Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3063: Neither borrow nor use

She hadn't been here for more than a year, and the people on the production team were scattered around and went to different companies.

It is normal for Huang Ying to get her semi-finished composition.

Then things should be solved one by one.


As a producer, Liu Enchi has always had his own arrogance. When Su Mi did not show up, many companies came to poach him.

And these companies are all the companies that Huang Ying wanted to separate from him after the incident that Huang Ying slandered him indecently, even his resume was unwilling to accept.

After working with Su Mi for half a year, his ability as a producer was once again seen by everyone and recognized by the entire market, and these companies threw an olive branch to him.

He refused all without thinking.

For more than a year, he locked himself in the room to create.

No reason, it's just creation.

The songs he created have not been used by anyone, but he has been doing such things all the time.

Because creation is his life, it is the investment of all his enthusiasm.

Even if there is no Su Mi, even if there is no Huang Ying, he is the same.

Just because of Huang Ying, he has a complete distrust of the world.

Sister Cao found Liu Enchi's apartment in a familiar way and reached out and knocked on the door.

After a long time, the sound of slippers came from inside.

The door opened with a creak, and it was dark inside. Liu Enchi reached out to pick up something, without even giving a look.

"I'm not delivering food." Sister Cao said.

Only then did Liu Enchi woke up and saw Sister Cao clearly, frowned and said, "My songs are not for sale."

It seems that many people are looking for Liu Enchi to buy songs, and Sister Cao seems to have come to buy them before.

"I didn't ask you to buy songs."

"Oh, neither borrowing nor using it."

Sister Cao smiled and said, "I came to you to have a song before, and I wanted to use it for other people in the company, but I came today for not this."

Liu Enchi looked at her calmly, as if she would not be moved by anything she said.

He has the arrogance of a literate man. He has worked hard to make songs for Huang Ying in the past, and has popularized lyrics and music, but in the future, he only intends to do these things for Su Mi alone.

All this is because Su Mi is the only one who trusts him most no matter what happens.

Sister Cao nodded: "Then now I am here to ask you for a song for Su Mi, please go back and make an album again, how about?"

"So where is Su Mi?" Liu Enchi asked.

Su Mi has always been standing next to Cao Sister, but Liu Enchi has neither surfed the Internet nor received external information for more than a year. He just blindly locked herself up for creation, so she didn’t know that Su Mi was back and she became beautiful Up.

When Sister Cao pushed Su Mi in front of Liu Enchi, he laughed mockingly: "So just ask someone to say that it's Su Mi? Did you think I had a problem with my mind?"

Sister Cao didn't explain much, just tuned out the hot topics on Weibo and handed her mobile phone to Liu Enchi.

Liu Enchi looked at it for a while, the expression on his face changed every bit. After a while, he raised his eyes, as if to confirm again that the woman standing in front of him was Su Mi.

After a long time, he said, "Let's go back to the company. I should be able to find some people in the production team."

When things are done, Sister Cao can be regarded as smiling.


The effect of Liu Enchi's one-year retreat was very good. The manuscript he took out was more than one meter high.

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