“Plant white corn rice!”

Qin Lin's consciousness entered the farm space and issued instructions. At the same time, he also checked the information about White Jade Rice.

[White Jade Rice: Top Mortal Level]

Harvesting once a year, top-notch rice can increase strength and assist in cultivation.

The share obtained is enough to plant one acre.

"This white jade rice is a good thing, but now I still live in Datongpu.

Must move out quickly. "

Qin Lin thought in his mind that white jade rice occupied an acre of land.

Another acre of land.

The area used by Zhu Guo is only about 100 square meters, and now more than 500 square meters of space are left vacant.

This space must be well utilized.

There are many highly valuable medicinal materials that can be planted in Dayou Mountain. It will be enough to cultivate a few plants and sell them or exchange them for rewards.

The second day!

Cao Fang, the leader of the Herb Collection Hall, arrived in person.

"Chiming Body Refining Technique!"

Qin Lin couldn't help but whisper as he looked at the body-training techniques distributed in his hands.

The characters in this world are very similar to the ancient Chinese characters in the previous life, and there don't seem to be many obstacles.

"Guys, I have seen the exercises that were given to you.

This is a very powerful body-training technique that is easy to learn but difficult to master.

As long as you reach the first level, you can be directly promoted to formal disciples, and I can guarantee that you can become the steward of the Herb Collection Hall! "

As soon as these words came out, the whole place immediately caused a commotion.

A group of teenagers, eyes full of passion.

After a while, they also understood a lot. As formal disciples of the sect, they can get three taels of monthly money, and there are also benefits during New Years and holidays.

As for the managerial position, it is even more coveted. The monthly salary is fifteen taels, and he is in charge of a large group of people.

This position is definitely out of their reach.

"I wonder if a good seedling can be produced?"

Looking at the group of excited teenagers, Cao Fang murmured in his heart, but then he shook his head mockingly.

If you want to practice this set of body-training techniques to the first level, you need not only talent, but also a lot of training resources.

Even within the entire sect, only a few have reached the first level.

After reaching the second level of training, only the gang leader He Long has reached that level.

Poor in literature and rich in martial arts, the group of peasant boys in front of them can only exercise their physical strength by practicing this technique. When their strength increases to more than 300 kilograms, they may have reached their limit.

Cao Fang left!

He didn't pay much attention to the new apprentices in front of him.

Qin Lin's group of teenagers didn't have time to read more about the exercises. They were soon called by the steward to claim their tools, and began the boring and unbearable life of medicine gardeners.

Li Zhuang enthusiastically took on the role of Qin Lin's guide.

Li Zhuang explained all the precautions and rules here very carefully.

Qin Lin also secretly noted this. This old man is indeed a good person and worth getting to know.

Suddenly he remembered the Chiming Body Refining Technique.

"Brother Li, how much do you know about the Chiming Body Refining Technique?"

Li Zhuang, who was still smiling, turned down visibly.

"Son, don't have high hopes for this bullshit Chi Ming Body Refining.

There are simply not many people who can practice that thing to the first level. "

As he stood, Li Zhuang sighed repeatedly, which reminded him of his high spirits when he first obtained this body-training technique.

"This thing is just a trap. Don't have high hopes. Just use it to train your strength."

Qin Lin became even more interested when he heard this: "Brother Li, can you tell me what's going on here?"

“This bullshit body-training technique can indeed increase your strength quickly through early practice.

But ordinary people can only practice when they reach three or four hundred pounds.

The more you practice, the more you need to supplement with various kinds of meat and blood, otherwise hunger will drive you crazy.

In addition, various medicinal materials are also needed.

The key is that this thing is extremely expensive. A pair of medicine costs ten taels of silver, which is simply not affordable for ordinary people like us.

When you reach three to four hundred kilograms of strength, go to the steward of the Medicine Collection Hall to get a new secret book for practice. "

Qin Lin was a little confused: "If you practice on your own, is there no one in the sect to teach you?"

"You don't understand this." Li Zhuang looked very helpless: "Look at our work, we are so busy every day, how can we have time to learn the exercises?

I can only study and study by myself in my free time. After all, this place is not like a martial arts academy. "

Li Zhuang's voice was filled with longing and sighing.

There was a time when he also wanted to become an official disciple of the sect through hard work.

It's a pity that he has no sense of Qi and will never be able to become a warrior in his life.

As for physical training, that's not something people should practice at all.

Being beaten hard by life, his hot heart gradually cooled down and he accepted his mediocrity.

Now he just wants to live the rest of his life peacefully.

Yi was so busy that he finally had time to practice the body training technique.

Qin Lin, like the other apprentices, couldn't wait to practice the body training technique.

There are three levels of Chiming Body Refining Technique.

The first level has twelve movements and corresponding breathing rhythms.

Regular breathing is accompanied by twelve postures.

Qin Lin could clearly feel that with each movement, his body began to tremble slightly, and a faint heat floated on the surface of his body.

After just one round, Qin Lin felt a little out of breath and consumed a lot of energy.

"This technique is really magical. Just practice it for a while and it will have obvious effects."

Qin Lin's eyes revealed excitement, and he immediately calmed down and continued practicing.

However, this process did not last long. It only lasted for about a stick of incense, and Qin Lin felt a little exhausted.

A strong sense of hunger swept through his body like a wave.

Now he only feels one thing, and that is hunger.

Without hesitation, he rushed to the canteen.

"So hungry!"

Qin Lin was showing off the white rice, and the hunger in his abdomen made him very uncomfortable.

After a while, after seven or eight bowls of rice, he felt better.

Now he finally understood why Li Zhuang was doing this. This thing was simply not something ordinary people could practice.

If you want to practice physical fitness, just eating this white rice won't do the trick.

It’s no wonder that many people can’t continue to practice after reaching three to four hundred kilograms of strength. The consumption of eating alone is not something ordinary people can afford.

"The poor in literature and rich in martial arts are indeed true. It is really difficult to become a warrior without money."

He is pretty good now, most of the other apprentices are illiterate, wait until they can understand and practice.

I'm afraid the food in this cafeteria is not enough for them.

"Fortunately, my own farm space can provide me with a continuous supply of food, and it's not just ordinary food."

While Qin Lin breathed a sigh of relief, he also felt how difficult it was for ordinary people to climb up.

Not long after I came out of the cafeteria.

Fatty Luo Shou also came over at this time.

"Hey, Lao Qin, let's see what food my brother brought you?"

Luo Shou walked over with a smile on his face, holding two roast chickens and a pot of wine in his hands.

Qin Lin couldn't help frowning when he saw the other party: "He was beaten."

The smile on Luo Shou's face slowly disappeared, and his eyes became fierce: "Sooner or later, I will come back with revenge."

"That's all. Let's go find Brother Li."

Qin Lin nodded silently. Since the other party didn't want to ask, he couldn't ask more questions.

"If you need help, brother, feel free to do so."

Luo Shou smiled and patted Qin Lin's chest: "Don't worry, I won't be polite if something happens."

Soon the three of them got together.

That night, Luo Shou drank a lot of wine and cried while drinking.

He shouted that he must take revenge on the grandsons from the Wuyuan.

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