Sweet CEO's First Love

Chapter 43 - Tonight, I Am Doomed.

Saint drove in silence. Heart's hand was underneath Saint's and Saint clutched it softly using Heart's smaller hands to shift the gears of the black sedan.

His phone bleeped.

"Can you grab that and open it, it isn't locked."

Heart looked over at him, surprised.

"You don't lock your phone?"

"What about company secrets? Aren't you worried about someone breaking into your phone and stealing proprietary information?"

"No, because the only person ever close enough to get a hold of it from me is Kit and you."

"I am pretty sure I am relatively safe, trusting the two of you. Unless you have some deep dark plan up your sleeve. Secretly a spy?"

"Are you in the bad guy's pocket?" Saint asked cheekily.

"I wouldn't mind keeping you in my pocket." Saint teased.

Heart gave him a look of reprieve but smiled.

"So, where do you want to go with your new won freedom?" Heart asked, staring up into Saint's mesmerizing face, and his smooth jawline.

It made his body ache when he thought about how perfect the man was, that was beside him.

Saint smiled before setting the car to turn left.

Heart stared out the window watching the scenery go by in the growing dark. But his mind was falling back to Saint's beautiful, body displayed in front of him, dripping wet back in the room that day only a few days ago. It felt like a lifetime had come and gone in that time.

But it had really been a week or maybe even less. The days had blurred. All he knew was he was fired, and he went to confront Saint and then confessed. Confessed that he couldn't be without Saint that he wasn't scared of what Ngeun would do.

That had been partially the truth.

He was scared.

I mean, who wouldn't be, his father was being investigated for multiple counts of murder. Saint's own mother, brother, and sister-in-law included. And he knew he couldn't take that lightly.

But for him, the idea of losing Saint was more perilous than staring Ngeun in the eye.

As stupid as that sounded it was the truth. Meeting him today for lunch had been utterly terrifying once he, saw Ngeun for the first time. He had legit never been so frightened.

Not because Ngeun was a murderer.

But because he hadn't expected to be staring into the face of an older, more refined version of Saint himself.

Staring into the icy murderous eyes of an older version of Saint, the very man he loved had shocked him to his core.

Heart ignored that.

'Think happy thoughts Heart you promised Saint you would.'

He reached out and stroked the inside of his wrist of the hand Saint was holding. 'The way your lips felt when they traveled across me...'

Heart shivered as he remembered Saint's tongue slipping inside his mouth, then out again. How he remembered his heart beating so fast as he opened it begging for more, inviting him in.

"Do you remember the passcode to my room?" Saint asked, startling Heart from his constant replay of the kiss and nakedness he had currently going on inside his head.

"Uh, oh, um, yes, I think so... Why?" Heart looked over at Saint while frantically trying to remember if it was zero seven two eight or zero, zero, two eight.

"What was it?"

"Zero, zero, two eight?" Heart said nervously.

Saint chuckled. "Close, it is zero, zero seven, eight."

"Oh, okay? Why did you ask me if I remembered it all of a sudden?" Thunder clapped outside the car, while Heart watched as Saint drove down a dark street that was illuminated lightly, the cars all parked on the side were fancy, and he felt like they had entered into the upper-class area.

"Because the elevator requires a passcode to get into my apartment, and I used the same one for both my room at home and my apartment. I wanted you to know it."

Heart smiled., blushing gently at the sweet gesture.

"You are a demon lord for sure." He stared at his hands on his lap nervously while speaking.

Saint smirked.

'Kit imma kill you for abandoning us at the restaurant back there, you had to know Saint would not take me home...' He thought, but there was no anger just a sufficient amount of thankfulness that Kit was being so kind, but also he knew tonight would be his undoing.

Saint pulled up at a large apartment building, and using a special button a fancy gate to the left opened, Saint drove into the underground parking lot.

"We are here," Saint smiled and wiggled an eyebrow with delight.

Heart felt his mind straying, his visceral desires projecting towards Saint as he thought about what could happen in just mere moments.

His body shivered unconsciously, as he rippled with excitement, he almost couldn't contain.

"Let's go see the place." He parked and got out, saying nothing more, but waiting outside the car for Heart.

'I don't know what tonight is going to lead to, but I have an idea I know, and the nerves are enough to eat me alive. Part of me wants to run away Saint. I am nervous, I wish I could go home now… I don't think I trust myself to be anywhere alone with you. You are not safe, all my mind is filled with, is your luscious features, your delectable lips.' Heart swallowed deeply and sucked in his lips, 'Don't think so dirtily.'

He sighed, annoyed that he couldn't control his own thoughts better when he was an adult.

Saint smirked and led the way to the elevator holding it open for him, Heart sighed then followed, Saint inside.

'I am most definitely having you tonight.' Heart thought greedily.

Saint pressed the top button, a buzzer beeped, and Saint lifted an eyebrow as he waited for Heart, watching him closely.

Heart sighed, then reached forward to enter in the numbers, but Saint held out his hand pinning Heart to the wall of the elevator.

Heart raised his eyes to flicker and blink up at the handsome man in front of him.

"What are you doing?" Heart asked, his voice coming out thick and raspy. Saint smell filled the compact space, the pheromones of his sweat and the cologne he wore were delectable

Heart sucked in his bottom lip.

'Oh, fuck, you are doomed.' Heart realized from the tightness of his pants. Every bit and thing Saint had ever done to him rushed into his mind, a motley of beautiful hot sexy needy moments.

Saint reached down and swiped the front of his dark pants with the back of his hand.

"Are you going to push the buttons? Or do I have to turn you over and help you do it?" Saint whispered into Hearts Ear.

Heart gasped in surprise.


"Yes, what?" Saint purred.

"Help me."

Saint chuckled deeply before kissing Heart's neck, he pushed the buttons for Heart, and the elevator doors slid closed.

Heart gulped in deep breaths, trying to refocus. Small beads of sweat trickled down the side of his temple, and he dabbed them away with his jacket.

'Oh, my, fucking god, you better hurry up; stupid, metal box. I don't want my first time to be inside an elevator.' Heart thought desperately praying the tin bucket would move it.

The elevator hummed to life and continued its ascent along with Heart's, heart straight up and into his throat.

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