Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2804: Exhausted all those interests

Zhuang Shihao's brows frowned more tightly. He has always been like this?

He didn't notice much.

In retrospect, on the birthday of Fang Lan in the video, he did not intervene in the preparation work because she always prepared everything.

At that time, he felt that he was happily participating in Fang Lan's birthday, which was a blasphemy of his past feelings. How could he be happy when he entered this marriage like this?

That's why he put on such a cold face.

No, it seems that it is not only a cold face, but also a bad face.

Think about it, he always felt that he was doing the right thing. In order to mourn the relationship between Wanwan and Zhang Wanyi, he was not qualified to be happy.

And Zhang Wanyi...

He raised his hand and pinched his eyebrows. The various things between him and Zhang Wanyi have gradually faded away. At the beginning, he felt that he loved someone so enthusiastically and passionately, and I am afraid he would never love a woman like that again.

But now that I think about it, he even forgot the appearance of Zhang Wanyi, that's why he devoted his energy to Peng Xiuxiu, because the appearance of Peng Xiuxiu and Zhang Wanyi were a bit close.

Although in the end, he hated Peng Xiuxiu like a fly.

However, he mourned Zhang Wanyi and also praised Peng Xiuxiu, but strangely, he had never expressed interest in them.

It seems that he has exhausted all those interests in Fang Lan.

He didn't deliberately guard Fang Lan, he didn't deliberately defend the bottom line of marriage, but it was so natural, and he had never been tempted by other women to succeed.

What is he fighting against? What are you holding on?

Zhuang Shihao turned off the computer with a snap.

The more he thinks about it, the more he realizes that he has fallen into Fang Lan’s gentle trap, and is actually following her step by step. He specifically cold-faced and left countless Yingyingyanyan beside him. But she has never really jumped out, betrayed Fang Lan once, and made her feel heartbroken once!

He was actually guarding Fang Lan!

This kind of cognition made him unbearable and uneasy. He was worried and inexplicably displeased, but in turn, he felt calm and relieved.

Zhuang Shihao was tortured by such emotions, and soon went to the bathroom, washed away the complexity of his whole body with cold water, and returned to calmness.


When Fang Lan woke up, she opened the curtains and let the sunlight in. The room was full of sunlight, and her heart was warm and soft.

She chose a gentle camel long skirt and put on a knitted long coat of the same style. She pressed down her slightly curled short hair a little bit. The temperament is really different from before. It is not the same as when she was young, and the clothes must be specially selected. Come to wear fancy, but a lot more gentle.

She went to the manor.

Su Mi was holding Xiaochen and waiting for her.

Last time Fang Lan came, Xiao Chen went to study. Fang Lan didn’t see him. When he saw him now, he couldn’t help showing envy: "Su Mi, this is the child of you and Zhuo Hang? How can there be such a good child? I really love it!"

Knowing that Su Mi was younger than herself, Fang Lan was too embarrassed to call her sister, but her tone was still a little less gentle and a little more lively.

Su Mi smiled and said, "Then give you a hug."

"Can I hold it? I'm really afraid that the fall will hurt the baby! Then I will try." Fang Lan was eager to try, but also a little worried, after a while she hugged Xiao Chen, "It's so soft and fragrant, so behaved, I like it. Hold him!"

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