Xu Zimian and Lilina's filming days with each other were interrupted a week later by Daniel, a newcomer to the group.

Daniel, at the age of eight, starred in the second part of Adrian's "Redemption of Dirty Land", which became an instant hit and became a well-known child star in the United States.

Five years have passed, and he has grown from a cute boy in the past to a handsome boy.

He has short brown curly hair, emerald eyes, and long and curly eyelashes.

At least that's the first impression I gave Xu Zimian.

Until Daniel opened his mouth to say the first sentence, Xu Zimian's first impression of him was completely broken.

What kind of well-behaved boy is this, he is clearly an arrogant and unpleasant boy! !

Daniel looked at Lilina seriously, raised his chin slightly, "Are you an American elf? You are really cute and barely match me."

Glancing at Xu Zimian, he squinted and snorted: "I don't understand the language, how can I communicate? Why did Director Veblen find a foreigner?"

"You!" Lilina was furious, she covered Xu Zimian behind her, and stared at Daniel with round eyes, "Our little cotton has no problem speaking English at all!"

Xu Zimian's left hand gently rested on Lilina's shoulder, comforting Lilina.

Looking up at Daniel, he said in fluent English, "Rest assured, we don't have a communication barrier when it comes to language."

Daniel rubbed the tip of his nose embarrassingly. He didn't expect Xu Zimian to speak English so well, and soon he returned to his arrogant attitude, "Humph! Even if there is no obstacle in communication, you two newcomers, please don't hold me back!"

Lilina stuck her tongue out at Daniel's retreating back and made a face, "I don't know who is holding back whom? Little Cotton, don't you think?"

"Yes!" Xu Zimian reached out and slapped Lilina.

She and Lilina may have less filming time than Daniel, but with her tacit understanding with Lilina, she is definitely better than Daniel!

In the play, Daniel plays the third prince of the kingdom, Alex, who is caught in the battle for the throne.

Daniel, who came out after changing his clothes, glanced arrogantly at Lilina and Xu Zimian, and let him use his acting skills to tell them the difference between him and them!

Veblen touched his chin and looked at Daniel who was standing far away.

Forget it, things between children, let the children solve it by themselves.

Seeing that the three were ready, Veblen beckoned to the recorder.

The field recorder hit the board and shouted: "Action!"

Alex, who was hit by an arrow in his calf, ran forward panting.

He was in unbearable pain, protecting his guards, leaving one by one, and finally he was left alone.

Alex's eyes began to blur, and his pace became more and more staggered.

He didn't dare to stop, for fear that if he stayed a little longer, he would be caught by the eldest Prince Hubert's Cavaliers and executed on the spot.

There was the sound of horseshoes in the distance, and Alex, who was in a panic, turned into the mysterious and ancient forest.

After escaping for a long time, he was caught.

Seeing that the knight raised the spear in his hand, about to penetrate his body, Alex closed his eyes in despair.

He is the third prince of the kingdom, and his dignity does not allow him to beg for mercy!

Besides, he knew very well that begging for mercy was useless, and the eldest prince Hubert would not allow him to return to the capital alive.

The expected pain did not come, Alex opened his eyes and looked at the scene that was unfolding in front of him in surprise.

The knight's spear was entangled in vines, unable to move.

The other knights wanted to help cut down the weird vines, and more and more vines came out and wrapped around the knights' bodies.

An earth-shattering tiger roar sounded, and the girl jumped out of the forest while riding on the back of the ferocious tiger.

Beside this fierce tiger, there are also hundreds of beasts.

The beasts rushed towards the knight, but under Tanya's order, they did not take the knight's life.

Alex stared at the girl who could command the beast, her smile was so bright.

Is she... an angel?

Alex thought so, and unknowingly asked.

"Angel?" Tanya blinked blankly, thinking about what an angel is, then shook her head and said, "I'm not an angel, I'm an elf! The elf guarding this forest!"


The haunting leaves gradually fell, revealing Hill in the center.

Her voice calling Tanya was full of anxiety, how could she confess her identity as an elf to the person she met for the first time?

Tanya put her hands together and asked, "My good Hill, please forgive me this time, okay?"

Hill sighed helplessly, his sharp eyes shot at the human boy who collapsed on the ground, and said coldly: "Human, get out of the forest!"

Seeing the coldness in Xu Zimian's eyes, which was enough to freeze everything, a forcing pressure swept over him.

Daniel couldn't help shivering twice. He felt that Xu Zimian didn't want to expel Alex, but he wanted to expel him, Daniel!


Daniel was shocked by Xu Zimian's eyes and forgot his words.

Looking at Daniel sitting on the ground, Xu Zimian walked over and asked worriedly, "Are you alright?"

Daniel shook his head, wondering if it was because he was against the light, he seemed to see a trace of contempt in Xu Zimian's eyes.

In fact, Xu Zimian just wanted to pull him up.

Remembering the harsh words he said before shooting, Daniel's cheeks flushed slightly, and he glared at Xu Zimian angrily.

Is the other party laughing at him? Do you think his acting is so good?

Daniel cheered up unconvinced, and smiled apologetically at Director Veblen.

Veblen waved his hand to show his understanding.

It's normal to not be able to find the status for a while when you just joined the group.

After a five-minute break, filming resumed.

Daniel didn't forget his words this time, but under the dazzling light of Xu Zimian and Lilina, he was obviously the third prince of a country, but he was reduced to a nameless, inconspicuous person.

After the sound of "Cut" sounded again, Veblen called Daniel alone and explained it patiently to Daniel.

Without Veblen's explanation, Daniel knew very well what his problem was. He was completely suppressed by two girls who were less than a year old.

Without a trace, he glanced at Xu Zimian and Lilina who were sitting next to each other. They were talking and laughing, not knowing what Lilina said, which made Xu Zimian almost spit out the water in his mouth.

You're not talking about him, are you?

Daniel is trying his best to adjust his emotions, but you are rated as the most potential young actor, how can you lose to Xu Zimian and Lilina.

Resurrected, Daniel said to Veblen, "Thanks to Director Veblen for his guidance, I know how to act."

Veblen patted Daniel's shoulder and encouraged: "Okay! Let's do it again!"

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