Sweet CEO's First Love

Chapter 70 - Can't Think Straight

Heart stared in disbelief at his sister who glared at him as if she wanted to turn him into some paint just so she could splatter him across something and beat him into oblivion with her tools of trade. 

"Really? Heart?" She glanced at the ten people around her, some Heart was aware she knew and some completely new to her that she had never met before.

"Heart! Are you really?..." Min paused.

"Is this really the time and place for this right now?" She whispered, annoyed.

"Yes. "

'Min you left me out of the most important thing going on in your life right now. And I was so blind I missed it.'

"Of course, it is."

"To be fair, I can't really think straight right now."

"But I can't not talk about this either."

"I feel so very excited and happy for you guys. You both are going to be amazing parents and I am so proud of you guys. I can't wait to meet the little bundles that you are going to welcome into the world."


"Yet?" Min repeated nervously.

"I feel inherently terrible."

"I can't even comprehend how sad you must have been Min."

"How alone you must have felt. You must have been so frustrated."

"I know you have Tee and Tee is amazing. But I am sure you wanted and needed me to, and I wasn't there for you at all."

"I'm really sorry I got so caught up in my work. I am sorry I wasn't there for you. I was a horrible little brother. Min I am so sorry I left you alone. I am so sorry I wasn't there for you when I promised I would always be there."

"What? Heart, what do you even mean?"

"Why would I be sad?"

"You silly boy. You didn't leave me behind, you grew up."

"Since when is growing up a crime?"

"Every person changes as new things come and go in their life. As priorities change, or as new things consume their time."

"You... Min you are my priority. You always have been... How... How did I forget that? How did I become so blind?"

"Gah, I am sorry I swear I will get my priorities back on track from now on."

Min stood up and walked the few steps to where Heart was standing.

"Don't. You silly child."

Heart sniveled and looked up from the ground and into his big sister's face. The duplicate image, almost a perfect copy-paste of his own. 

"Your priorities didn't change Heart. They grew and expanded and that growth and change ended the painful ache in my worrying, overbearing sister bear protective self."

"Look around you. Could you say that a year ago you had this many people to care for and love you? For you to care and love back?"

"No, you couldn't."

"You have grown up, you are learning to love... But better than that, you are learning to live. The amount of people who you have gotten to share a piece of your story with is amazing."

"This is exactly what I wanted for you."

"Do you think I wanted you to stay locked in that room all alone, eating, sleeping, working, and studying in an endless loop?"

"You have gone to the movies, your very first bar, had your first crush, traveled outside of Bangkok. You saved someone else's life, sang on national television to brighten your friend's spirit. Danced on a beach in the middle of the setting sun."

"You haven't disappointed me. Because for the first time you are finally living for yourself as yourself. And that is all I could ask for."

... All we could ask for." Tee agreed.

Tee stood up and walked over to cuddle Min and put his free arm around Heart. 

"Heart we are so proud of you."

Heart hugged the both of them and then stepped away wiping the tears from his eyes.

He looked at the room. High held Mark tightly, while Mark hid his face inside High's shoulder concave.

"Mark, what's wrong? Did someone touch you by accident? Heart asked, concern creasing his brow and he rushed close before stopping and holding out a hand for Mark.

"No... It's not that." Mark sniffed.

"Oh, what is it? Does it hurt somewhere?"

"Heart you are such an endearing idiot. Shaddup. He is a blubbering mess because that was so beautiful to watch." Ten said wiping away tears too.

Saint, Ring, and Tone chuckled at the same time and the three of them looked at each other. 

Saint scratched his ear, Tone looked away and Ring rolled his eyes, shoving his hand in his pocket.

"Yeah, damn softies, crying over this. What, is this some kind of soft-hearted melodrama?" Saint said, cursing lightly under his breath.

Kit walked up and patted him gently on the back. 

"Ten is right. Shut up, you have nothing good to say."

Min chuckled watching Saint with a bemused expression. "I am so proud of you, Heart, you have grown so much that even your boss has come here to make sure you will be okay."

Dr. Park Gwangjin walked back out into the waiting area and stared up at them all curiously.

"Ah, I am happy to see you have your family here with you. Heart." 

Heart walked towards him slowly, and Doctor Park Gwangjin took his hand, patting it gently.

Min held onto Heart's arm protectively.

"The x-ray came back showing she has a Myeloproliferative tumor."

"A what?"

"A tumor." Heart repeated backing away from Dr.Park Gwangjin very slowly.

"No, she can't..."

"Are you sure that's what it is?" Heart heard Min ask from beside him, but the world started to fade away into nothingness. He was aware that Min was holding him up and that Tee had come to stand on the other side of him for support. But nothing mattered, because he was going to lose his very first best friend he had ever had in his life. 

'Num. I?'

'Num.... How did I miss this? How did this happen?!'

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