Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1170: He doesn't owe anymore

Only then will he feel that his safety is guaranteed. Rather than being scared after going back, she would rather stay here.

"Okay." Shen Jingyu stretched out his hand to embrace her.

Fortunately, the following day, the sky was clear and the aftershocks almost disappeared, and the rescue work was progressing very smoothly.

Shen Jingyu comfortably hugged her in her arms, leaned on the recliner, closed her eyes and rested.


He Yiming went to He's family to express his condolences.

The whole He family was immersed in a sad mood.

On the eaves, there are white bouquets tied up, and the servants are walking lightly, for fear of causing dissatisfaction from the owner.

Ye Shu accompanied him to the door.

"General He is here!" someone yelled softly.

Immediately, everyone inside stood up, welcoming He Yiming's arrival.

Mrs. He sat on the main seat, her face full of sorrow. Kangkang's affairs took away her physical strength.

But He Boyuan's death and He Birong's miscarriage completely drew her spirit away.

She sat there like a pile of dead wood.

He Yiming looked at Mrs. He, who was an old man who had loved him, just as He Boyuan was a loving father.

He Yiming can only do it, not owe them.

He Boyuan was rescued, and he no longer owed it.

Unfortunately, He Boyuan still...

"Old lady, please be sorry," he said softly.

When Mrs. He saw him, there was a ray of light in her eyes. Just like He Boyuan, how could she not hope that He Yiming was the real He family?

However, when she thought of what happened at the beginning, Mrs. He's heart fell cold again.

He Birong and He Peishan cried so that their eyes were red, and they passed out several times.

Even if He Birong has the means, without He Boyuan, how can he convince the public?

He Yiming stepped forward to salute, and Ye Shu respected Xiangxiang instead.

After the condolences, He Yiming and Ye Shu turned and left.

Xu Cheng suddenly said: "General He, I heard the doctor say that when the old general passed away, he kept calling your name. Presumably, the old general has high hopes for you. General He, stay and lead us! "

"Yes, General He, you can stay!"

"We used to follow you, please stay!"

In addition to He Yiming's original old ministry, there are also some people from He Boyuan.

This disaster relief, let them see He Yiming's responsibility.

It also made them understand that as a soldier, responsibility is more important than blood.

What's more, He Yiming's biological father is He Bowen, and he belongs to the He family in blood!

He Yiming smiled faintly: "I am no longer a soldier, and my legs are not suitable for leading anyone."

Those lieutenants couldn't help but regret.

But some people still said: "Leading us is not by our legs, but by responsibility and brain. General He, we believe you can do it!"

"General He, beg you to stay."

Everyone said to Mrs. He again: "Old lady, the He family can't be without an owner for a day, please send a word. As long as you allow, we believe that the presidential palace will also consider our common demands!"

Mrs. He's face was so thin that she didn't have the slightest energy, and she had no expression on her face.

He Yiming was able to come to He's family to express his condolences at this time, showing his sincerity, and countless emotions emerged in the heart of the old lady.

She has tasted enough of this kind of hardship for the white-haired person to send the black-haired person.

Before she could speak, He Birong and He Peishan knelt down together.

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