Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3101: Double standard bitch

Su Mi reached out and touched the bridge of her nose, but it didn’t hurt. She took a look through the staff’s mirror. There was a large piece of silt on her neck. I care about what's on my face.

But when Huang Xiaojiu shouted so loudly, people who didn't know thought what happened to Su Mi's nose.

This is what Huang Xiaojiu wants.

Others also hurriedly looked at Su Mi's nose. The director and staff were frightened. If this breaks the face on which the female artist depends for a living, it will be very troublesome, and no one dares to bear the responsibility.

"Let's go to the hospital quickly!"

Su Mi looked at Huang Xiaojiu and said, "Your nose seems to be a problem?"

Everyone saw a lump on Huang Xiaojiu's nose.

Huang Xiaojiu hurriedly reached out and covered his face.

After some fuss, Xiaolan was fine.

But the program team insisted that Su Mi and Huang Xiaojiu go to the hospital for examination.

Especially to take an x-ray of the bridge of the nose.

The program group buys insurance for the artists. Now that such a big thing has happened, then everything must be done in place.

Previously, because of an artist injury in a show, he was not only scolded by fans, but also criticized by relevant departments. In the end, the show became cold and could no longer continue.

This time, the program crew of "Back to the Country" was obviously unwilling to repeat the same mistakes and asked the doctor to rule out Su Mi and Huang Xiaojiu's injuries at all costs.

Xiao Lan was also taken to check, and finally proved that there was nothing wrong.

Su Mi also took an X-ray, and there was basically no problem, except that there was a bit of soft tissue contusion on her arm, not serious.

But Huang Xiaojiu was different. She had a prosthesis in the bridge of her nose. After she fell into the water, she bumped into the prosthesis and there was a lump on the bridge of her nose. It seemed that the show could not continue in a short time.

The doctor looked at her with contempt in his eyes. After all, she always said that she despised plastic surgery. The doctor despised not the plastic surgery person, but the double standard bitch.

"There is something wrong with the prosthesis and needs to be readjusted. We can't do this kind of surgery here. I suggest you go back to the big city to do it."

Huang Xiaojiu stuffed a red envelope in the past: "Doctor, can I trouble you to keep your mouth shut on this matter?"

"Of course I will. This is the professional ethics of doctors to protect each patient's privacy." The doctor pushed the red envelope back.

Huang Xiaojiu was a little relieved: "Please tell the program team that I hurt my arm and need to recuperate."

The doctor did not agree.

Huang Xiaojiu naturally found an agent and asked the agent to find a way.

The agent tried to give Huang Xiaojiu a proof of his arm injury, said a lot of good things to the program group, and said that all follow-up matters have nothing to do with the program group, and the program group does not want to be troublesome. Anyway, it is the last issue. Huang Xiaojiu was let go.

When Huang Xiaojiu went out, Su Mi was talking with Xiaolan.

Seeing Su Mi, Huang Xiaojiu's eyes were full of unwillingness.

Why, Su Mi is also plastic surgery, so many things have happened, but she hasn't been affected by anything?

On the contrary, it's yourself, and you have to follow up with problems.

She is really unwilling, Su Mi's doctor, who is it?

She asked her agent: "Have you found out who Su Mi's doctor is?"

"Checked it, but didn't find it. How difficult it is to check. Who in the circle doesn't want to know?"


[Recently, the epidemic has been particularly severe. I feel very sad when I hear all kinds of news every day, but I am often inspired by the good news and moved by the staff who are fighting on the front line. Here, I also hope and wish everyone well. Let's listen to the experts first, and don't go out for the time being. After this period of time, everyone will go out happily.

Everything will be better. Go Wuhan! Go China!

May all darlings, your family, and hundreds of millions of Chinese people be safe, healthy, and healthy. After the crisis passes, there will be spring blossoms! 】

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