Sweet CEO's First Love

Chapter 68 - Num Prt 2

That is why I laid down on the ground to pet her." Heart said standing up and walking over to her. Staring at her.

"Wow girl, you are amazing. How the heck did you get up here? We are on the fourth floor!" Heart reached out his finger for her to sniff. She walked right up to him not even bothering and rubbed against his stomach.

Heart chuckled then turned to look at Min.

Min stared back at him unimpressed.

"Nope, nuh-uh."

"Don't even think about letting that mangy beast..." The cat jumped down from off the ledge and sauntered over to Min. She sniffed Min's slippered feet before thinking about it, and a moment later rolled her body across Min's leg as if to thank her for her fluffy slippers then laid down on top of her feet so she couldn't move.

Tee laughed, losing it.

"I don't think you have a choice," he noted.

Heart chuckled. "I think she likes you."

"Nope, no, no way." 

"Psst." Min hissed at the cat. But the cat looked up at her, licked her paw once, then stared at her with her paw frozen near her lips, as if to say. What do you think you are saying, to someone like me right now? Then leaned back into the slipper, rubbing her face into the soft fuzz.

Tee tried to hide his snicker this time, but barely masked it, and Min gave him a glare, which meant he would be in the hot seat tonight.

Heart chuckled. "I guess she likes squishy things. She liked my sweater too."

"Oooh, that's perfect!"

"What? What is perfect?" Min asked reluctantly, Heart could tell she was already regretting it.

"Num!" Heart exclaimed happily.

The cat sat up immediately.

"Oh, she likes it!"

"Num." Heart called out again.

The cat stood up and ran over to him jumping up onto the couch immediately.

"Awe, how cute, her name is Num."

"I said, we are not..." 

Heart pet her fur, it was a bit rough and crusty with dirt but still softer than anything else he had touched besides a few sweaters.

"You are really cute, Num." Heart said gently, totally enthralled by her beautiful golden eyes.

Min sighed. "Never mind. I give up."

"Like you had a choice." Tee stated.

Heart smirked.

"It's okay if you don't have a family, Num." Heart whispered the cat purred and nuzzled into his dirty lap.

"Okay, enough excitement for one night. You need to wash up, eat your dinner, and then do your homework."

"And you need to stop being so incorrigible."

Tee walked over to Heart and sat next to him.

"Introduce me to Num."

"Do you think she likes human food? I don't have any cat food, maybe I can pick some up later on my way home."

"Try Seven eleven." Heart said.

"Ah, you are right, the convenience store would have it." Tee agreed.

"Ah you're right, I am going to kill both of you if you don't leave the dang cat alone and eat your dinner. It's getting cold." Min mocked Tee.

"Honestly, am I watching two nine-year-olds right now?" Min grumbled, shaking her head.

Heart stared at his sister, realizing she was getting grouchy and stood up. Num seemed dissatisfied with his decision to stop being her personal warming spot but otherwise didn't do much in protest of his removal.

Heart walked to the bathroom and washed up quickly, before walking quickly over to Min. He took a plate off the counter, and held it up looking up at Min sweetly, pulling out all his charms, knowing just how much she loved his dimples.

It was something he had inherited from their mother but that she never had, and Heart knew for a fact it was her weakness.

She smirked and filled up his plate, giving him three skewers of Moo Ping.

Heart inched the plate towards her slowly, raising his eyebrows and smiling sweetly.

She laughed.

"Alright I get it, you want more."

Heart nodded. "I am growing after all."

Min chuckled.

Tee stood up and walked over.

"I am growing too." he stated.

"Shut up, Tee" Min stated without even giving him the time of day while adding three more skewers to Heart's plate.

Heart giggled, but turned around and walked back to the couch and sat next to Num, whose nose was sniffing delicately at the air. Heart watched her whiskers twitch, giggling.

"Awe she is hungry."

He pulled a piece of the meat off the stick and held it out for her. 

"Heart don't do that, she might bite your fingers, besides if you give her that she will steal... " Min paused, watching in surprise.

Num interrupted Min's statement by taking the big chunk of meat from Heart's hands nicely and happily started nibbling at it daintily. Heart watched her surprised.

"Cute, she is really gentle." Heart dug into his own food happily observing Num as she ate her food on the couch beside him.

"That's going to leave a stain." Min sighed but sat down next to Tee on the floor and ate her food.

Heart ignored the two of them, his focus entirely on Num.

He finished up his food as fast as he could then set the plate back down after eating his lettuce.

"I'm going to go shower then go do my work and go to sleep. You two can stay here and have your alone time. I don't need any help."

"Come on Num, let's go" he said, making a soft kissing sound at the cat. The girl followed him out of the room leaving the two adults to their own space.

Heart walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. Num watched the water fall onto the floor, seemingly unbothered by it but clearly not wanting to get too wet. She seemed to notice that under the sink wasn't getting particularly rained on and stepped underneath the small shelter and began licking her chest clean. Heart laughed at her tenaciousness, but showered quickly so as not to inconvenience Num much longer. 

He opened the bathroom door as soon as he was dressed so that he could free Num, but instead of bolting out like he thought she would. She simply sauntered out and looked back at him as if to ask if he was coming.

Heart chuckled and followed Num until she started to go to the living room and he smiled.

"No, not there Num. I have to go in here now." He said to her, pointing into his room.

"You do know she doesn't understand you," Min called from the living room.

Heart rolled his eyes and instead walked into his bedroom hoping Num would follow.

He really wanted to pick her up but wasn't sure if she was ready for that.

'Probably, not.' he thought with a little, sad sigh.

Heart walked over to the window near his dresser, and dropped his clothes and towel onto the floor beside his dresser messily, letting out a contented sigh before pushing the window wide open so that Num could leave if she wanted too. The cool air from outside hit his damp face, and he enjoyed the sensation that washed over his skin.

Heart turned around, walked to the bed on the floor, then flopped down onto his blankets, laying back on them sprawling out crazily. He turned to the window and watched Num, who had gone to the window the moment he had opened it and was sniffing it.

"I like the autumn breeze like tonight's, it's pretty. Don't you think so Num? I like how the air seems a bit saltier, a little thicker. I like how people seem busier, but happier, since summer's heat is over, and they aren't going to get boiled by the overwhelming heat anymore."

"And I like school a lot, but I don't like the people there very much. Well, I suppose my teachers aren't so bad, but the kids aren't that nice so I mainly avoid them." Heart flipped over onto his stomach, and Num watched him.

"I have never had anybody I really liked very much, well except for Min... and Tee... It would be nice to have a friend. It would be nice if I don't have to spend all day alone. To have a friend I can talk to."

Num meowed, and Heart smiled.

The cool air tousled his hair, and he curled into a ball enjoying the way it fell on his face. He felt his face twisting into a yawn he couldn't stop and winced at the pain in his jaw when the inevitable yawn attacked him.

"I already feel really happy. I think if I go to sleep and when I wake up you are gone, I'll feel sad, but I think I'll just be happy with this right now. I've never had a friend before. This has been the best night."

Num jumped down from the sill, sauntered over, walked across the bed, and curled up into a ball in front of Heart.

"The very best," Heart stated sleepily, closing his eyes the biggest grin on his face as he fought sleep and happiness.

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