Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2760: Isn't it just a divorce?

Zhuang Shihao and Fang Lan got married, Zhang Wanyi disappeared from his life since then, and it seems that he never existed before.

When he thought of this, his heart became hardened, and the past, which was unbearably gnawed in his heart, made him flustered and made him feel sorry and uncomfortable.

Isn't it just a divorce? Is she really afraid of him?

Zhuang Shihao looked cold, and gave up a woman he didn't like and a son who could calculate it. What's so great?

Early the next morning, Zhuang Shihao got up, and after washing at will, he chose a suit and tidied himself.

He did not inform his parents about the divorce. He has been filial enough and lived long enough according to their wishes to do what he should do.

This time, after you have confirmed the matter, tell them again.


Fang Lan also got up early in the morning, prepared a fragrant breakfast, and after taking Youyou to eat, he sent him to school.

Youyou didn't know anything, but looked a little sullen, seeming to perceive something.

"Youyou..." Fang Lan gently hugged his small body, "No matter what happens, Dad will always love you more than Mommy. You will always be our best beloved baby."

Youyou nodded lightly, staring at her brightly, as if she understood something, and she didn't seem to understand anything.

But Fang Lan knew that he actually understood, knowing in a ignorant way, what kind of result he would accept.

Her heart was full of owes to him, but she knew that this was the only choice.

Fang Lan drove straight to the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Halfway through, I called Su Mi: "He agreed, and things will be done this morning."

"I didn't expect it to be so fast," Su Mi said softly.

"It's upset, it's been a long time. He can't stand his self-esteem, and he can finally accept it now." Fang Lan's tone was relaxed, "Shall we eat together at noon?"

"Okay, I happen to be free at noon. I'll decide on the place later?"

"Good." Fang Lan nodded.

She hung up the phone and drove the car seriously. Suddenly a child jumped out in front of her. Fang Lan immediately turned the steering wheel without thinking, and stepped on the brakes at the same time.

It didn't hit the child, but the car slammed into the green belt next to her. The car behind also slammed into her car with a loud bang, and the airbag popped heavily.

Fang Lan was hit by the airbag and dizzy. After a while, she passed out.

After Su Mi received the call, she rushed to the hospital with Sister Cao.

The doctor's voice on the phone seemed a little urgent: "The patient has been injured and needs family members to come over immediately. You are the last person to call on her cell phone."

"Nothing will happen, Su Mi, relax." Sister Cao comforted.

Su Mi prayed that nothing would happen. At this moment, she didn't even dare to call Dr. Fang and Su's mother. The two elders were in poor health. Because of Fang Lan's divorce, her body was already in full condition during this time. Fang Lan had another car accident, and they knew how to worry about it.

"Doctor, I am Fang Lan's family. How is Fang Lan now?" Su Mi hurried over and asked.

"Diagnosing and treating in the emergency room, you first pay the fee, and then wait for the result here." The doctor hurried.

Sister Cao said hurriedly: "I'll pay the fee, Su Mi, please wait here."

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