Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 212: Some things are like quicksand in your hands

The similarities between He Peishan and He Ning are nothing more than a coincidence and nothing else.

The reason why Shen Jingyu hadn't distinguished the similarity between their lengths before was because of their different personalities, which actually made them very different in appearance. In Shen Jingyu's mind, the two are even more different.

He now slightly recalled He Ning, and his heart was filled with sweetness, which made him only instinctively displeased and resisted towards He Peishan.

Shen Jingyu had a clear and definite answer in her heart, and a trace of relief appeared on the corner of her lips.

"Jingyu, will you stay in Jingyuan City for a few more days?" Lan Xi walked out and asked softly, with hope in his eyes.

Probably because He Ning has some similarities with He Peishan, and there is a touch of familiarity between Lan Xi's appearance and He Ning's.

Shen Jingyu's originally solemn and condensed eyes were slightly soft: "Yes."

He must wait until Gu Yunchen returns to the Portuguese market with him.

Otherwise, he was convinced that as long as he left, He Yiming would definitely keep Gu Yunchen, and would not let him go to the Portuguese market.

He Yiming loves He Peishan more than anyone else, and sometimes has reached the point of being completely unreasonable, indulging any willfulness of He Peishan and indulging her unreasonable troubles.

He Peishan, who has been living unsound all the time, will naturally put more demands in front of him.

Therefore, he must leave with Gu Yunchen.

"Jingyu, auntie knows that you have a life of your own, no one should force you. But Shanshan is really too pitiful..." Lan Xi cried, "in the future, can you come and see Shanshan too? ?"

Shen Jingyu pressed her thin lips tightly, and He Ning appeared in her mind.

Opening his eyes, the eyes in front of him looked a bit like He Ning. He couldn't bear to refuse: "Yes."

"That's great." Lan Xi showed a delighted smile.

She also knows that in recent years, thanks to Shen Jingyu's presence, she has made her daughter's life more happy and less flimsy.

But Shen Jingyu has done enough, no one should force him any more, he can still think about his friendship with Shanshan now, Lan Xi is already very satisfied.


He Peishan's face improved a lot after taking certain drugs.

However, as before, she can still only sit in the glass ward and watch the scenery outside.

Those beautiful flowers, fresh leaves, tall branches, and flexible birds can only be found close to her. She dare not touch them even if she wants to.

People like her are also called "glass people" in medicine, and they can only live in a purely sterile environment. Not to mention touching these animals and plants, the smog air can make her deadly.

"Brother Yu, would you accompany me to watch the scenery for a while?" He Peishan gave up her position, "Before, you were with me."

Shen Jingyu did not sit down: "Shanshan, I still have things to deal with. Auntie and eldest brother are here, let them accompany you."

He glanced at the time and said softly: "Take your medicine."

After speaking, he walked out with his long legs.

"Brother Yu! Brother Yu!"

He Peishan's voice, behind him, gradually became very far away.

"Shanshan, let him go." Lan Xi pulled her, sighed, and patted her shoulder, "My dear daughter, some things are like quicksand in your hand. The tighter you pinch, the faster it will drain... …"

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