Meanwhile on the same night.

Caroline and Allison were having drinks in the bar room.

"Cheers!" Allison said.

"Cheers!" Caroline responded wearing a blank face.

Allison's happiness was plastered all over her face while Caroline was showing no emotion on her face.

Caroline wanted to go somewhere to be alone. She's not in the mood to feel celebratory right now, her heart just died after abandoning her husband. She's not in the mood to drink wine but she can't say no to Allison.

From now on, this woman calls the shot!

She must go along and humor Allison to earn her good side.

Caroline sipped her wine absentmindedly.

Allison was studying the younger woman's face. It's obvious that Caroline was not in the mood for talking right now. She understood her somber epression well, it must be very hard for Caroline leaving her husband...fresh from their honeymoon.

After sipping their wine.

Allison put her glass in the center table and rose to her feet. "It looks like you wanted to be alone and retire early, girl. Am I right?" she asked her.

Caroline nods her head. "Yes...Can I rest now?"

"Yes of course! Follow me, I will bring you to your room for tonight. And tomorrow, I will bring you to my brother's house. His place will become your home in the coming months," said Allison.

The two women left the room.

Allison brought Caroline into the room next to her bedroom.

Caroline saw her traveling bag near the bed, Owen must have brought the bag inside.

"You may rest now, dinner will be in a few minutes. Feel yourself at home, Caroline. If you need anything just tell me," Allison said cheerfully.

"Thanks, Ali," Caroline said.

Allison nods her head and left the room.

Caroline lies down on the bed, not bothering to put her things in the closet since she will be leaving this place tomorrow.

She closed her eyes and think of her husband.

What is he doing right now?

What is he thinking of her sudden disappearance? Sad, angry, or depressed?

He probably experienced all the negative emotions at the same time.

Now she was questioning her action...

If marrying him was the perfect solution to her problem or she was just too greedy or cruel?

If she didn't marry him and they were still in a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship, maybe the pain wouldn't be so bad for him.

But it's too late now, she already made her decisions and she can no longer turn back time.

She was guilty of putting her husband in a roller coaster emotional torture right now.

"F#ck you!" Annoyed, she cursed the destiny for putting her in a very hard situation.

She sighed heavily.

Caroline stood up and open the bag's pocket to get her phone.

She went back to the bed and stared hard at her phone. She's wanting to call her husband and tell him to eat plenty for dinner, but she can't!

It's still not 24 hours of her disappearance, yet she's feeling like she was already dying.

Tears shimmered in her eyes and they ran down her face...

It's futile to stop her tears from falling, she buries her tear stricken face in her hands and give in to the tormenting feeling she was experiencing right now.

She was hoping that she will be strong enough to face whatever problems and conflicts she will be facing later on.

Her torment has just started...

Thirty minutes later, Caroline was still sobbing hard, her eyes flooded with tears.

She's feeling awful for killing Brenda and for what she had done to her beloved husband.

Her emotion was in a shamble.

A few minutes later, Allison was knocking on the door outside. "Caroline, dinner time. I'll wait for you downstairs, take your time."

"Okay," Caroline answered right away not wanting the woman to linger outside the room.

She heard Allison's footsteps fading away.

She stood up and sauntered towards the bathroom to wash her tear stricken face.

After washing her face with the water, she wiped it with the towel she saw hanging on the hook. She closed her eyes for a few minutes and looked at her reflection on the mirror.

Her wet soaked eyes look awful. But she doesn't give a damn and she thinks Allison won't give a damn either.

Even though she doesn't like eating, but she has to nourish her body to survive every day so that one day she can return to her husband healthy and in sound mind.

She combs her hair with her fingers. Then she gets out of the bathroom and proceeds outside towards the stairs.

She saw Allison sitting on the sofa in the living room, the woman stood up and went to her side, they walked towards the dining room located on the right side.

"Have a seat, Caroline," Allison said. "I instructed my cook to prepare especial dishes tonight for you. I hope you like the dishes," she said.

Caroline smiled a bit and sat on the chair opposite the woman.

"Let's eat!" Allison said with a wide smile on her face.

Caroline picked up the spoon and fork and began putting rice and dishes on her plate. The dishes look tasty and delicious, she might as well enjoy them.

The two women eat in silence.

Thirty-five minutes later, they finished eating.

Allison watched Caroline's face, still, she looks like not in the mood for a conversation.

The two women left the dining area.

"Ali, can I go back to the room now? I want to rest," Caroline asked permission first.

"Sure, go ahead..." answered Allison.

Caroline climbs back the stairs and went straight to the guest room.

She entered the room and locked it from the inside.

She unzips her traveling bag and took some clothes and clean underwear as well as her toothbrush and toothpaste.

She went to the bathroom and brush her teeth, after washing her body she changed into her pajamas and went back to bed.

She was lying in the bed staring at the ceiling.

Instead of feeling tortured, she chose to reminisce of the happy times together with her husband in their honeymoon in Palawan.

Smiling a bit while holding her phone, she played the videos she had taken during their honeymoon vacation.

The videos were filled with happy memories...

She can hear her husband's voice and his rich laughter.

Her smile was bittersweet.

She continuous watching the videos and photo slideshow, her eyes welled up, until tears began to flood her eyes again and she was sobbing in anguish.

So much of trying to be strong...yet the mere sight of those happy and romantic videos and photos hurled here into despair again.

She set aside her phone and put it down in the bedside table.

There's nothing to do inside the room that could take away her pain.

Then her eyes fell on the 25 inches TV. She could watch some show to distract her mind away from her problems!

She got off from the bed and picked up the remote control from the TV stand. She power on the TV and began searching for interesting channels to watch.

She settled on a war action movie, she wants action and adrenaline-pumping film to watch right now so that she can focus her attention on something and not think much about her problem.

She began watching the movie...

The film was all about surviving soldiers, trapped in the same mountain where the enemies were also hiding. The soldiers were outnumbered trying to survive, at the same time taking care of their wounded comrades. One by one the soldiers were being killed by the sharpshooter of the enemies.

Until only one soldier left...worst...he was also wounded.

Finally, he heard sounds of helicopter approaching...he was elated thinking that it was the back up force coming to rescue him.

He was right...unfortunately...the sharpshooter aimed at the low flying plane's passenger, targeting the pilot of the helicopter as well, and they were also killed one by one, pilotless, the helicopter went crashing into the ground nearby.

The ending...the camera was zooming to the face of the surviving wounded shoulder as the enemies were approaching his location from all directions.

It was such a devastating, heartbreaking ending, and once again, Caroline was reduced to tears.


The movie was not doing its part to cheer her up!

The night was still young.

But she won't be going out of the room to seek Allison's company. She'd rather spend her time watching random movies to pass the time until she will feel sleepy and goes into a deep sleep.

She tried browsing other movies...

She goes ahead with a horror movie this time.

The movie was about a family of five who are living in the mountain. The father is a farmer at the same time and heads to the sea once a week to catch some fish.

One night, the head of the family comes back with some catch from the ocean.

The wife cooked the fish including one strange fish that is weird looking. She was able to come up with a delicious soup, mix with vegetable out of the fish.

The family gathered around the table for supper and began eating rice and fish soup.

The night is getting deeper.

A few hours later... the whole family sleeps sides by sides on the wooden floor like sardines packed in a can.

At midnight, the father rose to his feet and looked at his family member one by one.

Then all of a sudden, the father's face transformed into a monster with a sharp tongue and long fingernails and began attacking the sleeping family members.

The small nipa hut house was filled with the screams of the people horrified to see a monster in their midst. There were much gore and blood shown on the TV screen so Caroline turns off the TV instantly.

She remembered the blood that pooled around Brenda's dead body after she killed him with the knife.

She got out of the bed and opened the bag, she took the bottle of sleeping pills and popped one tablet in her mouth, it's the only way she can sleep tonight without thinking much about her husband and ended up crying the whole night.

Half an hour later.

Caroline was already sleeping soundly with the help of the sleeping pills.

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