Sweet CEO's First Love

Chapter 8 - You're A Devil

Saint's fingers slid across the open zipper gently, each time his fingernail tapped a single tooth of the zipper it reverberated back into Heart's body, the shaking attack ended as Saint's fingers gently teased the very tip of fabric on his thin blue satin boxers. Just barely coming in contact with his member below.

Heart gasped and threw his head back and his eyes closed naturally, he shook physically from the attack on his senses. His breath sped up and a soft hapless groan exploded from his chest. He had never felt so vulnerable in his life.

The shivers were like an ocean; they came at him in enormous waves that ran through his entire body.

Saint had barely just grazed his poor stiffy he wasn't sure if by accident or on purpose. But it had sent a million bolts of lightning coursing through his body. He had never felt anything more intense in his life.

"Stop," he managed to whisper out his voice cracking from need.

'I can't do this!!! I'm not ready to fall for you, I'm not ready to let you in... Don't do this Heart don't let him in, don't fall!' His mind screamed as fear made him realize what he was almost doing. 'I can't deny him, I can't stop him… What is this physical attraction! How did this happen? Why do I want you so bad? What are you even doing to me? Stupid body!' A tear fell from his eyes from the sheer pain of desire he felt.

He heard Saint's frustrated groan.

"Fuck, you are a devil. Heart." Saint growled.

And even though he had closed his eyes a while back and couldn't see he knew by the sudden jolt of cool air surrounding his body That the heavy mass that was Saint had stepped away from him.

He gasped and panted, trying to convince himself to calm down. To cover himself. To do anything so he wasn't standing there so vulnerable. So bare.

'Only you can fill this empty space, and now that you are gone, it is empty again. I can't handle it being empty anymore.'

'Be strong Heart, don't give in,'

'… But I long for him.'

But his mind told him he had a raging stiffy that was painful. Almost burning him inside with such a heavy desire. Yet, he adjusted his pants with a determined look at it and decided the best way to fix this was to go outside for some air.

Heart reached down to do himself up.

"I'm sorry I dunno what's going on, I feel overwhelmed, you probably do too. We are both overworked, this isn't how I want to do this." Saint groaned.

"I really want this." Saint growled out.

Heart paused, hands on his pants and mulled those words around inside his head.

'He wants this, because he wants your body? Because this overwhelming desire for you has broken him down completely? Or is he starting to feel what I feel too? Is he starting to feel more, so much more. I want to know every breath and what it means. I want to know his life purpose, I want to know what he thinks about before bed. Is it the same for you?'

'Do you desire everything of me? I dunno when it started, but I desire everything, from dusk till dawn, from every second the earth bleeds. Ever since I met you, you have created convolutions in me. I can never go back, from this point forward.'

'I like you Saint.'

'I can only say it in my heart for now.'

'But even that is enough.'

'Maybe, maybe.. One day you will see it and know.'

'Maybe even like me too.'

"Me too." Heart admitted. Shocking Saint and himself into silence.

Heart froze panicking as he realized he had said the words he was thinking out loud without a filter on them.

'Why did you admit it to him, why did you just blurt out your feelings?'

"What? What did you say?" Saint growled, his voice was demanding, but his eyes flashed with excitement and a hint of happiness.

Heart blinked.


"Nothing? Are you sure that is the story you want to go with?" Saint asked calmly.

Heart could tell how much self control he was using and how he could barely curb his desire to be in control, how Saint could barely stand it.

"No." He said honestly.

"What?" Saint asked.

"In fact, I am pretty sure I will regret this for the rest of my life." Heart added. Before stepping forward towards him and pressing his lips eagerly onto Saint's plump lips, his mouth opened eagerly, and his tongue slid inside tasting his sweetness.

Tasting the creamy warm fluid that oozed into him, becoming one with his very motion. The plump, juicy flesh under his own, was warm and delectable, he couldn't stop himself from devouring it with soft nibbles. As he sucked Saint's bottom lip gently in between his own, before licking the pretty bit of deliciously succulent skin with his tongue.

'Just once, let me have my first ever kiss. Let me have my first ever confession. I know I am putting myself in your hands. That I am letting you have me right now.'

'I am scared, I am scared by how bad I want and need you.'

'But I can't go back. I can't stop my feelings anymore.'

He let out a soft sigh of delight as shivers cascaded through his body. He slid his lips down Saint's chin and to his neck. His tongue flicked out tasting and teasing saint's Adam's apple.

Saint groaned and Heart's lips twitched into a tiny smirk.

Saint seemed to have been under the impression that he was innocent, that he couldn't do anything without him. The problem wasn't that he couldn't figure anything out with him. It wasn't innocence clouding his judgment, it was normally fear.

But his mind felt free right now.

Because right now it wasn't a problem of money or the future, it wasn't about the past, who was boss, who had started anything, or what in the world had brought them together despite their differences. Or even about what Saint really felt for him anymore. He had let it go. He was living in this dangerous moment.

He was living in his moment of confession.

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