Sweet CEO's First Love

Chapter 55 - Good At Cooking

"How do you know how to cook?" Heart asked, staring from the side as Saint prepped and sliced each vegetable with the ease of a seasoned chef.

"Easy, my father was gone overseas and my mother left when I was three. The only person I could spend time with was our housekeeper, Chimlin. You met her before on the island. She started as my grandfather and grandmother's cook, then she switched to taking care of my grandfather after my grandmother passed."

"Oh, so Chimlin is not your grandmother."

Saint grinned. "She was like Somchit's sister and best friend. They used to bicker and argue all the time. I remember my grandmother telling me when Kit and I were little. Wann Wann, you have two accomplished grandmothers so you do not need that stinky old father and mother of yours." 

Heart gasped.

"She said that!" 

"But you said that you thought your father killed your mother."

"Why would your grandmother speak ill of the dead?���

"Mhhhm, I do, I know it for a fact. It isn't a belief. I will find proof. I know it because my grandmother told me before she died. It was one of the last things she said to me."

"She told me the story of how my mother left when I was three. My father gave her some money to walk away from me. I think he felt that if he controlled me, he could at least get my inheritance. And my mother took the money from him and left. She left for an entire year. Before coming back and begging for my grandfather and grandmother to forgive her"

"I wanted to know more of the story, but I was only ten years old at the time and Chimlin and my grandfather wouldn't peep a word. They told me they would tell me when I was older."

"I remember the day Amonrat called me into his office and told me that he needed to finish the story my grandma started telling me eight years ago."

Then he sat me down and told me I shouldn't hate anyone but Ngeun ever. Since hate makes a person weak. Because it gives the power to someone else. To let them tell you how to feel."

"Then he told me about how my mom was worried for her life the entire time that she was gone, that she hadn't left of her own will and that she only took the money because she wanted to live. She told them that she knew they could protect me from Ngeun. But that she couldn't live without me anymore, she promised to take me and to run away from Ngeun where he could never find us. My grandparents thought that a child having their mother back was more important and reluctantly agreed."

"I believed everything my grandfather said up to this point because I could remember mom saying we were going somewhere far away for a while. But then after a few days, I remember my dad showed up and took us home. We lived a whole year with him in secret, I remember his screaming and yelling, how much he hit my mom and I. I remembered the scars she would hide under her long sleeves. I remembered two older people coming and picking me up. Telling me they were my grandmother and grandfather and that they were going to watch me for a few days since my mom had to go on a trip. Then the next thing I knew everyone was telling me I would never see my mom again and my dad showed up screaming and ready to hit me". 

"My grandfather told me they were going to help her get away to send us to Korea and my mom dropped me off with them before running out to get the tickets. But she got into the accident on the way back. My grandparents took me from my father's home scared for me and brought me to the house we visited in Phuket where they raised me."

"They put a restraining order on my father that he couldn't come within a certain five hundred feet of me until I turned eighteen after my father tried to attack me. He tried attacking me on my mother's ceremonial day of death and my father's wedding day."

"When I found out about all of this, I had just finished high school and was starting college. I was really hurt and decided I wanted to move abroad to Korea to meet my Mother's family and to learn more about my background. I was livid and even was going to renounce my entire family once I finished my degree in college. But then I found out about my grandfather."

"Grandfather? Why did he do something?" Heart asked while swinging his feet back and forth on the stool so that it caused a soft banging against the white marble.

Saint chuckled.

"Behave with your feet or I will have to tie them down."

Heart felt his face heat up with embarrassment.

"Sorry, I swing my legs sometimes without even noticing I am doing it."

"But what was wrong? What did you find out? Was he sick? Was he being overthrown? Had he lost investors? Was the company tanking?"

"Do you want to hear the story or not?" Saint asked.

Heart wrinkled his nose and mouth pouting, but quieted down.

I found out that Amonrat was sick and that there was a possibility Ngeun already knew about it, or at least had his suspicions. So my grandfather called me back and told me that he needed me to sign a contract in front of Ngeun. Taking over the power and control as the head of the company while my grandfather went into retirement. He said that he would come back as the head of the company and the face of it after he had gotten all his treatments and gotten better. But that he wasn't sure how long it would take."

"Ngeun was really suspicious and wouldn't let us sign the hand over the contract for my grandfather's retirement without being there for the switchover."

"But when I think back to the hotheaded Saint who signed that contract to keep Ngeun from proving my grandfather was too feeble to continue running an empire I am now grateful."

"Oh, why?" heart asked. Curious what would make him so happy to sign that dreadful contract that had kept them apart for a while.

Saint smirked, stopped chopping, put down the knife, and walked around the island. He shoved his arms around Heart's neck and leaned in pecking him on the cheek.

"Because that contract led to me meeting you."

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