Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2787: Where do you know her emotions

She should be better now, let her take a look at Youyou, it probably won't affect her healing, right?

Zhuang Shihao pressed the dial key.

However, the other party only heard a series of connected voices, but no one answered the call.

Zhuang Shihao frowned slightly. Hasn't Fang Lan been discharged from the hospital?

Immediately after thinking for a while, he called Doctor Fang's residence.

In fact, Youyou didn't say that he wanted to see Mommy. After he fell ill, he became a lot better and fell asleep quietly.

But Zhuang Shihao, just want Fang Lan to come here.

He can pick her up.

The landline phone was connected, and the voice of the nanny's aunt came from inside: "Hello, hello, who can I call?"

"I..." For a while, Zhuang Shihao felt a bit close to hometown. It was the first time he made this call, and it was the first time he wanted to see Fang Lan so desperately, "I'm looking for Fang Lan. I'm her friend. "

The nanny did not recognize his voice, and said with a smile: "Are you looking for a young lady? She is not at home now, and has gone abroad."

Zhuang Shihao remembered that when he was in the hospital where Fang Lan was hospitalized, he knew that she had gone abroad and the nurse had told him.

He has forgotten.

"Is there anything I need to leave a message?" the nanny aunt asked.

Zhuang Shihao has put down his cell phone.

He has nothing to say, and nothing to leave a message.

Probably, she went out with the man named Xu Guangrong?

She was probably tired too. After more than four years by his side, Youyou was afraid that she had already occupied most of her energy.

At other times, she has to be assigned to work and has to deal with him.

When he goes to the master bedroom, he is also very diligent. He always depends on his own temperament. It doesn't matter whether she is tired from taking care of the children, or whether she is working hard or not.

He usually wants it, but when he doesn't want it, he can't even look at her more.

How can I know her emotions and her difficulties.

Zhuang Shihao called the assistant and asked the assistant to arrange the work. He could only stay in the hospital for the time being.


Fang Lan chose to go to the beach abroad.

I don't know if it was due to the car accident. After waking up, I was really tired, and I felt like I hadn't taken a serious rest for a long time.

What have I been doing after staying with Zhuang Shihao in the past few years?

She seemed to have given up even the circle of friends before, only Chu Zhuohang and Su Mi remained.

The phone is also new, and so is the number. She wants to abandon everything in the past, so she can't even see the clues of her previous life.

When lying on the beach, she put on her sunglasses and basked in the sun comfortably.

Xu Guangrong took the coconut juice and passed it to her hand: "Here you are, the freshest one just picked from the tree."

"Okay, I like this the most." Fang Lan reached out and took it, taking a few mouthfuls.

The cool feeling makes people feel comfortable.

The seaside is very windy and the sun is also very strong, making it warm and comfortable.

"It's been a long time, right?" Xu Guangrong smiled and sat down beside her.

"Yes, but I feel that it hasn't been long." Fang Lan looked at the sea over there and said, "I'm going to swim, do you want to go?"

"Together!" Xu Yaorong followed her.

Fang Lan jumped into the sea, sinking and floating in the sea like a mermaid.

Xu Glory also followed her closely.

The wind and waves are heavy, and swimming in the sea is very exhausting, but Fang Lan wanders in the water like tirelessly.

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