Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2781: con man!

"Okay, I see, you go first." Fang Lan didn't bother to fight him head-on, just ex-husband, what's the matter?

Zhuang Shihao heard her soften her tone, then stood up, glanced at the fruit basket, didn't say anything, just pushed towards her position.

Fang Lan's mouth squashed, wishing him to leave soon.

Before Zhuang Shihao left, Xu Guangrong opened the door and walked in.

He already knew what happened to Fang Lan these days.

Fang Lan has been divorced and he has forgotten Zhuang Shihao, giving him a chance to pursue Fang Lan again.

He used to be a poor student and didn't have the courage to pursue Fang Lan. Now that he has a good job and capital, it is the best time.

Seeing Zhuang Shihao's presence, Xu Yaorong was stunned for a moment. In the past two days, he also learned about the affairs between Zhuang Shihao and Fang Lan. Knowing Zhuang Shihao's indifference to Fang Lan, he had never expected that Zhuang Shihao would come to see Fang Lan.

Xu Glory crossed Zhuang Shihao, walked to Fang Lan's side, and said, "Lan Lan, I have booked a hot pot restaurant. Have you packed your things?"

Fang Lan kept winking at him, and Xu Guangrong hurriedly shut up, not knowing what was going on.

"Stop going to eat hot pot, you can buy me a vegetable porridge in a while." Fang Lan blinked and said.

"Okay." Xu Guangrong sat down, "If you want to eat any fruit, I'll cut it for you."

"Mango," Fang Lan said.

Zhuang Shihao turned to go out, too lazy to care about them, they were already divorced, Fang Lan liked to associate with whomever.

It's just that Fang Lan has forgotten herself, but she still remembers Xu Yaorong?

It's really heart-stirring.

When Zhuang Shihao returned to the car, he was so choked that he lost the power to drive the car away. Sitting in the driving position, holding the steering wheel, the figure of the woman was hovering in his heart.

However, what the woman likes, what she likes, in his mind, there is actually a blank. He has no amnesia, but it is like amnesia, except for knowing that it is his wife and knowing that she has lived with him for several years. , Can't think of anything else, don't understand.

Zhuang Shihao finally waved back from this emotion. He was about to drive when he saw Fang Lan and Xu Rongrong sneaking out of the hospital and ran outside together.

With a bright smile on Fang Lan's face, she was as happy as she was skipping class, and quickly followed Xu Guangrong.

In front of him, Fang Lan didn't have such a smiling face, maybe he had, but he hadn't noticed it.

Desperately, Zhuang Shihao drove to follow them, and saw Xu Rongrong and Fang Lan enter a hot pot restaurant...

"Liar!" Zhuang Shihao smashed the steering wheel fiercely. She really thought that her body was beaten with iron, so she went to eat hot pot at this time?

He was full of irritation and was about to stop and follow up when the assistant called to remind him that there was an important meeting.

Zhuang Shihao turned the front of the car and headed towards the company. In the afternoon, there was Youyou's parent-child activity class, so he couldn't delay any more time.


Fang Lan came back satisfied after eating. It's been a long time since I had such a spicy hot pot, but because of this, it was so hot in his mouth that he drank many glasses of cold water before it was suppressed.

Returning to the hospital bed, pretending that nothing happened, or when my dad comes over, it will be time to talk again.

"This is the phone for you." Xu Guangrong smiled and handed it over. "The number has been reissued for you. However, the contents of the old phone cannot be moved."

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