Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 166: I have to take care of the marriage

After she asked, the memory was a bit awakened, her face flushed, and she suddenly felt hot and uneasy when she was in the room just now. Then she remembered, as if she took the initiative to pick up Shen Jingyu's suit?

Then I shouldn't ask Qin Zheng this question.

Qin Zheng didn't notice her shyness, and solemnly reported: "My grandmother, you just have a cold and fever. It's okay. The third master has confessed that you can rest for a few days. Moreover, Dr. Gu has brought me back from abroad. Good medicine, San Ye said, your condition will definitely get better within half a year."

Qin Zheng was telling the truth. It was Shen Jingyu who called back to confess, the purpose was to make He Ning feel at ease.

However, He Ning felt that this was just a word of comfort to herself. She put away her shyness, smiled and said, "Thank you, Qin Zheng."

"It was San Ye who worked so hard to seek medical treatment for you, so that Dr. Gu went to every corner of the world. Why should I thank me?" Qin Zheng smiled.

He Ning narrowed her eyes slightly and pursed her lips.

Shen Jingyu's tenderness, she can indeed feel it.

She really felt sorry for her painstaking efforts to treat her illness.

But to say that her illness can be cured, she didn't have such extravagant hopes.

"The young lady has a good rest, I will ask someone to prepare some light food." Qin Zheng backed out.


When the He family received a message, people were suddenly panicked.

"Shen Jingyu's parents came to the Portuguese market?" He Manni asked nervously.

"Yes, I also listened to my friends." Chen Fufen said worriedly, "Did you say that because of our divorce, they were unbalanced in their hearts, so they made a special trip, and they have to take care of the marriage?"

Chen Fufen and He Manni didn't know that the famous Shen family in Jingyuan City was the Shen family where Shen Jingyu was located.

They don't even know that Shen Jingyu's true identity, they don't know that Shen Jingyu is the third master, immersed in their own thoughts.

So I am afraid that the Shen family must let He Manni marry in.

Now that He Manni has Xie Yihao, how can she marry the "poor family" Shen Jingyu again?

Chen Fufen thought about it and said: "In the past, the Shen family was so beautiful, but it was a pity that it was defeated. The marriage was settled in the heyday of their family. You don’t know, I went to Jingyuan City a few years ago to quietly inquire about Shen Jingyu’s situation. I found that he was a flat-headed soldier, and he was allowed to shout and drink. I heard that their family was miserable...so Mannie must not marry in! In modern society, who is still controlled by the marriage contract?"

"I won't marry! His parents are here, I won't marry either!" He Manni said contemptuously, "Compared to Yi Hao, what is Shen Jingyu?"

"Then find He Ning! Isn't this a marriage contract between the two families? Our He family has no other girls. Go and find He Ning and let her marry!" Chen Fufen made a good calculation.

When the Shen family was still in power, they placed the marriage contract between Shen Jingyu and the He family on He Manni.

Now they mistakenly think that the Shen family is losing power and they must put this name on He Ning's head.

He Manni and He Lu hurriedly inquired about He Ning's whereabouts, and finally found out that she was in the hospital, so they went to see He Ning in the hospital together.

To be courageous, they also brought a few girlfriends and classmates.

He said it was a visit, but he actually wanted to set off on He Ning.

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