The power is equivalent to the seventh level of the Great Saint Realm!

Qin Lin saw the data transmitted back. Such an attack can almost destroy the ancient life planet to the point of extinction of the surface life.

Ordinary life planets can achieve 10% power bursts.

The strongest energy barrier can almost withstand a 57% power attack of the star destroyer.

"With the power of a galaxy to reach this level, the potential of the Guanglan Empire is indeed impressive!"

Qin Lin couldn't help but sigh.

If this empire enters this star field, it will definitely be able to promote civilization within one or two thousand years.

By then, the destructive power of the quasi-emperor level will definitely be achieved.

Technological civilization has given birth to great emperor-level power or destructive power, and such a civilization does not seem to have it for the time being.

Qin Lin sorted out the information in his mind, and it seems that such a civilization has indeed not been born.

The eighth generation of star destroyer guns has been successfully developed.

The new generation of star destroyers will also be put into actual combat within half a year.

The resources consumed by a star destroyer are enough to drain hundreds of planets.

“Qin Lin, the Star Destroyer has entered the assembly stage. It was able to complete the research and development so quickly.

Why don’t we go out for a drink!”

Qin Lin looked at Zhou Qingluan and could clearly detect an abnormal blush on the other’s face.

“This woman may have taken a fancy to me.”

Qin Lin sighed in his heart, but shook his head calmly on the surface.

“I still have a lot of things to do, I don’t have time!”

Faced with Qin Lin’s rejection, Zhou Qingluan’s face froze, looking very unnatural.

“This guy is just a piece of wood.”

Zhou Qingluan was annoyed: “I am a core member of a top family, but I was rejected so straightforwardly.

I want a good figure and good looks.

Does this guy have a problem with his sexual orientation? It shouldn’t be, I don’t understand?”

Separated from Zhou Qingluan.

Qin Lin returned to his residence: “Where did Zhuchuan go again?”

Since he came to the Guanglan Empire with the other party, the other party has been very obsessed with the virtual world, and he is simply addicted to the Internet.

Qin Lin originally thought that this guy would only be addicted for a while, but he didn’t expect to play for several years.

Shaked his head.

Entered the farm space.

The super processing plant is running at full capacity.

A super upgraded eighth-generation warship is being assembled.

The most important core.

Qin Lin is ready to capture stars as an energy core.

Entered a strange starry sky.

Qin Lin has already started his actions, and he has a containment cube made of space law metal in his hand.


The star catcher in Qin Lin's hand instantly threw it to a distant star.

Soon, the cube began to expand rapidly.

An invisible cubic space in the universe is covering the star in front of him.

When the entire star is enveloped in it, the entire star is shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The whole process took only a few minutes.

The cube containing the star lies quietly in Qin Lin's hand.


Through continuous teleportation, Qin Lin constantly captures stars in the universe.

A six-sided metal block containing reliable energy in the universe exudes mysterious space fluctuations.

This is a super alloy made of a space-like fairy gold combined with red fire earth gold in the size of an egg in Qin Lin's hand.

1080 stellar energy is loaded in it.

With this super core.

The energy core of Qin Lin's self-developed eighth-generation arsenal-class star destroyer has been strengthened.

Inside the entire base.

Tens of thousands of blood clones began to get busy and began to carve space-like Dao patterns.

The space jump and space flash devices were reinstalled inside!

Super detection engine!

Various weapons have also undergone a new round of replacement.

Internally loaded with field weapons!

The original seventh-generation star destroyer has now been upgraded to the eighth-generation version by Qin Lin!

The whole is like a sword tip, and the sharp edge has extremely terrible cutting ability.

The Guanglan Empire is testing the eighth-generation star destroyer, and Qin Lin is also testing his own eighth-generation star destroyer.

The overall length reaches 128,000 meters, combining technology and refining.


The war of the empire is nearing its end.

As the eighth-generation star destroyer, it joined this war.

In the universe!

A soldier saw a dark and cold triangular Star Destroyer aircraft carrier.

It was 100,000 meters long!

He was horrified when he saw this scene. A brand new Star Destroyer aircraft carrier was put into the war, which would definitely make the war situation collapse instantly.

What's more, the current situation is that the Guanglan Empire directly beat up the other two empires on the ground.

His emotions recovered from the horror and his first reaction was the frontline headquarters.

"Start signal shielding and prepare to jump"

The captain of the new generation of Star Destroyers is an old man who looks to be in his 50s.

He is a member of the royal family of the Guanglan Empire and the uncle of the current emperor. He is a martial arts master who has reached the realm of the king.

Almost all of the Empire's Star Destroyers are directly commanded by members of the royal family.

Qin Lin and Zhou Qingluan were watching all this on the bridge of this ship.

The entire front-line deployment of the Kreti Empire appeared on the holographic screen.

Kejak watched all this with cold eyes.

The technological development of the Guanglan Empire has far surpassed that of the other major empires, forming a huge generation gap!

The huge star destroyer instantly appeared within a range of 30 million kilometers.

The soldier who discovered the star destroyer dialed the communicator again and again, but no information could be transmitted.

He could only watch the huge star destroyer appear at the forefront of their position.

"20% power, shoot!"

A cold voice came from Kejak's mouth, and some of the star destroyers had already aimed at the military deployment points of the entire defense line.

The moment the voice sounded, the gorgeous laser beam destroyed the defense line of the Kreti Empire with great force.

There was no reaction on the detection radar, and the soldiers of the Kreti Empire suffered a devastating blow from the enemy without knowing it.

The 20% power star destroyer cannon was aimed at the planetary fortress of the hostile empire.

A brilliant beam of destructive light hit the planetary fortress directly.

The first thing to come into contact with was a fortress barrier, which was enough to withstand a star-destroying blow.

But in the face of a star destroyer cannon with only 20% power, this energy barrier instantly lost its effect.

Qin Lin could clearly feel that the surface of the planetary fortress was turning red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then the entire planet exploded horribly.

It directly became dust in the universe.

The new generation of star destroyers appeared like ghosts, harvesting the most difficult front-line defense system of the entire Kreti Empire like mowing the grass.

There was no tactical deployment.

The most direct and brutal destruction!

That was a strength gap that could not be made up by any tactics. The generals, marshals, and commanders of the Kreti Empire.

Before the senior commanders had time to react, they became names of dead in battle.

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