Ten students of "Fire of the Heart", wearing red performance clothes, hugged their legs, and curled up on the ground.

With golden bells on his ankles, it made a crisp sound.

Suddenly, a lively dance music resounded across the stage.

The students are like blooming fire lotuses, blooming and dancing.

The audience stared at Su Chun, who was standing in the middle.

He asked his partner uncertainly, "Is Su Chun half a beat slower? Or is it a deliberate move?"

The partner frowned and said, "It's half a beat..."

Qiao Heng stared at Su Chun on the stage and slowly shook his head.

The other students danced neatly, but Su Chun was the only one who stood out.

She is more than half a beat, she is not familiar with movements at all!

Seeing this action, the other students dropped their waists perfectly, stroking their toes like a dragonfly.

Su Chun, whose body was stiff, could not go down at all.

In addition, she was unfamiliar with dancing, and she just bent down. In order to catch up with the movements of other students, she had to straighten up immediately and perform the next movement.

The dance completion of other students is 100%, and Su Chun's dance completion is 50%.

In order to stand out from the crowd, you have to make a discount, how can you not be conspicuous?

Zhuo Rui, who was in the C position, was about to cry when he noticed Su Chun's actions.

Their well-prepared dance!

This is their first public performance, and it cannot be ruined by Su Chun!

"Burn it, my heart!"

"Fight side by side with you."

With Du Xiao's high-pitched voice, the girls completely released the scorching heat in their bodies.

They smiled brightly, their red skirts spun, fluttering and fluttering, blooming dazzling prosperous fire lotuses.

Only Su Chun could not rotate the layered petals at all.

Her skirt restrained her legs disobediently, turning into a stiff mummy against the backdrop of the other nine fire lotuses.

"Spread your wings, my fierce pattern!"

"Let everyone see your scorching heat."

The girls leaped forward, and the light movement was like a pair of wings made of flame.

Raise your hands high and embrace the flame of your dreams.

Su Chun jumped forward in a hurry.

The other girls have embraced their dreams, and she's still looking for her wings.

"Burn it, burn it up, wanton fire!"

A scorching flame erupted from the stage, reflecting the scorching fire in the girls' eyes.

After the treble passed, it was Su Chun's turn.

In order to recall the dance moves and keep up with the pace of his teammates, Su Chun's head was blank, how could he remember that it was his turn to speak?

The singing disappeared, and a few doubts came from the audience.

Zhuo Rui and Du Xiao were the first to react, and they both spoke out at the same time.

The tacit cooperation barely concealed Su Chun's big mistake.

After listening to the familiar lyrics, Su Chun finally realized that this is her part!

It's her part!

Wanting to grab back his singing part, Su Chun sang loudly.

The pitch is too high, and it is not a range that Su Chun can control.

The harsh cracking sound, through the microphone, entered the ears of the audience.

They frowned and covered their ears. What kind of **** was Su Chun singing? ! ! !

The same doubts popped up in my mind: is she really the original singer of "Tian Yuqing"?

Until the end of the last dance, the lights gradually darkened, the girls couldn't restrain their inner collapse, hugged each other and wept bitterly.

They struggled for a week of dancing and ruined...

The first stage that was supposed to shine was ruined! ! !

Du Xiao stared at Su Chun sobbing and complained, "You don't know how to sing, so you can keep your mouth shut! Are you satisfied with ruining our first stage?!"

Su Chunhuan clasped her hands and laughed, "You stole my part, and you still have the face to blame me first?"

Zhuo Rui sneered and asked back: "Do you think we want to grab it? You forgot the lyrics and didn't speak for a long time!"

Are you a non-stick pan?

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that you, Su Chun, are the culprit who ruined this performance!

Knowing that your dancing skills are not good, don't you hurry up and train?

Sleeping until ten o'clock every day is long overdue.

Is it amazing to sing "Tian Yu Qing"?

Not to mention comparing with Du Xiao, half of the students in this group far surpass you in singing skills.

The more she thought about it, the more angry she became, Zhuo Rui shouted hysterically, "You don't want to chase your dreams, don't ruin our dreams!"

Su Chun was trampled on her tail and grabbed Zhuo Rui's clothes angrily, "I'll say it again! I think you're stopping me from chasing my dreams!"

Does she have no dreams?

She has dreams!

Ever since she can remember, she has dreamed of being the brightest star on a dazzling stage.

When she was eighteen years old, with a song written by her sister, she thought her dream would finally come true.

The death of her sister has completely knocked her back to the dark abyss.

Your singing voice is ruined, what's wrong with giving her the song?

Are we not sisters?

I sing the songs you wrote all over the country, isn't it also a way for you to realize your dreams?

There were more and more doubts in the audience, "Look, look, is there a quarrel?"

"Seems to be."

Pei Yan and several staff members came to the stage and hurriedly separated the girls.

Huo Dao's head nerves began to twitch intermittently. He wanted to make his debut because of his wonderful performance, and he didn't want to be angry because of the students quarreling on the spot! ! !

After finally comforting the students of "Heart Fire", the nine people stood close to each other, their makeup was washed with tears and became dirty.

Su Chun was isolated. To this group of girls, Su Chun was the stiniest piece of garbage in the world.

The girls bowed their heads. They had already sensed the teacher's evaluation and guessed the difference in the number of votes.

But I heard Mr. Qiao Heng comment: "The dance moves are very beautiful, I can feel the enthusiasm in your hearts."

Teacher Qi Qing commented: "Du Xiao, I found that you are the secret master of this group!" Thumbs up, "The treble is great!"

Teacher Xu Zimian commented: "Cheer up! The singing and dancing are perfectly integrated. Your performance tonight is far better than yesterday's rehearsal."

Mr. Su Wendong commented: "Don't cry, Mr. Cotton and I think you are great and successfully completed the tasks we both assigned."

They are really lucky to meet such a gentle and good teacher!

The final vote count was fixed at 2598:1876.

The "Fire of the Heart" group was completely defeated.

Su Chun looked at her votes in disbelief, did she get thirteen votes?

Only thirteen people voted for her? !

It is the lowest number of votes among the 40 students who have finished the performance.

The long fingertips, digging into the tender palm, felt the slightest pain.

This is different from the script she expected...

In Su Chun's expectation, with her identity as the creator of "Tian Yuqing", there will definitely be many people who come to see her and vote for her.

Su Chun, who followed the girls off the stage, looked back at the radiant stage.

The dazzling light shot into her eyes, causing her to subconsciously avoid her eyes.

Su Chun reached out to grab a ray of light, but couldn't catch anything.

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