Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1305: Looks so loving

It's just that three jewel-like treasures appeared in front of her, which made her really feel relieved.

Ding Qinen couldn't help but wiped his tears, stepped forward and hugged An An.

An An blinked: "Are you grandma?"

"Yes, I am. I am." Ding Qinen was extremely happy.

"I seem to have been here before. I remember you too." An An said with his head tilted. He left when he was eight months old.

Although there should be no memory at this age, he just remembers.

Ding Qinen was even more happy, holding An An not letting go.

Even Shen Fengshan couldn't help but his eyes were slightly moist.

Shen Ye pointed to An An and Lele, and said in surprise: "So, they are twins? Obviously one looks almost five years old, the other looks only three years old."

"Lele will soon grow as tall and strong as An An." Chu Ning said softly.

Shen Ye realized that he had said something wrong, and hurriedly remedyed it: "Same tall and strong as his uncle!"

"Are you strong?" Ding Qin'en groaned, "You are too thin."

Disgusted by his own mother, Shen Ye almost cried.

"How long will you stay here in peace and peace?" Old lady Shen and Ding Qin'en held one by one, and asked indifferently.

Shen Jingyu said: "I will stay for a few days, but not too long."

"Oh..." A disappointed voice came from all directions.

"They will come back often. After these things are resolved, they will live here often." Shen Jingyu said with his jaws.

It was so sad that the child hadn't left yet, so Mrs. Shen was reluctant to let go.


After returning safely, Shen Jingyu and Chu Ning focused on Lele's recovery.

Now he is in a much more optimistic and cheerful mood. Although he still doesn't speak, he smiles every day.

Gu Yunchen said that this is a great improvement, and he will speak in time.

Because Lele wanted to eat KFC, Chu Ning agreed to let him eat it once a month.

When the three of them appeared at KFC, they attracted countless eyes in an instant.

Many people couldn't help but look over, because this family of three is too good to watch.

The boy is handsome and straight, the girl is sweet and sweet, and the children look exactly the same as their dad. They look like a happy family of three.

Lele got the chicken wings and drumsticks, and immediately gave them to Mommy, who looked so loving.

For the second one, he took the initiative to give it to Shen Jingyu.

Although Shen Jingyu didn't like to eat these foods, a gentle expression appeared in his eyes, and he opened his mouth to bite the food that Lele offered.

The people around forgot to eat and wanted to see how this family gets along.

Although the three of them didn't do anything special, they ate like the other three in the family and took food for each other warmly.

But it just makes people want to see their situation.

While eating, a figure walked in the distance.

That is "He Ning".

To be precise, it is He Peishan.

The words Fu Meirou hinted at her were still in her ears, making her feel that she still had a chance.

And if she didn't do these things, how could Fu Meirou trust her?

No one will take her in now, except Fu Meirou.

Only Fu Meirou was able to provide her with favorable material conditions.

He Peishan walked towards Shen Jingyu and Chu Ning.

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