Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 113: Worried about his accident

Gu Baoyan felt ecstatic in his heart. Did he really change when he came to the Portuguese market?

It used to be because he knew that she had a deep affection for him, so the distance between the two people was extremely widened.

This time, Shen Jingyu promised to be so happy, which rekindled a certain kind of excitement in her heart.

She carefully selected a quiet restaurant and waited patiently for Shen Jingyu to finish her work.


He Ning stayed in the room and sorted out the company's affairs.

She has her own plan, but it takes time to act.

Aunt Chen came over to invite her: "Young lady, dinner is ready."

He Ning got up and walked to the dining room downstairs. The food was ready on the table, but Shen Jingyu was not seen.

"Won't San Ye come back?" He Ning asked, not knowing where and what did he go in the afternoon?

"San Ye explained that he came back on time at seven." Aunt Chen smiled.

He Ning glanced at the clock, it was just 6:55, no wonder Aunt Chen had to call herself a few minutes earlier.

He Ning knew that Shen Jingyu had always been punctual, and when he said he would come back, he would definitely appear at that point.

She sat down, although she didn't know how to face him, but the one that should come will come, and she has nothing to fear.

However, time passed by one minute and one second, and almost half an hour before seven o'clock passed, Shen Jingyu's figure still did not appear.

Even Aunt Chen was a little bit upset, and whispered softly: "I remember, San Ye really told me it was seven o'clock, how is this..."

She looked at He Ning reproachfully, it was late, and He Ning must be hungry too.

"It's okay, I'll wait a little longer." He Ning smiled slightly. It makes no sense that Shen Jingyu hasn't come back, so she will eat first.


In the restaurant.

Gu Baoyan looked at the man in front of him with joy in his heart. He sat there casually, it was a beautiful landscape, and she was willing to take her eyes away from him.

He lit a cigarette and took a graceful sip. His figure was shrouded in the smoke, and he looked very alienated.

Gu Baoyan broke the silence: "Jingyu, I heard that you are here to divorce this time. Hasn't it been successful?"

She looked expectantly, she was ecstatic when she heard Shen Jingyu's faint "yes".

No wonder Shen Jingyu must have agreed to eat alone with her. It turned out that the marriage on him had returned.

That being said, earlier, he didn't deliberately avoid her, just because he had a marriage on his body, would it always be like that?

Shen Jingyu usually doesn't talk much, and now he is even more lonely.

Several times, he subconsciously looked at the time on his wrist. It's almost nine o'clock.

He told Aunt Chen that when he went home for dinner at seven o'clock, Aunt Chen would naturally obey his orders.

But would that little woman be so stupid as to wait for him to go back to eat together?

"Jingyu, what are your plans after retiring?" Gu Baoyan's eyes flashed, and he couldn't wait to know his future arrangements.

He pinched out the smoke, and didn't take a bite of the food in front of him.


The food in front of He Ning gradually cooled down.

Aunt Chen had been hot several times, but Shen Jingyu still did not appear.

Aunt Chen couldn't help it anymore and persuaded: "Young lady, you can eat first, maybe San Ye was delayed by something."

"Let me call him." He Ning was still a little worried, afraid he might have any accidents.

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