Sweet CEO's First Love

Chapter 89 - Not Just A Pen

*** DISCLAIMER this was supposed to go right AFTER the chapter BANTERING but I accidentally lost the chapter, and I will be placing it there after it has been out one full day so everyone can read ti with ease. ***

The words tickled Heart's ears and sent delightful shivers down his spine.

Heart sat there stunned as his lips pursed the air for a split second looking for the ones he had lost contact with. He blinked dazedly. Then realized the uncomfortable sensation behind his ear and pulled the object down only to be staring at a simple ordinary pen from Saint's desk.

He put the folder on the desk gently and held the pen up.

"A pen? You are giving me a pen? Why?" He asked puzzled.

"It isn't just a pen," Saint said softly. Leaning on the desk, staring at Heart.

"Normally a man when he sees his partner standing there taking his breath away, he will slip a flower into her hand, or her hair, or behind her ear. Then he will tell her how she looks more beautiful than nature herself."

"Or how there is nothing more stunning than a beautiful flower. Of course, meaning her because getting your breath stolen needs to be commemorated."

Because how else will someone know the effect they have on you if you don't tell them?..."

He smiled softly.

"I don't have any flowers, but you are still beautiful and stunning and take my breath away." Saint said softly.

"The more I stare at you the more I realize how much my breath really does catch and my heart stops every moment we have together."

"Every single moment like an endless fire, enveloping me, licking at my body, hot fire of happiness and it feels like I could happily die in it.'

"So, I gave you that pen because I will always give you anything I have."

"Even if I went out and got you a million flowers right now I still wouldn't know which one to choose to give to you, so I would give you them all, and yet, none would match you in beauty anyway."

He reached out and pulled Heart in so that Heart's body thumped, landing softly in his arms and then reached up and caressed his hair softly. Kissing the hair in his palm lightly.

"Keep the pen. It might be nothing but a pen to others, but there is always at least one person in the world who will appreciate its beauty."

Heart melted. 'He was most definitely not talking about the pen.' He blushed deeply as Saint stared into his eyes. His arms locked around him, resting across the top of his butt.

"I am going to Korea next week."

"I know." Heart said, surprised by the sudden change in topic from the flirting to the straight-out laydown of facts.

"Will you miss me?"

Heart smiled, flushing with pleasure but feeling awkward at the blatant question. "Of course. Why wouldn't I?" He said, slowly, not sure what Saint was wanting from him.

"How much will you miss me?" Saint asked.

Heart blushed, brighter than before, feeling hella awkward now.

"I already told you I will miss you! Now I have to tell you it will be a lot!" He pouted, ears burning with embarrassment.

"What if you don't have to miss me?" Saint asked.

"Of course I have to miss you, I can't just stop what emotions my body feels.." Heart said, rolling his eyes.

Saint grabbed Heart's chin and pulled it up so they were looking perfectly eye to eye and there was no place for him to go.

"Come with me. Come with me so I don't have to feel lonely again." He said, gently dropping all his masks so it was just him. Just the lonely boy who had never had anyone to go anywhere with him stood there pleading with him.

Heart gulped there was no place left to stare, but those lonely deep brown eyes and they wanted to swallow him in its depths of despair. He needed someone to take his hand and pull him back out of that despair and he was asking for Heart to do it.

Not asking, he was begging Heart, with his emotions on his sleeve ready to be ripped apart in an instant if Heart had the nerve to turn him down.

He was elated, nervous, and most of all, scared of all that he wanted and all that could be taken from him. For the first time since that night with the storm, there was nothing but pure vulnerability there.

"Yes," Heart whispered before it registered that he was the one who had spoken and not Saint.

Saint smiled, his face lighting up happily. And he leaned down and kissed Heart on his nose lightly. Then composed himself and that moment of complete and utter vulnerability was gone.

"Good your travel package and itinerary are in that folder, make sure you take it home with you. I'll be working late." He patted Heart's bum lightly. Letting go of him and walking behind the desk as if he hadn't just been one hundred percent emotional and non-flirty for a moment there.

Heart picked it up before it fell and stared at Saint a little stunned.

"Wait, you already planned all this! How did you know I would say yes, and come with you?" He asked, shocked.

"Simple. It's me ordering, not asking. Remember you are my slave at work." He smiled smugly, then sat back down.

"Is this trip for work?" Heart asked.

"I suppose it could be classified as one, but it is sort of also not one," he stated, looking up at Heart.


"Is it a business trip or not?"

"Well if you are asking if any work will be getting done while there, then yes. There will be business conducted on this trip." Saint affirmed.

"Okay, Would I be going as your work slave?" Heart asked, slowly.

"Or am I going as a boyfriend going on a vacation with his lover?"

Saint smirked and folded his hands one on top of the other, he raised a brow and leaned his chin on his hands over his desk. Looking every bit the powerful CEO of a fortune five hundred company.

"Why can't it be both, both business and pleasure... Just come as both." He said playfully.

Heart pursed his lips and sucked in a breath.

"And what if I decided to say no now?" Heart said a little annoyed he had been tricked.

"Easy, come along, or I'll force you to come along. You are my contracted slave still remember." He said naughtily, daring Heart to play with him.

Heart became a little sour.

Saint chuckled all of a sudden, breaking the unease in the room.

"Calm down my fierce little tiger. It was my idea to have you come along, yes, absolutely. But apparently, I am slow on the draw because I came up with this idea today."

"Kit planned this all weeks ago, after meeting Seungwoo. I just planned it from an hour ago. So, I was played too. Hurts my pride to say it. But that evil Kitten is just too good for the both of us, especially with me being so distracted lately."

"You are distracted lately. Why?" Heart asked.

Saint scoffed. "Don't play dumb, as if you don't know I am already wrapped up in every little bit that involves you. Just say yes to the trip Heart. Let's let him have his fun, huh.... Especially when it benefits us." He chuckled softly and started to work again.

"Jeesh, you promise the man one vacation with his husband, and his work ethic suddenly shoots through the roof. Who knew." Saint said cheekily.

Heart smirked.

"Okay, I will come along."

Saint grinned. "Good, take a look and see what's inside that folder Kit made up for you. I don't actually know since I didn't get a chance to look before I found out I was played."

Heart nodded with a smile. Feeling a bit better about it now that he knew Saint had been played too and now that he saw what good spirits Saint was in.

'In fact, it made him feel really happy about the trip, knowing that Kit had gotten the jump on all of them and had worked so hard doing all these thoughtful things for people. He couldn't let that effort go to waste now could he.'

"Okay, I'll review this at home." He said softly and started towards the door.

"Okay, see you there," Saint said softly. They both froze, Saint with his hand above the paper, and Heart foot halfway off the floor. Mid-turn on the way to head out of the office.

"Ah, you meant your home," Saint said slowly.

Heart nodded.

"Can't you stay at mine again tonight? I miss you already, even though you came straight from my house to here in my car, I still managed to feel like I am longing for you even when you are close by." He said softly.

Heart blushed. Then nodded no.

"I am sorry I can't. I have to go back and see Min, to tell her about this trip, I have been doing a lot of things at the last minute. I at least want to tell her about this a little bit in advance. Besides, I should go to make sure that the whole building is, like still standing. I haven't seen much of it except for a few minutes in the past few weeks.

Saint sighed. "Alright." he said unhappily, but waived Heart out in a sad dismissal.

Heart nodded, before speed walking out of there holding the file. He needed to escape fast. Any moment longer that he spent in the room was a moment more. That he risked himself to being exposed to Saints swoon-worthy, heart-stopping adorably sweet moments.

And he was pretty sure all these soft moments of sweetness were going to be the death of his poor lovingly abused heart.

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