Sweet CEO's First Love

Chapter 37 - Something Out There.

Fate stared at the two people sobbing in the room. The lightning flashed, illuminating the room the sides of their faces, the tears that rolled down their cheeks.

The little red thread glowed brightly, growing thicker and tightening.

Fate watched it caulking his head and sucking in his lips before grinning brightly and raising a brow.

"I... I... Heart, you are my weakness if you stay, you will get hurt."

"No, not if we are together. Not if we face whatever the world throws at us."

"You are telling me that you are worried about your safety, but I am worried about you."

"You are crazy if you think I can leave you to face that man tomorrow when I know how much it will hurt."

"When I know that together we are better, together we are stronger."

"You said you have been preparing for him."

"So let's be stronger, let's be better, and let's not let him have a chance to get to us. Let him come."

"You have me, you have Kit, you have your grandpa. And if I have to rally everyone I know to help, I will."

Saint's tears streamed down his cheeks heavily, and Heart let him go, then walked around and hugged him tightly from the front, pressing Saint's head into his chest and kissed the top of his hair deeply.

Saint lifted his head and gazed into his eyes.

"It's okay, It will be alright, you have me now." Heart whispered, sweetly as if he understood all the pains inside Saint's heart without him having to say a word.

"We can do this. Maybe it's crazy of me to think we can do it."

"But I have the sense that no matter, there is something out there that is higher than us, that is on our side."

Heart cuddled Saint while he wept softly into his shoulder.

A soft, delectable chuckle filled the air.

Fate groaned.

Heels clicked loudly on the tile floor, and Fate chuckled softly, the laugh not reaching his eyes.

"What are you doing here?"

"Took the words right out of my mouth." Came the sweet voice from behind him.

Fate scoffed but turned towards Mara.

Mara walked towards him in the dark, his clothes were like a reflection of the sky, all navy blues, and flowing silk. His midriff was bare from his navy crop top with long flowing sleeves, and his high-waisted pants that hit right at his belly button had a thick belt-like waist with a big fluffy, floppy bow. Bright blue diamonds accented his thick stiletto boots on the heels that started at the top and continued in a descending pattern down to the bottom.

Mara smiled.

"Did you just see that little sparkle?"

"It was so pretty, a true pairing. Haven't seen one like that in a while?"

"It's rare."

"Do you remember that feeling?" Mara asked, wrapping his arms around Fate's back.

"Are you asking if I remember what it feels like to feel those emotions the way a human does?"

Mara kissed the base of Fate's neck, his tongue dipping in for a lick, unable to contain his wishes, his desires.

"Yes, do you remember it?"

"All that power."

"Hmm, Yes." Fate pulled off Mara's arms looked back at the two sweetly caring for each other and smiled.

He took a single step into the air, then disappeared thinking simply of where he wanted to go then a moment later; he was there his foot stepping into the new space as if he had not just been over thirty stories in the air

A second later, Mara popped up behind him.

"Common don't you at all want to know why I picked Heart that night? Why I wanted his thread?" Mara teased, his pitch slightly aggravated and huffy.

Fate turned and glared at him.

"I want to know, but you will never tell me, everything is always a game with you. Games are all you."

Mara walked up to him purposefully and slid his arms around Fate's waist, pulling him in, planting his lips down onto Fate's crushing them. His tongue was needy hot as fire and slid into his mouth, little sparkles of electricity licked around them, and Fate kissed back greedily taking the power being given to him.

He knew it was nothing; he knew that the body in front of him, that the person who he used to be and the person Mara was now were not the same. That they could never be the same, and his memory flooded him with all the twisted things, the twisted games that Mara had played with him over the centuries.

'Games, Fate.'

'Remember games are all this Mara can ever be capable of.' He reminded himself and used every bit of free will and desire he had to stop devouring the lustful power Mara was feeding off of, even while giving the insignificant pieces he desired.

He shoved Mara away from him, then straightened his bright red shirt, and wiped his hands on his black jeans.

"I don't need to know, I don't need to hear your stories. Because whatever it was doesn't matter anymore."

"Whatever the reasoning for something, the past is the past."

"I am Fate, I look only at the future."

"What if I told you Heart is our future," Mara asked.

Fate paused, then turned back to face Mara.

"You can see his future?"

"But it has sealed the futures of all six of their fates. I can't access them, they are nothing but a blank to me."

"You know a blank future normally means that the future ahead is too powerful for even us to know."

Fate eyes Mara suspiciously.

"How would you have seen it?"

"You certainly are no more powerful than I am." He hissed giving Mara an up and down look of reprieve.

Mara looked insulted. Then shook his head as if shivering away the disgusting words Fate had dared utter.

He opened his mouth to speak, but Fate interrupted.

"Don't play games, Mara, just out with it. No lies, twists of truth, or half bit's okay, all the ways you normally like to play. I don't care for it."

Mara grinned, his face twisting the way it did, whenever he had the upper hand in a situation.

"Darling." he purred sweetly.

"You can't just expect me to hand out my sources, to just reveal who I get my info from."

"That's fine, I already know now," Fate said, interrupting.

"B... Wa" Mara stuttered out.

"You said who."

"If it is a who."

"Then there is only one person who can see what I cannot see,"

"And who you can very easily manipulate into getting the information from."

"Aurela." Fate said firmly.

Then, before Mara could control his angry fuming and outrage towards Fate cutting him off.

Fate smirked and then disappeared.

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