Sweet CEO's First Love

Chapter 46 - Ripped

Heart stared up into Saint's eyes and dragged the shirt down from his hands.

Saint smirked. "Are you trying to get in a better view?"

Heart glared and reached out and shoved him, his hand falling directly on Saint's beautiful pecs. Saint's hand closed on top of his and Heart's body froze as a physical shock of electrocution ran through his whole system.

He meeped a little in surprise.

'It felt like fire,' Mark's voice echoed in his mind.

Saint chuckled softly and Heart couldn't help but suck in a breath and pout.

"I thought you would devour me by now."

"Why are you laughing?" He asked sourly.

"Oh, because you are super cute when you are nervous," Saint said softly, his face smiling, but his eyes glinting dangerously with heat.

"I'm not nervous at all." Heart said, fiercely.

'In fact, if you knew what I was thinking right now you would probably laugh at me and lose it.'

'Absolutely lose it. Why, because I don't know what I am doing, but I want it so bad, Saint. I am nervous because I don't want to look bad... God someone tell me where the heck am I supposed to put my hands?!' He thought.

Saint blinked at him.

"Aren't you going to move your hand?" He asked sexily.

"Nope, It's stuck there now." Heart said.

Saint chuckled huskily, "There isn't anywhere you would like to explore?" he asked.

Heart gulped.

"Because I want to explore everything," Saint said then pulled Heart up towards his body by his hand pressing even deeper against him and sliding it down as he pulled Heart up against his body hoisting it so that Heart was sitting on Saint's knees.

Saint pulled him so hard and fast that Heart was still gasping for air as Saint pushed him down on top of his hard-on through the pants.

"Ahh," Heart gasped as his hands pressed into Saint's chest tightly to brace himself, his chin landed on Saint's collar and he leaned forward panting trying to catch his breath. Saint pressed into him harder and he couldn't tell if he was grinding against him or if it was an involuntary contact from the force exerted when he pulled him close.

"Are you scared now?" Saint whispered, his breath tickled down Heart's neck evoking delectable shivers all across his skin.

"I don't want you to feel anything but pleasure from this so if you need a minute, just tell me when, and I will always stop for you." Saint lowered his hand that had wrapped around his back, his large fingers slid down the soft silky shirt, and tugged on it, pulling it up.

Heart felt as the cool air tickled his skin where it was hot, and Saint's warm electrifying fingers slid underneath.

They dug softly into the flesh kneading it gently from his side all the way up to his neck. Saint's fingers slid across and grasped gently onto the back of Heart's neck and he clutched him tightly, but not tight enough to elicit actual pain.

Heart gasped for breath and Saint's lips were on him before he could do anything but inhale Saint.

Inhale the pleasure, the excitement, the overwhelming desire.

Saint's tongue delved into Heart hungrily, while his hand let go of Heart's on his chest and broke away to start ripping at Heart's shirt, as he ground against him.

The kiss broke for the tiniest of seconds, just long enough for Heart to pull in a gasp of air, or a lick of sense to know to stop grinding on Saint and help remove his own shirt. Which had grown a hundred extra buttons when his fingers were too dumb to work.

Saint pulled away for a second as he pulled on the tough buttons.

"God, I want to do more than just tease you, Heart, at this point I don't think I can do anything but devour you." he groaned.

"I need to tease you, I need to have you."

"I need it like I need to breathe. Shit, why won't these undo?" Saint growled and gripped either side of the satin and ripped attempting to pop the buttons of the shirt, but the deep purple satin tore with a sound that caused Heart to reel with surprise.

Heart looked at Saint his eyes wide as Saint held bits of the beautiful shirt in his hands and it hung off Heart's chest an utter mess.

"I.." Saint looked back at him.

"Fuck, Jerry better explain himself for this. The damn buttons."

"You picked out the buttons." Heart said sheepishly.

"You're right. I deserve to be punished for my mistake."

"What are you going to do about it?" Saint purred.

Heart flushed.

'I should do something about it. What can I do to repay the favor?'

Heart reached out and grabbed the two pieces that were the length of the shirt and only about three fingers thick. The satin slid across his fingers the slight warmth of the fabric from his own body heat, soaked into his skin, the feeling of power in his hands as Saint waited for him, wondering what he would do next.

'I don't think I can survive you anymore.' Saint's beautiful eyes raked up and down Heart and Heart felt himself burn inside like a pit of lava sloshing around.

'I burn with need, I soar with elation, I beg for your attention.'

'I will be your everything because you are mine Saint.'

'Always, forever.'

I can't stop this feeling, you ooze the very air I need to breathe'

Heart leaned forward and Kissed Saint deeply before rubbing the pieces of the shirt across Saint's skin. His hand slid down to Saint's pants and very carefully with the help of the slick material he used his fingers to pull the pants open and slid inside. The material slid across the clean surface and immediately he felt the large, thick tip against his hand, the slight wetness soaked into the satin and Heart's hand felt a few dots press into his skin, but he slid lower, encasing all of Saint in the fabric.

Saint threw his head back with a groan as Heart stroked him firmly.

'I think somehow along the way I started desiring, needing to tease you too..' Heart thought watching Saint's face wrinkle with each and every groan of delight.

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