Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3120: Unanimous understanding

After experiencing the turmoil of a small number of people's powder removal, the remaining fans are also determined: "Own idols are maintained by themselves, and everyone is united."

"Yes, and what we like is Su Mi's singing, her voice and her talent. Is her private life related to us? Besides, she has been honest, so we bless it, why bother to interfere?"

"That's it, it's good to have children and a husband. We know that by looking at the smile on her face, that's her choice."

"Support Mi Mi's choice! To love her is to hope to see her live better!"

"In the past few years, Mi Mi has been very motivated. The album has been released one by one, and her work has not been lost at all. It can be said that her work and life balance is very good. I am also very pleased to be a fan of such an idol. "


"Upstairs +1"

"Upstairs +10086"

After a night of turmoil, by the next day, the entire fan team had stabilized and settled, and the discordant voices gradually subsided.

As for passers-by and netizens, seeing that Su Mi actually returned all the ticket money, she didn't say anything. This is an internal problem of other idols and fans, and they have nothing to say.

The black fans could no longer pick up the thorns, and stopped temporarily.

But Wei Yuxin's life is not easy.

Although Su Mi's fans are very sensible, and no one continues to publicize the current matter, but this does not mean that she can safely stay out of the matter.

At the beginning, as one of the instigators, she provoked countless incidents, which caused Su Mi to become fat and become unconscious in the later period. It was also the fact that she copied Su Mi's songs, and many people did not forget the things that appeared.

She has also made her debut as a star before, and many people know her looks, which makes her go wherever she goes.

Because he had a history of imprisonment, it was impossible to be an entertainer anymore. No way, Wei Yuxin had to hide her name and live a life of hiding in Tibet like a mouse.

Everything about her was destroyed in her own hands.

Su Mi gave birth to a child, the thunder and rain passed quickly. Although it caused some trouble, it was resolved quickly.

While Su Mi received the scolding, she also received a lot of sympathy.

Fang Xiuwen really didn't expect that things would develop in this direction, and Su Mi easily solved this problem.

Not only that, she exposed everything on stage, but she got almost unanimous understanding.

In other words, Su Mi solved the big troubles of love, marriage, and childbirth in one fell swoop.

You have to know how many popular Xiaosheng Xiaohua will die in these three major events, especially those artists whose works are not hard, as long as they meet one, they will be killed. If they can't get through that hurdle, they will really be alive. The nameless and obscure people are now.

Even artists with masterpieces and excellent works are very cautious when facing such things. Many people even have to hoard enough works to face the criticism and long window of time brought about by these things.

As for Su Mi, everything was resolved.

Fang Xiuwen's heart is full of jealousy, full of jealousy that is not clear.

However, as long as you think about Su Mi's spending 400 million for no reason this time, her mood is a little better, which is equivalent to Su Mi's spending 400 million in revenue this time to calm things down. She is not completely. There is no price to pay.

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