Youshan Town.

The army entered the town, and the cleanup mission that swept the entire town began.

Countless refugees were driven out.

At the same time, a large amount of supplies were transported to the town in a long line.

The hungry refugees wanted to rush up to rob.

But a ruthless suppression began.

Sharp spears pierced through the body, and cold knives and axes chopped people to the ground.

The road surface was stained with blood, and only corpses were left on the ground.

The riot was quickly quelled.

One night!

There were fewer corpses!

"I didn't expect it to be so chaotic outside."

Hearing the news, Qin Lin sighed.

In troubled times, human lives are worthless!

"Now we must thicken the gate of the village as soon as possible, and all brothers will take turns to guard it to prevent the impact of refugees.

Brothers in the pharmacy, integrate the existing medicines, especially the healing medicines, and make sure to count them clearly."

Qin Lin gave the order in an orderly manner.

Everyone nodded.

Although Qin Lin is not very old, his prestige is definitely the highest among all.

Especially the young men of his age and the herbalists he had saved, all of them were very happy to obey.

The people in the village began to move quickly.

Everyone had a martial arts background and acted very quickly.

Only three days later.

The first batch of refugees arrived at Gu Village, begging for a way to live.

Who doesn't want to live in this world?

Who dares to let this group of people in?

Looking at the steel knives shining with cold light in the hands of the strong man, a group of people did not have the courage to charge into the village after all.

As time went by.

Groups of refugees came and returned empty-handed.

The frequency was getting higher and higher.

Farm space.

[Diyuan fruit picking completed, experience +5]

[Congratulations on upgrading]

[Farm space level: 2]

[Get upgrade gift pack*1]

[Get one acre of farmland]

[Time flow: 1 to 2 years]

"After waiting for so long, I finally got to level 2."

Qin Lin had a little more smile on his face.

What surprised him most was that the speed of the farmland was also improved.

If I guessed correctly, the time flow rate would increase by one year for each level increase.

This super farm system is really powerful.

With two years of time acceleration, the rare and exotic herbs that can be harvested will be doubled.

"The system opens the upgrade package."

[Congratulations to the host: Blood Date Tree, Harvest Card*3, One Acre of Farmland]

[Blood Date Tree: Middle-grade Spiritual Level]

Blood Date Tree: Matures in a hundred years and bears fruit once a year. Enhances Qi and blood, strengthens the bones, and has the effect of enhancing cultivation.

Harvest Card: Use it to make the plants planted in one acre of farmland mature instantly.

"Another kind of material treasure that enhances strength, plus the three harvest cards I got, this time I can make a fortune."

Qin Lin was ecstatic.

[Farmer: Qin Lin]

[Level: 2 (0\\/)]

[Farmland: 4 acres]

[Fish pond: 1 acre]

[Items: Harvest Card*3, Red Fruit Tree, White Jade Rice, Earth Element Tree, Fire Source Grass, Blood Date Tree, Golden Saint Son…]

Now two acres of farmland have been added.

Qin Lin planted the blood date tree without hesitation, and one acre of farmland can just plant two.

[Use Harvest Card]

As a burst of white light surged in the farmland, Qin Lin watched the blood date tree grow from bud to seedling, and finally grew into a vigorous tree.

The blood jade-like fruits hung all over the tree.

The whole process took less than a minute.

The magical power made Qin Lin marvel.

I wonder how it tastes?

With a flash of light, all the fruits were picked.

[Obtain 600 kilograms of blood dates]

A tree can produce 300 kilograms of fruit a year.

The taste is crispy, sweet and delicious.

Qin Lin could feel the "qi" in his body increase slightly, and his body strength also increased a little.

Although the increase is not large, it is enough to withstand the large amount.

With two years of accelerated time, he can harvest 1,200 kilograms of blood dates in one hour.

Qin Lin couldn't help but feel terrified when he thought of this.

With such a large amount, even if he ate until his stomach dropped, he probably couldn't consume one tenth of it.

"I have to find a way to consume more in the future!"

For such a material treasure with explosive production, one person really can't handle it.

Now three acres of land are planted with various spiritual herbs and trees, and the remaining one acre is used to plant various auxiliary medicinal materials.

In the future, I will definitely regard alchemist as one of the development routes.

In addition to some main medicines, various auxiliary medicinal materials are also indispensable.

Soon, four acres of farmland have been planted with various medicinal materials by Qin Lin.

After handling a bunch of

Qin Lin also carefully checked the inventory in his warehouse.

Zhuguo: 12 pieces

Diyuanguo: 1620 pieces

White jade rice: jin

Blood dates: 600 jin

5 45-year-old fire source grasses

The rest of the things are too many, so I won’t go into details for now.

“With these things, I can become rich if I sell them casually.”

Qin Lin shook off the complicated thoughts in his mind.

Now his single-arm strength has reached 3200 jin.

Although his cultivation is still stagnant at 35 years, it is much more solid than before, and the quality of his internal strength is much higher.

In terms of defense, he has used the Hunyuan Golden Bell. Now even if some second-rate masters use swords to cut him, it is difficult to cause damage.

Coupled with the "Great Seal of Gods and Demons" that he had cultivated, his combat power increased dramatically.

Now that he was both an attacker and a defender, there were probably not many top-notch masters who were stronger than him.

The main reason was that he lacked combat experience.

There was no way, his popularity was too good.

"Alas, it's still too weak.

I must strengthen myself."

After consolidating his cultivation, Qin Lin's eyes fell on the Earth Yuan Fruit.

He had been coveting this thing for a long time.

Taking it can gain a super strong physique and break through the limits of species.

No matter which effect it is, it makes people extremely salivate. If it is left outside, it will probably be beaten to death by a group of people.

Swallowing a Earth Yuan Fruit Zheng

In an instant, Qin Lin felt a cool energy flowing through his body.

Wherever he passed, his muscles, bones, blood and flesh began to become numb.

This gentle power is slowly transforming his body.

The Earth Yuan Fruit has an effect, but it is not particularly strong.

But he has a lot of this thing.

It's not too much to eat it as a meal, right?

As the second and third fruit were swallowed...

The speed of his body's transformation was accelerating, and Qin Lin did not hesitate to practice the movements in the Chiming Body Refining Art.

The speed of absorption was accelerating.

A sense of joy came from the depths of his soul, and his life was transforming.

Thirty fruits were swallowed.

His cells and flesh began to boil, greedily devouring the surging power.

Thirty-six fruits.

The flesh was washed, and the heart beat strongly.

"It's amazing!"

Qin Lin was intoxicated, his body was transforming all the time, and his bones, flesh and blood had a little more crystal blessing.

I don't know when the pores began to secrete black mucus, and the cells were dividing.

The blood began to change.

"Not enough, the transformation has not reached its peak."

Qin Lin swallowed the Diyuan fruit again without hesitation.

One fruit after another was swallowed.

The black hair began to fall off.

The white teeth began to loosen.

One hundred...!

The new hair began to grow rapidly, the teeth fell off, and the new teeth grew out were crystal clear like jade.

The skin on the body seemed to be layered.

One hundred and fifty...!

Two hundred...!

Two hundred and thirty...!

Two hundred and thirty-five!

Qin Lin felt the limit and opened his bright eyes.

The body surface seemed particularly sticky, accompanied by an unpleasant smell.

A layer of translucent skin was slowly torn off by Qin Lin.

The body seemed to be reborn, the skin became crystal-like and jade-like, and it felt extremely tough to touch.

Vision, hearing, smell, touch, perception!

It has reached a whole new level.

Everything within a hundred meters could not escape his control. Even without using his eyes, he could sense the subtle fluctuations around him.

This is an indescribable wonderful feeling.

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