Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1234: That is their blessings and fate

Chu Ning also went with him.

Since Gu Baoyan figured it out, Chu Ning and her have become friends a long time ago.

Gu Yunchen knew that Chu Ning was the original He Ning, so Gu Baoyan must also know now.

Sure enough, when she received Gu Baoyan at the airport, she quickly ran over and hugged Chu Ning: "He Ning, you can do it, you can't be troubled by any situation."

"Hush." ​​Gu Yunchen silenced her.

Gu Baoyan hurriedly shut up and looked up and down Chu Ning: "I can't tell how much has changed since before, but I feel that everything has changed."

"So are you, more beautiful and better-looking." Chu Ning said with a smile.

Gu Baoyan threw the suitcase to Gu Yunchen, while holding Chu Ning's arm and said: "Speaking of which, I still want to thank you for giving me a thunderous blow. I used to think that eating, drinking, and marrying Shen Jingyu are all in life. You let me know, Those are not that important. In the past few years abroad, I not only did things that I could not dream of a few years ago, but also fell in love. If you didn’t wake me up, I’m afraid I don’t know anything until now. It’s true love."

Gu Yunchen dragged the suitcase to follow. This younger sister is really true. Should she treat her eldest brother like this?

Fortunately, it was not bad, at least she didn't stand by her parents as soon as she met, urging herself to go on a blind date.


The old lady Shen went to Shen Sihai's residence in person.

For the arrival of the old lady, the whole family was naturally quite surprised.

The old lady actually came here?

However, Shen Sihai and Shi Hui immediately understood what they were doing.

"I'm going to the study to handle official duties." Shen Sihai avoided it for the first time.

Some things can only be discussed with women.

"Mom, I won't say anything about coming here, I'm so good that people come to pick you up." Shi Hui's gentle appearance is obvious to all, and it is the same for everyone.

It seems that the discords and struggles between Mrs. Shen and Mrs. Shen are non-existent.

"I heard that you are going to introduce a blind date to Shen Xuan?" The old lady Shen has never been vague and straight to the point.

Shi Hui smiled: "Yes, your granddaughter is getting older, so naturally you want to deal with it."

"Has anyone chosen so far?"

"Gu Yunchen, Chu Zhuohang, Quan Si Li." Shi Hui said almost without hesitation.

There is nothing to hide. Besides, it is an honor for the vice president's daughter to be attracted to them.

Mrs. Shen was indeed shocked, with a high vision.

The reasons for choosing the Gu family will not be mentioned. Choosing Chu Zhuohang and Quan Sili is probably because of the money of the Chu family and the Quan family.

Although the Chu family's money was made on the edge of the knife, Master Chu never messed around in the Dragon Empire, and Chu Zhuohang also did clean business.

As for the Quan family, it is an American consortium that has rarely appeared in recent years, but it is said that the family is planning to move back to the Dragon Empire.

The consortium, as the name suggests, is naturally rich.

Shi Hui smiled and said, "Old lady, this is your granddaughter. You would definitely want to see her marry a good family, right?"

"Of course, but no matter what, I hope there won't be another tragedy like that."

"He family? That's because of their fate and fate." Shi Hui said disdainfully, long since He Peishan's life and death were not in his eyes.

In fact, she even wanted Shen Xuan to marry the son of a military and political family.

It's just that it was too ostentatious, and none of the daughters of the presidential palace were so ostentatious.

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