Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 227: Is a more natural ally

This night, Shen Jingyu did not leave.

All night, he held He Ning, which made him sleepy for several days, and was all gone, and he was given a rare opportunity to sleep comfortably.

Although, before, he had not slept with He Ning several times.

But he has let himself go, and in a short period of time, he has developed this habit.

He Ning also slept extremely comfortably.

But when she opened her eyes and went to find Shen Jingyu subconsciously, the other half of the bed was empty, only the sunlight coming in from outside the window, leaving behind mottled light and shadow.

She got out of bed barefoot and looked around in the room before realizing that he was really gone.

Her mind was empty, with a bit of soreness and astringency.

He Ning got dressed and went downstairs to the restaurant.

Aunt Chen brought the nutritious breakfast quickly.

Uncle Jiu sent a pictorial and said softly: "My grandmother, this is left to you by the third master. He has ordered that you choose which one you like."

He Ning opened it and saw that all the pictorials were earrings, with various materials and styles.

She remembered that the earring she had dropped was picked up by Xie Yihao, and Shen Jingyu must have checked everything in detail after yesterday's incident and knew that Xie Yihao had picked up her earring.

She was warm in her heart and asked, "Uncle Nine, where is the third grandfather?"

"San Ye received a call from Jingyuan City early in the morning, saying that there was an urgent matter to rush back. He specifically told us not to wake you up, saying that he would wake up naturally when you sleep."

"Yeah. Then I want these two." He Ning quickly chose two simple ones.

She knew that if she didn't choose, Shen Jingyu would think she didn't like it. In a better situation, he would ask someone to change the pictorial to let her choose again. In a worse situation, he might buy the jewelry company.

What He Ning fears most is that he buys a gift like the company for himself.


Shen Jingyu rushed back to Jingyuan City.

Early in the morning, He Yiming called and said that He Peishan was not doing well, and he wanted Gu Yunchen to go to an American research institute to find new drugs.

After receiving the call, Shen Jingyu hurried back immediately.

"Sure enough, you are more worried about Gu Yunchen's condition than Shanshan's physical condition." In the hospital, when He Yiming saw Shen Jingyu, what he said was taunting.

"It's good if you understand." Shen Jingyu is indeed more worried about Gu Yunchen's condition.

Because Gu Yunchen's situation is related to He Ning's physical safety.

But Gu Yunchen is a relative of the He family and He Peishan's cousin. He has a natural relationship with the He family. They are more natural allies. This is something Shen Jingyu can't match.

He hates being threatened by anyone!

He Ning is now his weakness.

If He Yiming really arranged Gu Yunchen to a place he couldn't find, He Ning's situation would be worrying.

"I will not prevent you from having a woman. If Shanshan is not really in a critical situation today, I will not call you back like this..." He Yiming slowed down, "Go and see her."

Shen Jingyu's long sword eyebrows brought a hint of coldness.

"Please." He Yiming said in a begging voice.

Shen Jingyu went to the glass ward, He Peishan's face was pale and lying on the bed, Gu Yunchen really injected her with medicine.

He Peishan's mother Lan Xi and her aunt He Birong are staying by, accompanying and guarding her.

Seeing Shen Jingyu coming in, Lan Xi and He Birong were overjoyed: "Shanshan, Jingyu is back!"

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