Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2808: Ridiculously naive

He murmured to himself, the position of the little assistant didn't have much access to confidential information. Besides, Fang Lan came here by himself, and he didn't bring or take anything. What's the problem?

In the middle of the night, he had to help Zhuang Shihao remember such small things, he was really sleepy.

"You call me the assistant, and I will find out in person." Zhuang Shihao said.

Assistant Zhang didn't know what medicine was sold in Zhuang Shihao's gourd, so he got up to find the assistant's mobile phone number and sent it to Zhuang Shihao.

Zhuang Shihao dialed the assistant's mobile phone number without hesitation.

Upon receiving his call, the little assistant was sleepy and frightened. He sat up tremblingly, and said tremblingly, "Ms. Zhuang, do you have anything to do with me?"

"Fang always came to you that day?"

"Do you mean Sister Fang Lan?" The little assistant nodded hurriedly, and admitted, "Well, she came here, but she didn't come here on her own initiative. I asked her to come here. I don't understand a little bit of data. I dare not ask others, I only dare to consult her."

Zhuang Shihao actually didn't want to understand this, he coughed lightly, "Do you have her contact information?"

"Yes, yes," the assistant said.

"Leave me one." Zhuang Shihao actually didn't need to explain, but he still explained, "I keep a backup."

"Okay, okay." The assistant gave him Fang Lan's new number in a panic.

After that, she didn't sleep well in the middle of the night. I wonder what Zhuang Shihao meant? They all know that his relationship with Fang Lan is not good, and Fang Lan’s attitude is terrible, and I don’t know if he asked this matter whether he was looking for trouble for himself or Fang Lan. The little assistant was frightened, I feel sorry for Fang Lan again.

Tossing and turning in the middle of the night can not sleep.

After receiving Fang Lan's number, Zhuang Shihao realized that he had done something. He alarmed several subordinates in the middle of the night in order to get Fang Lan's number.

It's ridiculously naive.

He needn't do this.

And even if you want Fang Lan's number, there are other ways that you shouldn't alarm so many people like this.

After thinking about it, he deleted the text message with Fang Lan sent by the assistant, and then returned to the master bedroom, finally falling asleep.


That night, Fang Lan didn't look through the contents of her old phone, and probably didn't care much. After returning home, he just threw the old phone aside.

But the next morning, the assistant called her and told her that Zhuang Shihao wanted her phone number in the middle of the night.

"Sorry, Sister Fang Lan, when he spoke, I was so frightened that I gave it to him. I really shouldn't."

"It's okay, it's just one number." Fang Lan didn't care.

According to Zhuang Shihao’s character, I’m afraid it’s impossible to call myself, right?

"I'm just afraid he will trouble you, Mr. Zhuang, this person is terrible." The assistant said, "I hope he won't."

Fang Lan put down his mobile phone and didn't worry. They were already divorced and their property was divided clearly. Zhuang Shihao wouldn't have anything to do with him, right?

Fang Lan didn't take it to heart, but Assistant Zhang took it to heart, and communicated with the little assistant as soon as he came.

Knowing that Zhuang Shihao was just calling, Assistant Zhang breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was not a big deal.

It's just that I don't know if Zhuang Zhuang himself noticed that he mentioned Fang Zong a lot more recently?

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