The headquarters of Agatha magazine.

The phone has not stopped for the past two days.

"What? It's gone? Why do you have so few prints in this issue?!"

The customer service staff of "Agatha" nodded and bowed and kept apologizing: "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, it's our poor preparation."

The employees are heartbroken.

They are not selling 30,000 or 300,000 copies this time, but 3 million copies! ! !

Who knew that in just two days, all of them were sold out...

Agatha and Needham, standing at the top, are celebrating the success of this issue.

Needham praised: "You still have the courage!"

Not everyone has the courage to pour three million in the electronic age, or on two little girls.

At least until he saw the final data, he didn't believe that the three million instincts were successfully sold out.

Agatha smiled slightly, she was still old and hesitated. If she was young, she would definitely start at five million without hesitation.

Thinking of working with Xu Zimian and Lilina again in a few months, Needham asked curiously, "How much are you going to print next? Five million?"

Agatha shook her head and spat out a number that Needham couldn't even imagine, "Eight million."

"Eight...!" Needham almost spit out the coffee in his mouth in shock, causing him to keep coughing.

Eight million! The king of their fashion kingdom, are they really not kidding?

Agatha sighed silently. After the global release of "Song of the Elf", more people will know Xu Zimian and Lilina, and will be deeply attracted by them.

She is not worried at all that the eight million won't be sold out, but she is worried that there will be less preparation. Maybe it is time to mention ten million?

After returning from the United States for several days, Xu Zimian felt that something was different today. She found that there seemed to be more classmates watching her.

Is it wrong to dress?

Xu Zimian looked at her clothes suspiciously, it was no different from usual.

Or are the shoes reversed? Looking down, that's right.

It was not until I saw Tang Tang at noon and saw "Agatha" held by the eldest sister that Xu Zimian suddenly realized that it turned out that the new issue of "Agatha" was on sale!

"Little Cotton!" Tang Tang excitedly picked up Little Cotton, turned a few circles in place, and danced with joy, "When I saw your photo above, I couldn't help shouting, and was almost carried by my father. Throw it out the door."

"Let me see."

Jiang Yu took the magazine and flipped through it casually, and saw Little Cotton.

Only at this time did he have a clear understanding: it turns out that Little Cotton is a star!

It's not that he hasn't watched "Warm Little Home", but the little cotton in "Warm Little House" also shows a side of life, as gentle and lovely as the sister next door.

The little cotton that appeared in "Agatha", dressed in fashionable clothes, like the brilliant sun hanging in the air, is so out of reach. Especially the devil dress, full of aggressiveness.

Jiang Yu had an illusion that he and they were not from the same world.

Noticing Jiang Yu's lonely eyes, Pei Yan's good brothers embraced Jiang Yu's shoulders and asked, "What are you thinking about? Are you thinking of a perfect excuse to avoid studying?"

Jiang Yu was pulled back to reality in an instant, and immediately denied it: "Who wants to be lazy? Walk around, today is not to show the results of our learning these days."

In order to increase Tang Tang and Jiang Yu's interest in learning musical instruments, Pei Yan asked teachers to appropriately join the study of popular songs. Of course, the score is a simplified version, otherwise, with the ability of two beginners, they would not be able to learn it at all.

And today is a good day to check the results!

Xu Zimian couldn't hide her excitement, this was the first song she was about to sing in her own band!

When I came to the piano shop, everything was ready, and the boss joked: "I hear your ghosts and wolves, won't you scare away all the guests who want to come in to study?"

Xu Zimian smiled and made an "OK" gesture, comforting: "Boss, don't worry, we will definitely attract a few more guests for you in this performance."

Xu Zimian looked at his friends.

Pei Yan, who was carrying the guitar, adjusted the position of the shoulder straps and nodded towards Xiao Mianhua, indicating that he was ready.

Jiang Yu exhaled slowly, his hands a little numb nervously. Thinking that this was the first time they played together formally, they were full of expectations, constantly changing their postures, trying to find the most handsome moves.

Tang Tang's head was a little bit, humming a song silently, and finally reviewing his own part.

He raised his drumsticks and nodded to the owner of the piano shop.

The boss pressed the play button, and a youthful and lively accompaniment sounded.

Tang Tang waved his drumsticks and struck the edge of the cymbal, and the rhythm of the drum set sounded.

Following Tang Tang, the voices of bass and guitar also sounded one after another.

If Tang Tang and Jiang Yu were still a little nervous, when Xu Zimian's melodious singing sounded, the expressions on their faces became more and more relaxed.

I feel that I have a pair of free wings, and I release my soul to the fullest, soaring in the ocean of music, chasing each other's voices.

Passersby stopped subconsciously and watched the four people enjoying the performance in the piano shop, indulging in the graceful music.

The child who was forcibly pulled by his parents to learn an instrument, looked at the sparkling four people obsessively, and suddenly stopped rejecting learning an instrument.

At the end of the song, passersby applauded spontaneously.

Someone shouted: "Great, another song!"

The owner of the piano shop gave the four a thumbs up.

Jiang Yu's **** on the bass was a little clumsy, and there were a few mistakes. But his mentality is very stable. Even if he plays wrong, he can quickly pick up the latter part and keep up with the pace of the other three.

What he needs is to practice diligently to improve his proficiency.

Tang Tang really has a talent for playing drums. As long as the drumstick falls, she is like a little madman, completely immersed in her own world.

This is her strength and her biggest weakness, and it's easy to overdo it.

But with Xu Zimian's singing, everything is different. Her singing pulls Tang Tang, and whenever Tang Tang is about to get out of control, she will be pulled back by Xu Zimian's singing.

Pei Yan's guitar skills are already very skilled, and he has a higher degree of practice than when he first met him.

It is obvious that the promise of Xiao Mian and the formation of a band that belongs to them is in the bottom of my heart. He not only has to help Tang Tang and Jiang Yu learn, but also ensures that he has made more progress than the two.

What surprised the boss the most was Xu Zimian.

This is the first time he has heard Xu Zimian sing, and he still thinks that no matter how good a six-year-old child can sing, can it be as good as a professional singer?

It turns out that he underestimated Xu Zimian's singing skills.

There is no doubt that Xu Zimian is the backbone of the band. Under her singing, she perfectly connects the sounds of guitar, bass and drums.

The simplified score alone makes the boss listen to me fascinated.

He can't wait to see the band mature, their official stage performance.

It will definitely blow up!

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