Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 2972: Fang Lan has the right to live and kill

Zhuang Shihao knew her purpose well, raised an eyebrow and said, "Miss Yingying, you know the Shihao Group, who said the most useful words?"

"Who is it? I would like to hear the details." Yingying posed her head and showed a listening posture. This kind of action is the most tempting.

"It's my wife. Including the choice of the spokesperson this time, my wife has the final say. I believe that my wife is more willing to choose a spokesperson who is truly capable and has no interest in me." Zhuang Shihao said with a smile, "If Ying Miss Ying is interested, please go and impress my wife!"

After speaking, Zhuang Shihao turned and left.

Yingying's face flushed suddenly, and she watched Zhuang Shihao leave and walked towards a car. It seemed to be a young woman driving. When Zhuang Shihao saw her, her steps were lighter.


As Fang Lan became more and more famous as a photographer, her private life also attracted more and more attention.

Naturally, her ex-husband Zhuang Shihao has also received a lot of attention.

At present, everyone has different opinions, but the only thing that is certain is that Zhuang Shihao and Fang Lan still live together.

There are already many people who can confirm this, especially the employees of the Shihao Group.

Fang Lan's fans are not worth it for her: "Lan Lan, you leave the scumbag, what is good about him? The ex-husband will let him always be her husband."

"That's it, separate when separated, and the next one will be better!"

"Let me be your little milk dog, I am milkier than Zhuang Shihao."

"Miss Sister accepts cute people as partners, can girls sign up?"

However, Fang Lan is not an artist after all, and the number of fans is limited.

There are more people laughing at her than encouraging and comforting her.

For example, some cynicism has never ceased: "Fang Lan is left behind. I heard from Shihao Group employees that Fang Lan washed and cooked every day, and took Zhuang Shihao to and from get off work. In this way, Zhuang Shihao was not impressed. ."

"I also heard that Fang Lan is still helping with things in the company, but Zhuang Shihao doesn't even look at her. I heard that the dealers with big business have better choices."

"Fang Lan is really humble, I think it is impossible for Zhuang Shihao to marry her!"

"Oh, to tell the truth, Zhuang Shihao is actually okay, Fang Lan's fans are still scolding others. If I were Zhuang Shihao, I would not be able to reconcile."

"There are countless women in the entertainment industry who want to be nice to Zhuang Shihao. Which of those women is not more beautiful than Fang Lan? Zhuang Shihao will definitely not look back."

However, just as everyone was talking about it, a very popular female artist in the entertainment industry recently released a message: "Lanlan, happy cooperation!" @蝴蝶小姐.

Miss Butterfly is Fang Lan's Weibo name now. Her stage name Diolai is better known in the circle than her own real name, so she chose to use this.

When everyone saw the female artist’s @, they discovered that this female artist endorsed the new season of Shihao Group’s full line of products.

The female artist does not have @Others, only @方岚. In other words, Fang Lan facilitated this collaboration?

The gossip also flowed out, with noses and eyes: "Although the propaganda affairs of the Shihao Group are not under the control of Fang Lan, Fang Lan has the right to live and kill. Before, many female artists wanted to get endorsements and went to Zhuang Shihao, but you guessed it. What's the matter? All the noses turned gray. The clever knows that finding Fang Lan is the kingly way. Sure enough, the one that Fang Lan liked became the final winner."

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