

The terrifying power from the original gods solemnly and harshly cleansed all creatures that were enemies of it.

It was like a light that purified the world, causing countless demons to vanish into ashes amid shrill screams.

Shine on the world! !

And at the same time, countless precious metals were annihilated and evaporated.

Today's Obadiah is naturally unable to pay the cost of using the new one-handed sword 01.


Olivia's wallet-1000086

After a round of bombing with krypton gold swords.

The chaotic and noisy Golden Township soon became quiet.

Rhine leaned over and looked down,

The entire Golden Township has become clean.

The demons were gone, and even the five Nether Realm portals had disappeared without a trace.

Moreover, the brilliance of the Kryptonium Sword did not harm anything additional than the target it was designated to destroy.

Precise and controlled.

The gate to the Golden Country is intact.

Even with the advent of the new one-handed sword 01, the ancient god barrier surrounding it also faded away.

Only Obadiah was left at the scene, paralyzed on the ground, twitching and cursing.

"Let's go, Hela."

"Okay, Your Highness."

Rhine and Hela jumped into the abyss, and under the leadership of Hela, they landed smoothly on the golden platform.

Rhine walked up to Obadiah, pulled out the kryptonite sword from Obadiah's mouth, and then kicked Obadiah aside.

Under Obadiah.

There is a slot.

Rhine inserted the new one-handed sword 01 into it,

The Krypton Gold Sword was tightly attached to the various mechanisms in the slot, and then the mechanism was closed, and the Golden Land was activated!

The dim golden land came to life in this moment!

The complex matrix under the feet lit up with golden light, rotated and assembled on its own, and gradually came together into a line...

The door to Golden Country is opening.

However, at the same time,

More demons have arrived from all directions.

They noticed the collapse of the Nether Realm Gate, and even noticed the golden light that even the Blood Queen was afraid of! !


The endless demon army temporarily put aside all tasks, turned around, and began to rush towards the lower building like crazy! !

The demon army has not been seen yet, but the ear-piercing howls have already resounded around the golden platform, one after another, deafening.

"Hela, please."

Rhine said: "Before the Golden Land is opened, don't let the devil get close to this place."


Full subscription group


The full subscription group came, but there was nothing in it.

As an author, I really want to give you a more complete reading experience,

But to be honest, this book has been on the shelves for 1.2 million orders, and it has only been on the shelves for two days. I don’t know how many pairs of eyes are staring at me. I really don’t dare to die.

So, the all-subscription group is here, but there’s nothing special in it, well, for now.

However, there are still two chapters that were banned before. Friends who haven't seen it can join in and watch it.

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