Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 207: I have to follow it myself

"Maybe not for several days." Shen Jingyu has never reported to anyone before, nor does he need to report to anyone.

But for He Ning, when reporting the itinerary, naturally, it seemed that this was what he should do.

"Yeah." He Ning nodded again and took a peek at him... He had already put away his smile, but his expression was gentle. It was the first time she had seen such a Shen Jingyu. She restrained her sharpness and deepness and brought it on. Gentle breath.

Shen Jingyu was not satisfied with her simple answer: "You have nothing to say?"

"I... you pay attention to safety on the road." He Ning wanted to say too much, but he really didn't know which word to start with.

So what she said was plain and without meaning.

Shen Jingyu lifted her chin, took a light peck, and said, "Be good at home, eat well. Call me if you have something to do."

He Ning nodded softly, remembering something, and said softly, "You should also eat good food. Qiao Hai said that you have a bad stomach, and you should pay more attention to it. Well, do you want to bring some sugar on your body? If you are hungry, you can. Eat a little at any time to add calories?"

Shen Jingyu rolled over and pressed her down, a fanatical kiss swept over her, just hearing her say the word sugar, he couldn't help wanting her again.

The two tossed all morning, and when they went downstairs, it was already lunch time.

After lunch, Shen Jingyu left the villa and went to Jingyuan City.

He Ning sat in the living room thoughtfully, not knowing what he was thinking.

"My grandmother, Jingyuan City is very close to the Portuguese West City. It's just over an hour's drive. San Ye will definitely be fast back and forth, so don't worry." Aunt Chen brought He Ning a body-replenishing soup. , Persuade.

"I know." He Ning nodded lightly and took the soup, "Thank you."


In addition to Shen Jingyu, He Yiming and Gu Yunchen were on the military vehicles heading to Jingyuan City.

It was He Yiming's adjutant who drove.

He Yiming sat in the passenger seat and glanced at Shen Jingyu, who looked serious and deep in the rearview mirror, and said lightly: "You really don't worry about me taking Gu Yunchen away. Do you have to follow me personally?"

If he hadn't come here in person, Shen Jingyu wouldn't let Gu Yunchen leave at all, which made He Yiming feel angry.

Shen Jingyu did not speak, and turned a deaf ear to He Yiming's words.

Although He Ning's illness is cured, when he recovers, it still depends on Gu Yunchen's subsequent medicine, so Gu Yunchen is undoubtedly the person Shen Jingyu values ​​most now.

"What does it have to do with me? Why should I be taken away by you? I am not an object. Please respect my personal dignity." Gu Yunchen couldn't help but complain.

"Go back this time, you help Shanshan take a good look. She has been in a bad condition recently..." There was a trace of suppressed worry in He Yiming's voice.

Gu Yunchen spit out softly: "I have shown her many times since she was a child. If I go back, I can improve, but I can't cure it..."

So this is also the reason why Shen Jingyu didn't let Gu Yunchen go back. He Peishan's illness was brought out of her mother's womb like this, and it has always been good or bad.

However, He Ning's illness is an emergency, and whether it can be cured depends on this period of time.

So now, He Ning needs Gu Yunchen even more.

It was only recently that He Ning's physical condition was stable, and Shen Jingyu agreed to He Yiming to let Gu Yunchen go back for a few days.

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