Sweet CEO's First Love

Chapter 29 - Too Big

Heart quivered beneath him, the excitement, rippling through the air between them.

Saint bit his lip.

'You tear me apart so easily.'

Saint pulled the piece of paper away as he pressed his lips down onto Hearts biting at their plump juiciness as if it were his first time.

Heart blinked at him, startled by the sudden freedom his eyes had at the same moment his breath was stolen from inside him and his round eyes told Saint all he needed to know as Heart, melted into each one.

'I am utterly, deeply affected by you.'

Saint pulled away from the kiss even though it ripped him apart inside to do so.

"You stopped," Heart said rather stupidly.

Saint smiled gently as he reigned in the bear that hungered to be let loose.

"Mhhhmm, Kit will be here soon and it's two in the morning, we should get some rest our meeting is at eight in the morning in Bangkok we can't really afford to sleep in."

"So sleep is a must."

'No matter how much I wish we were doing something else.' Saint thought bitterly.

Saint unbuttoned his shirt and looked over to see Heart staring at him.

"What? Why are you watching? You want a free show? I don't mind if you look, but shouldn't you be changing too?"

Heart scratched his neck, but looked down at the ground to avoid Saint's gaze.

"I, uuhhh, I don't have any other clothes with me."

"So is it okay if I fall asleep in this suit? I feel kinda bad it's really expensive and being wrinkled for tomorrow's meeting sounds unprofessional."

"Sleep in your suit?"

"What? Why?" Saint asked, confused, then it clicked inside his brain and he froze. "I kidnapped him away from the office, of course, he doesn't have anything to wear. You idiot, you are so used to two houses you didn't even think that he might have some needs too."

"Ah, sorry Heart, I am so used to flying between these two places I never even thought."

"You can use one of mine, the closet is that way." Saint pointed at a door that seamlessly blended into the wall except for a tiny little silver indent, that turned out to be a pullable latch.

Heart walked over to it, pulled on the latch and the door slid back inside the wall to reveal his large walk-in closet.

"You can pick anything you like in there, but the pajamas are to the far left side of the door, the choices are the top two drawers."

"Oh, thank you," Heart said.

Saint watched the look of awe and disbelief before his cute angelic face disappeared behind the wall unable to be seen anymore.

"Well, I guess I was right about one thing." Heart commented.

Saint felt his heart droop with sadness at not being able to see Heart's cute face anymore, then his mind decided to help him envision Heart standing before him stripping down to his boxers to change.

"You can just change in there if you want some privacy," Saint called gently, making sure his voice was loud enough to carry to Heart wherever he was inside the closet, but not too loud as to wake someone.

"Oh, okay, I will."

Saint pouted, he had kinda hoped he had been brave enough to striptease in front of him. But rationally his mind reminded him that would be bad since making Kit sleep outside so he could tango with the little bewitching minx all night would be beyond rude.

To Kit.

And also to the people from TSL that he had a meeting with tomorrow. Since they deserved him at his best not taxed and tired from his own dangerous decisions.

Heart stepped out of the closet a moment later. His hands pulling gently at the bottom of Saint's favorite deep red striped pajama shirt which fell tantalizingly down to Heart's lower thigh.

Saint stared at Heart's thin but toned, creamy, almond bare legs in shock, as the kid looked up at him innocently under his long dark lashes.

'What have I done!' Saint thought, his heart beating free from his chest. The deafening sound loud like the ocean. An all-encompassing sound that throbbed angrily, spreading like a rapid-fire through his entire body.

Saint stared into Heart's beautiful face, as the moonlight fell on him, and his fluffy hair that was now a happy little mess from his changing escapades ruffled from the slight breeze that poured through the

Heart pursed his lips self-consciously. Causing the deep dimples that Saint adored to suck in and murder his heart with their beauty.

"Your waist is bigger than mine, so every pair of pants I tried on slipped off when I moved. I figured my boxers would be okay since most guys sleep in boxers, anyway."

Saint nodded stupidly.

"The beds over there."

"I know, I can see it." Heart said gently.

Saint nodded.

"Yes, I meant to feel free to lay down in it. You and Kit can have the bed."

"Kit and I?" Heart said, gently.

"But then where will you sleep?"

'In hell where my dirty self belongs.' Saint thought just as the sound of the lock beeping played like a sound from heaven.

Kit walked into the room assessed the situation quickly and smiled.

"So we are all ready for bed, then?"

"Why don't you hop under the covers, Saint's bed is really very comfy."

"Oh yes, thank you." Heart said immediately obeying Kit like a small child whose teacher had turned up unexpectedly.

Kit walked over to the bed and climbed in, his light blue pajamas making a pleasant sound as he slid across the sheets of the bed.

Kit pat the bed gently and Heart waddled over like a small child before throwing himself on the bed obediently.

He struggled one single time to clamber into the bed's obscenely tall height before managing to hop up. His shirt, bounced up revealing his black boxers and his smooth tummy.

Kit looked over at him and Saint struggled to stay composed.

'I was a sinner in my past life, a sinner who deserves every bit of punishment.' Saint thought as he fell hopelessly into Heart's adorable innocence.

"There is a little wooden step that runs the full length of the bed skirt, just so you know for next time." Kit said sweetly watching Saint with an amused glint in his eye.

'Next time? Kit you are even more devious than I am. I am sure that will go right over his head.'

"Okay, you are in capable hands now. So I think I am going to go to bed. Good night, I will see you tomorrow." Saint said then walked off into the closet.

"Where is he going? He can't sleep in the closet." he heard Heart comment.

"Oh no, Saint never stays in the closet. He is going to go sleep with his turtle." Kit replied, and Saint growled softly as he heard Kit's playful teasing tone trickle across the room to his ears.

"Sleep with a turtle? Why?"

"Oh, don't worry, the shell is great for protection."

"Saint needs protecting?" Heart asked getting more confused by the second.

"No, it's protecting you." Kit said chuckling.

Saint opened the hidden door quietly, then walked into the welcoming darkness, turned closed the door, and waited for his eyes to adjust to the familiar world around him.

He had spent so many nights sleeping here that it was more comfortable than that enormous bed that was there more for show.

But for once, Saint wished with all his heart that he was tucked under those big, luxury magazine cover-worthy blankets, with that half-naked man nestled in his arms.

Saint smiled wickedly and then shivered with delight just thinking about it.

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