Leave the Shanhe Gang!

Fatty Luo Shou would do anything to drag Qin Lin to Dengxianju, the best restaurant in town, for a drink.

"You fat man, how long have you fallen in love with drinking?"

As for Luo Shou, Qin Lin couldn't defeat him after all. To be honest, he didn't like drinking.

Because alcohol will make his brain unclear.

Walking on the busiest streets, it has become quite desolate.

The roadside is full of homeless people begging, and many of them are already numb.

You can even see some people starving to death.

But all of them were indifferent.

"How miserable!"

Seeing these miserable conditions in the world with his own eyes, Qin Lin couldn't help but feel a wave of emotion in his heart.

Compared with what is recorded in the text, the visual impact presented by seeing it with one's own eyes is even more shocking.

"There's going to be chaos!"

The fat man on the side was also quite emotional. As a direct disciple of the gang leader, he could get more information.

"Old Qin, you may not know that there are already refugees in our Pingyang County who have become rogue bandits.

The number of people has exceeded 10,000, and it has swept through several counties, burning, killing and robbing many people.

If this trend continues, the entire Pingyang County will be affected. "

Luo Shou whispered: "Soon, we will take action here, and the Yamen will cooperate with the military to drive all the refugees out of the city.

It is said that the major families put pressure on the government, fearing that tens of thousands of rogue bandits would attack Youshan Town. "

Qin Lin frowned tightly. There were a lot of refugees, and if they were not careful, they would trigger a civil uprising.

Even if no major problems occur, if so many refugees are driven out of the town, the surrounding villages may have a hard time.

Soon the two came to Liao Xianju.

The desolate scene here and outside are completely different worlds.

There was a lot of singing and dancing, and it was very lively.

Qin Lin was still thinking about what he just said.

"So, what are the arrangements for the village?"

You must know that the Herb Collection Hall is one of the most important economic pillars of the entire Shanhe Gang.

"You will evacuate if you listen. My master is also arranging this matter. If nothing happens, the results will come out in one or two."

Luo Shou sighed: "Nowadays, due to the drought, many medicinal materials grown have withered, but a large sum of money has been lost.

Many spending cuts have been made.

In order to treat you to this meal, I took off my pants. "

Qin Lin nodded. The drought in recent days had killed most of the medicinal materials.

Even if there is a Yinshui River next to Youshan Town, it won't help.

The entire river is almost drying up and all the fish have been caught. You can imagine how severe the drought is.

"Master Luo, you are here!"

Not long after entering the door, Liu Shan, the shopkeeper of Dengxianju, greeted him enthusiastically.

"Who is this young master?" Liu Shan ran over and looked at Qin Lin with his eyes.

He really looks like a young man, but he always has an unclear demeanor that no one dares to look down upon.

"This is my good brother Qin Lin, the future alchemist of our Shanhe Gang."

Luo Shou hugged Qin Lin with a proud look on his face: "My brother's master is Li Qing, and now he has learned several kinds of elixirs."

Liu Shan looked at Qin Lin in surprise. He had heard of Li Qing's name.

One-third of Shanhe Gang's elixir sales were contributed by this master.

He also has excellent medical skills and has accumulated a lot of connections throughout Youshan Town.

"It turns out he is Master Li's disciple!"

"I was rude just now. I invited you to have this meal today."

Liu Shan patted his chest and smiled.

"That's a good relationship." Luo Shou's eyes lit up. He would not refuse such a good thing.

"I didn't expect my master to be so honorable." Qin Lin also didn't expect it.

After learning Qin Lin's identity, Liu Shan was particularly enthusiastic and personally sent the two of them into the box to accompany them personally.

"Come and try these are the specialties of Dengxianju...!"

Liu Shan greeted the two of them enthusiastically, and it could be said that the guests and hosts enjoyed themselves.

After three drinks, the atmosphere was about the same.

At this moment, Liu Shan looked awkward, as if he was hesitant to speak.

"Finally I couldn't help it anymore!" Qin Lin secretly laughed in his heart. Ever since he learned his identity, Liu Shan had been particularly enthusiastic towards him.

After some mental construction, Liu Shan finally spoke: "Master Qin, I wonder if I can introduce you to the commander."

Qin Lin and Luo Shou looked at each other without trace.

"I wonder if Shopkeeper Liu is in trouble at home?"

Liu Shan's face showed a bit of embarrassment, and he pondered for a moment: "Brother, I am now forty-one, and I have more than twenty wives and concubines at home.

I feel ashamed that I still have no heirs in my family.

My mother is already very old and she dreams of holding her grandson in her arms. "

Qin Lin: (¬_¬)

Luo Shou:?_?

I have more than 20 wives, but none of them have given birth to babies.

There is no doubt that something is wrong with Liu Shan's body.

"Ahem, I'd like to ask, is it a sexual issue or some other hidden secret?"

Qin Lin coughed dryly, the spirit of gossip burning in his eyes.

Liu Shan looked a little troubled and embarrassed: "Doctor, I injured my body when I was young, which led to the inability to have sex.

Now when I see my wives and concubines, I just feel that my face is dull. "

"Don't worry, Mr. Qin. As long as my hidden illness can be cured, I will give you 1,000 taels."

Then, Liu Shan waved, and soon a servant brought a plate of silver.

After a quick glance, it was almost a hundred taels.

"Young Master Qin, take these first. Consider us friends."

Qin Lin and Luo Shou didn't expect Liu Shan to be so generous. It seemed that he was really anxious about the issue of offspring.

Suddenly, Qin Lin remembered a kind of herb in the farm space.

[Golden Saint: Top Mortal]

[Year: 101 (Lifespan: 156)]

Golden Saint: Mature in ten years, and the medicinal power reaches its peak in a hundred years. Nourishes yin and yang, strengthens the kidneys and produces sperm, and prospers offspring.

(Comment: Many children and more blessings, prosperous race.)

This rare treasure was obtained by Qin Lin in the abandoned medicine garden of Dayou Mountain. He didn't expect it to be put to use so soon.

Seeing that Qin Lin had been silent.

Liu Shan's face gradually showed a trace of anxiety, thinking that Qin Lin was dissatisfied with the reward.

"Young Master Qin, if you can cure my disease, I will give you 500 more taels at that time."

Qin Lin shook his head.

"Why are you still not satisfied?" Liu Shan's face was a little gloomy. This guy is too greedy!

"Manager Liu has misunderstood." Qin Lin said slowly: "Maybe I can cure your hidden disease."

"Really!" Liu Shan's eyes widened, with surprise and doubt on his face.

"I am 70% sure." Qin Lin's face was calm: "If I can't cure it, I won't take a penny, and I will introduce you to my master for free."

I have to say that Liu Shan was really moved.

No matter success or failure, he would not lose.

"Mr. Qin, look at what you said." Liu Shan smiled and handed the silver in the plate to Qin Lin: "It is my honor to know a friend like Mr. Qin.

Don't refuse these silver."

At this point, Qin Lin was not polite. After receiving the silver, he slowly said: "Within two taels, I will send the elixir to Manager Liu.

I guarantee that you will regain your vigor."

"That's it." Liu Shan smiled with a little more expectation on his face.

I hope that the young man in front of him can really solve his hidden disease as he said.

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