Sweet CEO's First Love

Chapter 18 - Find It For Me

"Heart get in here right now!" Saint called, his voice sounding deeper and angry.

Heart opened the door to Saint's office slightly hesitant.

Heart had never heard him sound this way before, at him, at anyone. He sounded as if he was at his very last end.

Heart stared at Saint who was standing in front of his Desk a single hand in his gray suit pants pocket. He wore a Black Pinstripe jacket with a light pink undershirt and a black velvet vest. His hair was coiffed back, but slightly off like if you looked closely and squinted in the light his perfect facade would crack. Like maybe, he had been running his hands through his hair. Yet, despite that he wore his frustrations beautifully, looking like an all-powerful king about to slam down the hammer on those who dared to defy him.

"You mis-categorized the building schematics and we didn't realize that half of the drawings the architects needed are missing." Saint snapped.

"Ahhh, ohhh, um, I'm sorr…" Heart started. He had never seen Saint so angry before.

"Do you think it is something that can be fixed with a simple sorry?"

Heart looked up from the ground where he had looked the moment he realized he had screwed up, staring meekly at it as if he could rearrange the tile with his mind if he willed it so, or stared hard enough.

His eyes flashed with alarm at Saint's tone. Saint got up from the desk and anger flashed across his face tinting his eyes with darkness.

Heart gulped as he rounded the desk and walked towards him slowly. Like a cheetah going in for the kill.

"Do you think that a couple million dollar buildings floor plan can be fixed that easily?"

"Dollars, Heart, US Dollars, not Baht."

"We have already delayed this building project by three weeks while our architects made adjustments to make sure they meet code.""

"Do you think just losing half of their work that took over a month to draw, sketch, and triple check, is just magically fixed the moment you say Sorry?" Saint snapped. His voice was calm, cold, and unfeeling, as he emphasized the word sorry.

He wasn't yelling or screaming but was so outwardly Heart shivered as Saint stopped an inch from his face.

Saint leaned forwards so that his face came to rest beside Hearts, his breath tickled Hearts ears, and Heart shivered and gulped.

"Screw up's are unacceptable right now Heart. There is more than you could ever understand riding on this."

"How, How… Can?" Heart started saying.

Saint closed his eyes, angst pouring through his face even though he was as still and perfect as a statue. The only outward appearance of any emotion was his hand balled into a tight fist at his side.

"Find it, I don't care how long it takes you to find it,"

"If you need to stay here for an hour, a day, or days. I don't care, I will get you anything you need, just find wherever you put that file, please."

"Please, Find it for me Heart." He said softly, almost breaking a little.

Saint sucked in a breath of air sharply and Heart nodded his agreement seeing how perplexed and upset he was.

Saint was normally cool and level-headed in all situations. So, to actually get a sense that he was breaking apart like that was shocking.

But it also broke Heart in pieces. His chest aching for the man he cared for.

Saint took a deep breath before turning and walking away to stare out his window. Heart wanted to go to him and tell him that the agony and frustration he was feeling was normal. He wanted to tell him how sorry he was.

To hold him and talk to him when he knew he was stressed and frustrated badly about something.

To just be there for him.

But that wasn't what Saint needed from him right now.

He needed the files of the blueprints that the government had allowed access to, to the permits and everything else they needed to break ground immediately.

Because that project had been giant for the company and when it had gone on hold, a few weeks after he had started, it had been so bad the whole company had been in such a stressful state. Heart kinda got the sense that it couldn't afford to do it again. Even more so than before.

Saint hated screwing up. I mean sure everyone did, but this felt different. Like scary different.

Heart turned and walked out of the room quickly. Still reeling in shock with how mad Saint had been.

It hurt that Saint had gotten so angry with him when he knew this wasn't the job he had even applied for.

But really it hurt the most that Saint was hurting and there was nothing he could do to help him but hope to fix his own mistake.

'Why did you screw up? What has your mind been stuck thinking lately that you can't even focus for one day?'

'You came back for the first time in weeks and you can't even try to concentrate for one day? Heart why?'

Heart sighed, but walked out, past his desks. Kit gave him a look of sad remorseful understanding. And a soft pat on his leg as Heart walked by but otherwise let him go about his way. Heart stopped at the file room, pushed open the glass door and walked into the room, and stared at the enormous wall, he had just alphabetically cataloged previously before.

'I know what you were thinking.'

'You were staring at Saint the entire time.'

'Your head was filled with Saint and nothing else.'

'You're a goldfish, acting like a child with their first crush.'

'Now you have to help him Because you need to be able to bring back that smile.'

Heart paused.

It was a daunting task, but if it brought back Saint's smile; he didn't care. It's bringing back Saint's smile after he has been cooped up in his office all day unable to leave. So busy with work he hasn't even stopped to rest and eat.

That's all that mattered right now.

Heart sighed.

'He didn't even say anything about the suit I am wearing today.' He pouted lightly.

'And I picked out the soft black satin, with velvet swirls just for him.'

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