Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2830: Isn't it too generous?

Does Mr. Zhuang's cell phone still need to be repaired? He remembered that in the office of President Zhuang, there were more than a dozen new mobile phones that had not been opened, all of which were specially sent by cooperating customers. The other party was in this business and wished that President Zhuang could use their new mobile phones.

"To repair." Zhuang Shihao said, "Just now..."

"But my friend should already be asleep, I may not be able to..."

"Is 10,000 yuan enough for repairs? If it's not enough, 20,000 yuan will be fine, and 30,000 yuan will be fine. Anyway, you can take care of it." Zhuang Shihao's tone was very anxious.

Assistant Zhang whispered in his heart, he couldn't refuse such a temptation, how could his friend be possible!

After all, repairing mobile phones in Jingyuan, and earning 10,000 yuan a month is the time for business to be good!

Sure enough, three minutes later, the friend who was awakened stubbornly agreed: "Fuck! Is 10,000 paid in cash? Please introduce me two more for this kind of work!"

Fifteen minutes later.

Opposite Zhuang Shihao, the phone repairer with a full set of tools and Assistant Zhang were already.

The man was repairing his mobile phone seriously, and Assistant Zhang promptly comforted Zhuang Shihao, who was about to run away because of waiting.

After a long time, the other party said, "Okay, it will be completely cured if there is no problem when starting up. The circuit is flooded, but fortunately, Mr. Zhuang, you handled it in time and the damage is not serious."

The phone screen flashed to light up.

Zhuang Shihao took the phone, clicked on WeChat, and saw Assistant Zhang looking at him with scorching eyes. He tilted the phone screen to prevent him from seeing it.

Click on Fang Lan's head, and see a picture of Youyou, wrapped up like a bear, layered on top of each other, with a smile on his small face.

A pair of slender and beautiful white catkins were placed on Youyou's shoulders, helping him organize the large towels on his body.

He admitted that he hadn't looked at those hands seriously before, but now he could recognize them at a glance. They were Fang Lan's hands.

Some things, even if he didn't care about them, now think about it, they are as clear as they are deeply imprinted in his mind.

There was another voice that Zhuang Shihao clicked on. It was Youyou's voice: "Daddy, do you think I look like a big brown bear?"

On the corner of Zhuang Shihao’s lips, there was a slight arc of laughter, and he clicked and replied: “It’s very similar. The big brown bear goes to bed early and grows taller, otherwise it can’t beat the big tiger.”

After thinking about it, he said again: "Good night, baby."

This sentence is like saying to Youyou, when he typed the words, he was thinking of Fang Lan.

"President Zhuang, is there anything else?" Assistant Zhang was also embarrassed, and he didn't know what Mr. Zhuang was worried about? It was almost in the middle of the night.

"It's okay." Zhuang Shihao's tone was obviously lighter, and he transferred a sum of money to Assistant Zhang's WeChat account, "Excuse me and your friend, please take it for tea."

After Zhuang Shihao left, Assistant Zhang opened the transfer, 100,000 yuan! After counting carefully, I was sure that it was that number!

One hundred thousand!

Even though Zhuang Shihao has always been generous and never treats people around him badly, he gave Assistant Zhang a red envelope of one hundred thousand for no major event in a single time. It still surprised and delighted Assistant Zhang.

This shot is really too generous!

Assistant Zhang was completely drowsy, ah, he can afford two more calls in the middle of the night!


When Fang Lan woke up, she saw WeChat enter the message.

Just click and open it, and it was sent to Youyou by Zhuang Shihao.

Wait for Youyou to wake up for a while and show him!

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