Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2955: All know

She got up, but her wrist was still in Zhuang Shihao's hands, and he was taken by him, encircling her in his arms again.

Fang Lan exclaimed and had to be trapped by him and fell on him.

His breath came from the tip of his nose, masculine and gentle, tangling.

The man held her waist, closed her ears, and said: "Lan Lan, Qiao Wanyi's affairs, I have never taken care of it. What kind of person she is and what kind of things she does have nothing to do with my liking for you. Do you want to know when I fell in love with you?"

"When?" Fang Lan said in a low tone.

"Actually, if you ask me, I can't tell you clearly. Maybe you are following me. When I hear you laugh before I see you, maybe every time I go to the master bedroom, maybe it's When you left me... but no matter what time it was, I knew it and never wanted to be separated from you."

Fang Lan's ears became red unexpectedly.

Zhuang Shihao's chuckle voice filled the room: "So, Lan Lan, never leave me, eh?"

Fang Lan couldn't agree to his question. She blushed and stood up, putting her clothes together, and said, "Would you like to eat any more? You can go back to the company if you don't eat."

Zhuang Shihao held her hand and nodded: "Go."

Walking out side by side together, Fang Lan's ears were red, and she didn't say much.

The man's voice sounded above his head: "What do you want to eat?"

Fang Lan knew that he had always had a light taste and that a nearby western restaurant tasted good, so he said, "Steak."

"Yeah." Zhuang Shihao walked forward with her, but stopped in front of a hot pot restaurant, "Is hot pot okay?"

Fang Lan really wanted to eat hot pot. In the past few days, Zhuang Shihao’s back was injured. She let Aunt Zhang cook a light diet for several days. Although it was nothing to eat, she was caught by the door of the hot pot restaurant. The smell is so greedy that it can hardly conceal the saliva.

Listening to Zhuang Shihao's initiative, she nodded: "Okay."

Zhuang Shihao went in with her, sat down and ordered the red pot.

"Change to Mandarin Duck Pot," Fang Lan said.

"I have eaten hot pot, so there is no need for mandarin ducks. Let's red pot." Zhuang Shihao said flatly, "I have become accustomed to spicy food recently."

Fang Lan pursed her lips and smiled, as if so. He had eaten hot pot with her a few times before, and he did not suffer from gastroenteritis. The condition was not bad, although it was a bit tangled when eating, it was fine after eating.

"Then I will order anything." Fang Lan took the menu and ordered quickly, "Chicken feet, brain flowers, fat intestines, beef liver..."

Zhuang Shihao was on the opposite side and frowned. He was indeed used to being able to eat some spicy food and chicken feet or something, but what the **** is the brain flower?

"Or I won't order these?" Fang Lan asked with a smile.

"Order it." Zhuang Shihao took the menu and marked it directly.

Chicken feet can be eaten, can brain flowers not smell good?

Fang Lan pursed her lips and sat on the opposite side and smiled.

Zhuang Shihao lifted his lips, and the arc of laughter widened slightly.


The days went on unhurriedly, and the situation of Fang Lan and Zhuang Shihao slowly entered a plateau.

However, the man's feelings were not stable, it was still hot and full, and things gradually moved over, occupying the new house a little bit, and then almost completely lived here.

Fang Lan didn't want to talk about emotions in public, but because of Qiao Wanyi's affairs, everyone around him almost knew about it.

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