Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2969: Profiteers

After leaving the airport, he felt his eyes fall on him. Zhuang Shihao raised his eyes and saw the parking lot not far away. Fang Lan stood there, wearing a long soft sweater with thin white wrists, standing in place. , Waiting for him with a smile.

All the staff also smiled and said: "Then Mr. Zhuang, our report is almost done, so we will leave first."

"Okay." Zhuang Shihao nodded and walked towards Fang Lan.

Her short hair had grown a little longer, just draped over her shoulders, a little more gentle, when she saw him, she came forward naturally, stretched out her hand and hugged his waist.

At this moment, Zhuang Shihao felt that the sunshine in Jingyuan was particularly brilliant.

Back home, Fang Lan put on an apron and said with a smile: "You go to play with Youyou, I'll go to the kitchen."

Zhuang Shihao smiled: "Yeah."

Speaking of it, since the divorce, Fang Lan has never cooked for him again. The relationship between the two has been completely reversed, and it has become Zhuang Shihao's cooking.

So the little woman started cooking again. Although Zhuang Shihao was reluctant, she also looked forward to it.

Fang Lan was concentrating on the soup in the pot, her waist suddenly warmed, and she was hugged by the man behind her.

"Why didn't you go with your son?"

"I'll help my wife." Zhuang Shihao rolled up his sleeves, showing his forearms, "Leave it to me."

He drew the spoon out of her hand.

In the end, the meal became the chef Zhuang Shihao, and Fang Lan attacked.

After eating, he cleaned up and put the dishes in the dishwasher.

Fang Lan was sitting on the sofa and playing with Youyou. Youyou suddenly shouted, "Daddy said that he seemed to have brought me a gift? I'll go and check the suitcase."

"The gift is not in the suitcase." Zhuang Shihao walked over, reached out and picked him up, "Lan Lan, help me organize the suitcase."

Fang Lan pushed his suitcase to the room. When he opened it, wasn't it a gift from Youyou?

One more glance, her face flushed, no wonder Youyou were not allowed to look at it, there was a lot of family planning supplies inside.

Fang Lan couldn't help but vomit secretly in his heart. No wonder he was carrying such a large suitcase after a two-day short trip. Is he planning to bring back all family planning supplies from that country?

When he went to bed at night, Zhuang Shihao saw the empty suitcase and asked, "Lan Lan, what about my stuff?"

"Throw it away. Didn't you let me organize it?"

Zhuang Shihao approached her and raised his eyebrows: "Really threw it away?"

"Why do you buy so much?" Fang Lan avoided his gaze.

"Isn't that country producing this? They all say it's easy to use, try it?"

Fang Lan pushed him away: "Who wants to try with you?"

"Forget it, this was when I left, you owed me, and when I said yes, I will settle the account when I come back, eh?" The man's tone was natural.

Fang Lan gritted his teeth: "Profit merchant!"

If you owe him once, you have to pay it back so many times? No wonder Shihao Group's business is now getting bigger and bigger.

"It's normal to charge some interest, isn't it, wife?" Zhuang Shihao asked in a dark voice.


Shihao Group’s advertising endorsements have not been able to find a suitable spokesperson since the last time they terminated their contract with Qiao Wanyi.

Many people in the entertainment circle are eager for this endorsement.

To be able to get the endorsement of the Shihao Group, in the entertainment industry, I am afraid it will be worth a hundred times.

Especially for the business of Shihao Group, the annual publicity expenses are hundreds of millions. While publicizing the company, it is obvious that it is also important for the popularity of artists to increase.

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