Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2907: Never responsible

After being cheated, they are never responsible!

"Oh." Fang Lan responded to him with one word.

She didn't want to look at Zhuang Shihao's eyes, avoiding his look in the rearview mirror, she closed her eyes and fell asleep pretending to be too tired.

In the narrow space of the carriage, some atmosphere was secretly flowing. She felt that the wind was very loud, every word on the street was clear to her ears, and Youyou's breath was also exceptionally long.

The car drove very slowly, heading forward in the busy street.

The hustle and bustle of this world is in her ears and has nothing to do with her.

Zhuang Shihao drove the car with great patience. He knew that the scars he had given before were too deep and could not be repaired simply by making up for it, so he could wait, even if time went up and down and passed by.

She stepped back, and he could take the initiative to move forward, giving himself enough sincerity.

That's what I should have given.

The car stopped in the hotel parking lot.

Zhuang Shihao answered the phone, his voice was very soft: "Well, with Fang Lan and Youyou, you don't have to worry about it, mom. Are you getting better? Well, the doctor said, just be hospitalized."

Fang Lan was a little worried when she heard that Zhuang's mother was hospitalized, so she immediately asked if she was not well.

Zhuang Shihao opened the back door of the car, "Fang Lan?"

Fang Lan heard his voice clearly, but didn't want to face him, her eyes closed tightly, pretending that she was not awake yet.

The man's breath suddenly approached, and the heat entangled her face.

Then, a passionate kiss fell.

Fang Lan shuddered all of a sudden, wanting to give him a blow and blow his dog's head.

Zhuang Shihao naturally stretched out his hand to hug her, and went to hug her with Lian Youyou.

Fang Lan really wanted to complain about him, but now she had to wake up, otherwise he would really be carried in after a while.

She felt resentful about the kiss he had just now.

But she was just pretending to be asleep again. She couldn't slap herself in the face, so she could only pretend to wake up: "Is it there?"

"Here." Zhuang Shihao's voice overflowed with a chuckle.

"It's fine when you get there." Fang Lan had to hug Youyou and get out of the car immediately, blocking his attempt to hug himself again.

Zhuang Shihao quickly followed her, with a smile on his lips.


The trip to the United States also ended very quickly, and Fang Lan went to many places she wanted to go.

No way, she still followed Zhuang Shihao in the itinerary.

She can only be that Zhuang Shihao does not exist, no, she can only be an assistant, a driver, a guide, and a coolie. When he is accompanying, he will hug you, drive, backpack, buy food, arrange restaurants, and do it. Everything is covered.

Fang Lan also put up with him by his side.

The happiest one is actually Yuyou.

He had never been out with Dadbi and Mommy for such a long time before, not to mention that many of the things and scenery here were something he hadn't seen before.

He got a tan, but he was also much stronger, and his small arms and legs were also much stronger.

On the day when she returned to Jingyuan, Fang Lan did not notify Doctor Fang to pick her up, because she was accompanied by Zhuang Shihao, and she didn't want her father to be upset when she saw her.

Assistant Zhang arranged by Zhuang Shihao came to pick up the plane.

As soon as he came over, he smiled and came forward to pick up the suitcase, as if he was very happy to see the scene in front of him.

Fang Lan put on a mask and covered her face, but just nodded and greeted him.

Fang Lan was a little uncomfortable with the look of Assistant Zhang receiving the boss's wife.

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