Sweet CEO's First Love

Chapter 59 - Appreciating The Art

Saint swallowed. "Hold on, I'm going to get more of that numbing gel."

"No! Don't!" Heart cried out a little panicked. Saint stopped, bottle in hand.

"What? Why? It can take away the pain. You are sore from before, and now it's going to be harder for me to get back inside without you feeling a bit tense."

"I want to feel it… To feel you." Heart said shyly. 

"It's okay if it hurts, it doesn't hurt bad. But I don't want it to be like I can't feel you at all."

"Are you sure?" Saint asked.

Heart nodded, after thinking for a moment.

Saint watched him for a moment before he put the bottle back down and lifted Heart's legs back to wrap around his waist. Then he lined up and gently used his hand to glide it in.

Heart groaned, but waited to feel Saint's balls lightly slap his bottom to signify the aching throb would end. But Saint pulled back before that could happen and thrust again slowly back in. 

Driving him high in anticipation, waiting for him to go deeper like he had when he first went inside. But Saint never thrust more than halfway in, and Heart became hungry, leaning into each one, trying to wiggle a little closer. But each time Saint held him back. 

The soft groans from Saint felt throaty and needy, but as if they were just starting, missing the guttural urge they had behind them when he came during the hand job weeks ago. He needed to hear that again; he needed to know he was satisfying Saint as much as Saint was for him.

Heart moaned, enjoying it, but feeling frustrated. He wanted to feel that twinge, to be taken to the edge where the gel couldn't save him. He wanted to feel Saint all of him and revel in every movement. He wanted to hear those throaty noises Saint had made when he lost himself, feel the slap, feel the stickiness. Finally, he growled a little and grabbed Saint's waist, clawing at him until he had a good handful of his flesh, and with all his arm strength he forced him deep inside.

Heart let out a painful gasp as his ass immediately started throbbing nastily, and Saint's balls slapped against him hard with the force of all of Saint's weight as Saint fell on top of him.

Tears welled up in his eyes, and he gasped and choked out mini sobs. Saint pulled himself up a little, trying his best not to change anything down there. He saw Heart's face and froze.

"See, this is why I couldn't do it. I knew I wouldn't be able to see you cry." His face and voice had changed.

Heart blinked back the tears, trying not to show how much it had hurt for a moment, since it had hurt Saint to see him that way. 

"Ahh, dammit, I wanted more, and you wouldn't do it. I knew it would hurt too, I just didn't think it would hurt that much." He said unhappily.

"Do you want me to stop and to pull out?" Saint asked.

Heart glared at him. "Don't you dare!" 

They waited together, Heart clinging to Saint tightly and Saint doing his best not to move. Heart smiled softly and pulled him into a kiss. Then slowly released his hips and pushed him back. The moment he did, Heart bit into Saint's lip savagely. He tasted a little blood. But then he pulled him back down as he opened his mouth and invited Saint to kiss him back. Each kiss stressed a thrust and a low, throaty mewl of pain. But the more he got lost in those kisses, the less it hurt, until the sounds Heart was making were all noises of pleasure. The heavy breathing in between the dark, heavy kisses filled the darkness with their delectable mews of pleasure. Saint quickened his pace, and their breathing grew deeper, accentuated with every thrust.

He grabbed Saint and kissed him deeply, his nails scraping down his back, leaving red marks. 

Saint let out a dark, throaty cry and gasped, his body shaking as he thrust with each cusp, each shiver, the cum shot strongly, deep inside Heart, and each thrust became wetter and squished. Heart came a few moments later, the hot liquid shooting and spilling out of him dripping down his belly and his pelvis.

Saint fell on top of him, squishing the liquid all over both their bodies.

"Don't move ever again, I think we are melded together…" Heart struggled out. He struggled out each word in between giant gasps, like each breath he was drinking the air out of need. He hugged Saint, clinging to him tightly. 

Saint chuckled in his ear. "Sorry,"

"Do you think you will be okay?" worry tinged his voice.

Heart giggled. He ran his hands through Saints' hair softly. 

"Of course, I might walk like a penguin tomorrow. But overall I am in one piece."

Saint raised his head a little to look into Heart's eyes. 

Heart stared up at Saint. 

'This had been a wild night, with this gorgeous beast of a man who had turned soft and sweet, who made him ache to let him in.'

'Saint I am yours fully and completely. I can tell you feel the same.'

'But even if I am wrong, I know without a doubt, I can never go back to before I knew you, Saint.'

'You broke down my whole world…. I don't know what fate brought us together, but I am so happy I found you, that I had time in my life, to love you.' He thought and smiled sweetly up at Saint.

Heart smiled at him as if the whole world was brighter. His eyes and face glowing. Saint smiled back, happiness that shone right through his eyes, brightly even in the dim light.

He knew Saint didn't know what he was thinking at that moment, but he felt like with that one smile, his whole world had shattered and been rebuilt. As if he had never seen how bright the world really could be until this moment.

Saint chuckled.


"It's nothing."

"No, Saint, tell me."

"I just thought you had to be some sort of doctor or killer to stare at your Heart."

Heart looked at him dryly.

"Really, you are going to use a cheesy pickup line on using my name when your cum is dripping out of my ass?"

Saint chuckled.

"Is there a better time to make one?"

Heart smacked his chest.

"I'm leaving, the moods ruined." Heart tried to get up, but Saint was lying on top of him. Saint responded to his attempts to escape by pressing into him harder.

"Ahh, okay, okay, I surrender, you beast of a man."

Saint grinned.

"Good, go to sleep. It's bedtime."

"I can't, I am too sticky again."

"Hold on."

Saint got up and came back a moment later, then carefully cleaned Heart up, making sure not to miss any spots.

"Now, go to bed." He lay next to Heart and wrapped him in his arms, not letting him make any more excuses.

Heart smiled and closed his eyes.

'I don't think there is a way to be happier than this. My whole world has opened up for me. I can't ever stop. You are my now, my never, and my forever.'

"Good night, Saint," he whispered, then let sleep take him.

Heart woke up feeling warm, his legs were wrapped around a large body, and it took a moment for him to remember where he was. Then he turned and looked up at Saint with a smile. Saint was sitting up reading some papers, and Heart had been sleeping with his head rested half on his stomach and lap, arms and legs wrapped around Saint tightly. 

"Hey sleepy, how was your sleep?"

"It was great, how about yours?" Heart blushed a little and tried to untangle himself from Saint, but he grabbed him and pulled him back. 

Heart fell back against him and looked up sweetly, staring at Saint, then looked back down. He reached up at the unfamiliar weight around his neck and grabbed for the small stone around his neck, 'Saint was his, he wanted him as his boyfriend.'

"My sleep was a bit uncomfortable, to be honest, I felt like I would never sleep,"

"I eventually did, but you are a naughty thing, just as I would fall asleep you would wrap yourself around me... And that is not good for my brain or body."

Heart smiled, trying not to feel as pleased as he was that he had made Saint a little restless. 'After all, how many nights had Saint tormented him, keeping him up all night?'

'Yes, those had been fantasies, but still, it was nice hearing, he couldn't stop thinking about him and wanting him.'

"You are as much of a demon as I am, so to answer you, it was terrible, I couldn't work or sleep."

"In the end, my brain won, and I called Kit and told him I won't be coming into the office today to send some work for me to do here."

"I also made you breakfast."

Heart perked up at that, "Oh, what did you make?" 

Heart reached over and looked at the tray. He raised the bell lid and saw a nice, cold breakfast with varieties of cold cuts, cheeses, pieces of bread and fruits laid out prettily on the plate. He grabbed some meat with his hands and started nibbling around the edges in a little circle. Ignoring the fork and knife, or the bread to make a sandwich with.

"Hey, are you a little kid? Why are you eating with your fingers?" Saint asked, slightly annoyed. "I worked hard on that, the least you could do is not play…" Heart shoved a piece of meat into Saint's mouth, surprising him. But Saint was quick to react and bit down softly before he could remove his fingers. 

Heart leaned a bit further away as Saint leaned into him, making sure he couldn't escape the situation he had gotten himself into. Saint licked his tongue around Heart's fingers, lapping and rolling Heart's fingers around his mouth while never letting go. 

Heart blushed and tried to crawl backward on the big fluffy bed in an attempt to escape Saint as he sucked more of Heart's finger into his mouth. 

Heart's eyes widened, and he tried to shake him off, but Heart was no match for him, and he sucked on his fingers tightly, refusing to give them back. Instead, he followed Heart backward until he had no choice but to hurt Heart by pulling too hard on them or crawling on top of him. He crawled until he was sitting atop Heart's belly, triumphantly leaning down into Heart's face, while Heart flushed with surprise and pleasure at the tingling sensation.

"Well, I suppose I should come back later. Or at least wait outside, but I rather want to see what happens next." Kit's soft voice held an amused chuckle inside it. 

Shocked, Heart's head swiveled to the door where Kit stood against the frame nonchalantly. His face reddened immediately.

"Go away, I was just starting something," Saint growled through his teeth. Still not letting go.

"I would, but I am rather afraid that if I do, no work will get done at all. And if that happens, I will be stuck listening to some sweet and energetic moaning for a few hours from you two. All before I can even get you to look properly at what I brought."

"And, while staying here and listening to my cousin have sex is for sure right up there on my secret agenda of the millions of things I wanted to do today. I am afraid you told me you needed this done before lunch." Kits said dryly, but his eyes twinkled and danced as he tried not to laugh at the situation.

Saint sighed and let go of Heart. His hand dropped from Saint's mouth as if it were dead weight, and Heart just stared like a deer caught in headlights. 

Saint crawled off the bed, then walked towards Kit.

"You have as nice a body outside clothes as you do in them, but to make things less awkward, I would cover up a little more of your butt. Knowing you, you will be all shy, come Tuesday when you come into work." Kit said softly as he looked away so Heart could compose himself.

"Hey, stop ogling my boyfriend," Saint said, jealousy tinging his voice.

"I am not ogling, I appreciate fine art, besides, he was more than less fully covered with the blanket. It was only one butt cheek hanging out. Besides, I have a beautiful husband with a great ass. I don't need to stare at yours, since I have one of my own. You know me, I love to appreciate beauty and art even when it means nothing to me."

Saint smiled. "Oh, I know, that's why it's high compliments to him since you even bothered to mention it at all. If it wasn't worth a bother, you woulda just left it."

"I mentioned it not because he has a nice ass. But because knowing him, he would be too shy to show up to work. And someone has to keep your inner demon at bay. I have been able to drink my own coffee lately. I dunno if I can give that kinda freedom up." 

Saint laughed. "Abusing Heart to get your fifteen minutes of coffee time a day. You are a horrible mentor. That's it, you're fired."

"Oh goody, that's nice, let me call the husband and tell him we are free. Someone else took the demon child away. Feels good."

Heart grabbed the covers and pulled them around him. Hoping he could fade away into the background after he realized neither of them were making any motions of leaving the room. But instead, were just standing there. 'Appreciating the art and talking over him.'

'God, this is so embarrassing, I need to slink away, maybe go die in a ditch. Kit saw my butt, ah. What do I do?'

Kit started laughing. "Gosh, we really are horrible. Come on, I think if we both don't leave, he will continue digging into those covers until he reaches the other side of the world."

"Oh yes, speaking of which, you told me about your travels, but I still haven't seen any KitTen pictures from it. I need my fix, you know." Saint said playfully.

"You really are awful, you know that." Kit said while pulling Saint from the room, their arms wrapped around each other's backs.

Heart melted into the blankets with a sigh.

'That Demon! He was enjoying how uncomfortable I felt being stared at in my underwear. That evil self-entitled, rich, nosy, know it all…..' He grumbled, 'Gorgeous, cute, hot-headed, sexy man.'

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