Sweet CEO's First Love

Chapter 51 - Sleep

Heart pushed his legs open for Saint, ready for him, knowing what was coming and anticipating it deeply.

Saint smirked.

"Is someone excited even though we haven't even started."

Heart flushed.

"Don't say things like that when I am lying naked in front of you."

"It makes me feel like I will never be ready for this moment, even though I have already seen everything and know what I have in store for myself."

"I don't think you've seen half of it," Saint chuckled the sound rippled across Heart's skin, giving him goose bumps at the fond yet aroused sound of it.

Saint reached out and slid his hand across his own chest, then across Heart's and Heart watched him curiously as he picked up all the cum from on his soft creamy skin. 

Saint looked down at Heart. Heart held his breath as the earlier look of reckless abandon slid away to reveal a dizzying mixture of both a sultry and coy glance. Saint didn't even try to hide his pleasure and desire as he rubbed his fingers together mischievously.

"Saint," Heart whimpered, batting his eyelashes gently, attempting to look gentle and fragile as the fear of what was to come tightened his insides into large knots.

Saint smirked. "I will try to be as gentle as I can manage," Saint said.

Heart searched Saint's eyes and as he stared into their dark amber pools 

Saint's free right hand reached out and grabbed his plump ass cheek and stroked it gently. Saint groaned. "It's soft and plump, ah, the way it dimples... It's so beautiful when I knead it! I can't tell if I like these dimples or the ones I have seen every day for the past four months more." He purred, his eyes dancing happily. Heart flushed, but allowed him to continue to pinch them easily. 

"You shouldn't say things so embarrassing out loud." Heart whined softly, but the protest was half-hearted at best.

Saint cleared his throat. 

"You should stop playing coy. I am afraid I like it far too much. Heart." Saint's voice was a thick, almost growl, and Heart could detect the amount of hunger that Saint was holding back just to keep Heart comfortable. He could see that that rabid desire to lose control, tainted Saint's pupils as they expanded and contracted almost instantly. 

"Are you ready?" Saint asked, holding out his hand, his thicker, strong thighs, stretched as he knelt at the edge of the bed with his legs spread his thick cock hanging half in slumber. 

"It's so small and pink... I want to devour it, to make you twitch." Saint purred happily. His fingers stroked right outside it, circling his hole tauntingly. The cold wetness caused Heart's breath to come out shallow, his chest heaved, and his muscles strained under his nervousness, his honey skin became covered in little beads of nervous sweat in a few spots and Heart rolled his hips. But Saint chased his ass, and his fingers found their target easily. He thrust two inside immediately and started circling it around in a hypnotizing motion. Heart shuddered as the breath was sucked out of him, and he got this sensation like he was filling up with tension and would pop.


"Maybe if you don't look."

"Can I cover it with my hands?" Heart asked, suddenly feeling very shy to have Saint staring down at him.

"It's so small and pink... I want to devour it, to make you twitch." Saint chuckled.

"Are you really that shy? It's only two fingers." 

"There is going to be a lot more to look at pretty soon." Saint lifted his brow. His focus still fully on the twisting fingers that fill Heart tightly. Heart closed his eyes, his head lolled back into the blankets even further. His hands splaying on either side, clutching the blankets for dear life as his ability to concentrate vanished in the haze of arousal. Arousal so strong it clouded his mind so deeply that all he could manage was a simple nod. 

Heart pulls his eyes open even though it is a physical struggle to push past the intense desire flooding him.

Saint pulled his fingers free from Heart, and Heart gasped at the sudden aching emptiness. Heart reached up, watching in awe as his arms betrayed him. 

'What are you doing pulling this wicked man even closer after he has left you aching?' Heart wondered.

Saint's fingers interrupted his thought, trailing the nape of his neck and deep into his collarbone. Every part of him that Saint touched burned and broke into goosebumps. 

Heart felt the writhing fire of anticipation, his cock pulsating under the touch of Saint's deft hands. Saint groaned and positioned himself behind Heart as Heart watched Saint cover his thick length in the remaining cum from their previous endeavor. Watching that action, it finally sunk in just what exactly was about to happen.

Heart watched as Saint leaned forward, his now fully erect member dancing between the two of them. It aimed listlessly in front of the hole his fingers had just quickly vacated.

'This isn't a fantasy, this is an actual man, looking like a full-on snack about to push his big thick cock inside you while assaulting you with his burning gaze.' Heart gulped, waiting for that feeling to actually register as his imagination played out in detail what he thought it would look like.

'I feel like I can't even picture it right.' He thought.

"Do you still not want to watch?" Saint growled out his gaze was a thick, dark, and hungry, the veil that shrouded the entire room in that moment, and Heart blinked back into reality. Saint's heavy gaze caught him and held his eyes, unable to look away. Heart licked his lips and gulped down his saliva, hoping it would be enough to wet his suddenly very parched throat.

'This is too much, you are too much. Saint, god, dang it, how am I lusting for you after being finger fucked by you. How can I desire so heavily what I know will only feel like a more painful expansion of what has already happened?'

"What if I need to see it all?" Heart asked, his tone came out flat, deadly serious, as he stared up into Saint's eyes defiantly. 

Saint licked his lips with an air of awe, and he smirked before stroking his member directly in Heart's view, basking in the heat of desire that etched clearly on his face. 

Heart felt like the air in the room had to have gained a few hundred degrees as his whole world broiled with electricity and fire. 

The surrounding silence felt almost too heavy for Heart, When Saint reached one hand down, pulled open his ass to steady him before he guided himself inside.

Heart groaned as he felt Saint's cock hit his rim, stuck for a moment as the large cock pulled and fill him up easily. Saint's cum covered fingering prep work paying off. 

Heart gasped as Saint pulled back, and Saint paused, letting Heart try to work through it.

The slight pinching twitched the right side of his ass cheek, and the pressure was so tight he was sure Saint was stuck inside him.

"Ahh, it hurts."

Heart tried sitting more forward so the angle would pinch less, but Saint's hands reached down and squeezed his ass roughly. Heart yelped out as the sudden burst of pain distracted him from his discomfort, and he realized. Saint used the momentary distraction to bury himself all the way inside Heart's ass, right down to the hilt.

Heart keened, melting for the man who held him so completely enraptured.

"I'm in." Saint barked, his voice straining with copious amounts of held back desire.

"Ready?" He asked, and Heart opened his mouth to answer, but his mouth filled with Saint's tongue and lips as he eagerly snacked and bit on Heart's lower lip. Heart gasped as Saint suddenly pulled out quickly, and his ass which had tightened and clenched around it forced him to open against its will.

Saint swallowed his painful yelps, turning their helpless mews into agonizing noisy kisses as tears streamed down Heart's cheeks with every heavy, unbridled thrust. 

Heart gasped, pulling his lips free as a particularly painful thrust caught him off guard. His lips trembled, and he scrunched his eyes shut. 

"Do you want me to stop?" Saint asked. Clearly trying to stop, but Heart could tell that Saint actually wanted it so badly, that it was taking all his strength just to stay at this tempo. A tempo that was hard enough all by itself, but Heart was sure he would break if Saint went faster. He knew Saint almost needed to go faster, but was doing his best to pace himself. And the thought that Saint could still thrust harder and go stronger terrified him slightly.

Heart whimpered, barely able to finish a cohesive thought, let alone answer Saint's question with a proper sentence. 

He thought it over, and Saint sensed Heart's tentative unease and pulled back out further than he had on all his other thrusts.

A sudden jolt of aching pain ran through Heart's entire body and up to his brain as Heart became emptier than he thought possible. 

"Stay!" Heart yelped, and Saint paused half outside him. The throbbing ache caused tears to form in the corner of his eyes, and he blinked them away.

"Keep going." Heart whispered.

Saint stared at Heart, his eyes filled with worry, and he leaned closer to Heart's body. Heart sighed as part of the tension because the distance between their two bodies had eased. Saint strained his neck over Heart to watch him as he thrust back inside quickly.

Heart groaned, but otherwise stayed calm. He opened his eyes to Saint's large shoulders, hovering over him, blocking his view to below. Heart smirked.

"Look at me, instead of down there, if you focus on it, it will only hurt more."

Heart laughed and instantly regretted it as he felt it in his ass.

"I don't think covering up what is going on down there is going to make me focus on it less." He panted.

Saint groaned.

"True, but now how can I make you laugh again, I liked the way it tensed and tightened around my balls."

Heart gaped up at Saint, then laughed in surprise.

"Damn, you demon lord." He growled.

Saint chuckled, and Heart winced as it caused Saint's dick to bounce up and down inside him.

"God, I am so aroused, I don't think I have any self-control anymore. Sorry, Heart." Saint gasped.

"I have been going as slow as I can, I have to speed up now, or I think I will explode." Heart had only a few seconds to wrap around that information before Saint thrust faster and deeper than he had before.

Heart lay there, mouth gaping open, unable to make anything more than helpless mews, as his world focused on the endless soft wet noises of their pleasure that rolled around the room.

"Ah, Heart, you take it so well." Saint grabbed both of Heart's hips and ground against the inside of Heart deeply.

Heart's hips bucked wildly as he loosened and got into each of Saint's thrusts more and more.

The tension building inside him like a pile of helpless knots, his muscles bulged as Saint pounded him harder and harder until Heart's groans filled with an urgency, and he rocked his hips back and forth on Saint faster than Saint could pump.

"Frick, Heart, I am going to cum." Saint groaned out, and he sped up again his thrusts grew shorter and heavier. Heart gasped, and his cum shot out of him before he could even find his voice to tell Saint anything. Saint gasped and thrashed heavily, raising his hips higher to grind his pelvis even deeper.


"Saint!" Heart cried out, and Saint shuddered inside him to lost in the sensations and unable to speak. He leaned his whole body forward, groaning as he pumped, the aftershock thrusts too exhausted to do anything.

Saint slumped on top of Heart fully, and Heart adjusted to the additional weight of his body warm, sweaty, spent body.

Heart reached up and wrapped his exhausted arms around Saint's neck, and Saint grunted.

"Let's not move. Forever." His voice sounded drained.

"But, you are still inside me." Heart pointed out.

"Yeah, that's it, this is how it's going to be for the rest of forever," Saint said flatly.

Heart didn't know whether it was the fact that Saint was too weak to actually add any inflection in his tone or the fact that he really wasn't pulling out for real. But he found that blank statement hilarious, and he laughed hard in surprise.

His chiming laughter filled the air, and Saint and he both moaned as the force of the laughter caused Saint to slide out of him.

"Awww, dang it. I feel empty now." Heart whined as the sudden rush left him feeling numb.

"Shut up and go to sleep," Saint growled.

"To sleep?" Heart reached out and grabbed Saint's right arm and pulled it closer. Saint groaned in protest as Heart twisted his wrist to see the watch and the time.

"But it isn't even six in the evening."

"Go to sleep, or I will eat you," Saint growled.

Heart laughed. "You don't have the strength to move, what are you going to do?"

"Grrr, seriously, Heart! And you call me demon lord!" Saint quipped.

"Behave." Saint snapped.

Heart laughed, but closed his eyes and pet the back of Saint's head softly, feeling happier than he had in a really long time.

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