Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3151: I don’t need any price

"Yes, Missy."

Chen Meiru watched Xia Jiuyang leave and said to Xia Huangshan: "My husband, she just left, will she come back?"

"Definitely will come back. She has no place to stay. Can she stay outside for a few days?" Xia Huangshan said slowly while sipping tea.

"Yes, what can you do if you have an empty skin like her? Big brother and sister-in-law are also true. What is the use of making so much money? Even a daughter can't be educated." Chen Meiru sneered.

I was crushed by the scenery of my eldest brother and sister-in-law for a lifetime. Even these two stinky girls didn’t have much respect when they saw themselves before. Now they can finally deal with them. Chen Meiru’s mood is extremely beautiful, and she feels the Teddy in her arms. , Have also become extraordinarily obedient.

Xia Jiu's famous bag and clothes became a lot of money.

However, it was only enough to repay the medical and surgical expenses that Charlene owed before, and more was gone.

Without the Xia family's backing, the hospital did not dare to owe so many sky-high prices to Xia Jiu-fearing that she would not be able to pay it back, seeing Xia Lin's medicines about to be stopped.

Without the previous meticulous care and the maintenance of sky-high-priced medicines, Xia Lin's body was very thin, losing weight at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Xia Jiu carefully packed up her makeup and walked into a bar.

This bar is called Ye Se, and the people who come and go on weekdays are either rich or expensive. Xia Jiu used to come here often.

It's just that in the past, most of the time, he came with Fang Minghao, and Xia Jiu himself would only come occasionally.

Here, it is possible to find a man who can afford her price.

There were so many men who had pursued her in the past, and men who were willing to pay a lot of money to her were also in line, but at that time she had her parents as shelter, Fang Minghao and the dignified daughter of the Xia family, so she couldn't afford to be with those people.

But now, she desperately needs this large amount of money.

She was already beautiful in appearance, but after being carefully dressed up, Xia Jiuyi appeared in the bar, like a bright light, suppressing the elegance of other women, and also attracted the eyes of all men.

"It's Xia Jiu, the former daughter of the Xia family."

"Sure enough, it's a well-deserved reputation. Look at that face, those eyes are fascinating." As a rich second generation spoke, his body was already half weak.

"Who is she? Isn't she just a bargain tonight? Without the support of the Xia family, she could still be the proud daughter of the past?"

Soon, someone came over with red wine and flattered: "Miss Xia, how about a drink with me. I heard that you are short of money. If you drink this glass, I will give you one hundred thousand!"

"Drink my cup, I will give you two hundred thousand!"

"I pay three hundred thousand, drink my cup!"

The scene quickly evolved into a jealous fight.

Xia Jiu knew that this couldn't and could not be something as simple as drinking a glass of wine. These men who had coveted her before, still showed ill-intentioned gazes and looked at her.

"Xia Jiu, drink or not?" Someone handed the glass to her lips.

"No, I don't want to drink." Xia Jiu said lazily.

She didn't look at those people much, and went straight to the corner. There sat a very deserted man with a serious indifference on his face. She formed an absolute aura that distinguished herself from everyone.

He was holding the wine glass, drew his eyebrows to taste the wine in the glass, and held the fingers of the wine glass, the bones were divided and slender.

Xia Jiu took a step forward and walked straight towards him.

Those men who were still teasing Xia Jiu suddenly fell silent, don't stop talking, and went back separately, no one wanted to provoke the man they obviously couldn't provoke.

Xia Jiu sat down in front of Shen Muhan, and the man glanced at her casually, as if he had forgotten who she was long ago, with a distant and indifferent cold light in his eyes, a faint glance swept across, and then quickly withdrew.

Xia Jiu plucked up the courage to speak: "Young Master Han, do what you said that day still count?"

When I met at the door of the Xia family group that day, he said to give her two million and stay with him for one night. At that time, Xia Jiu was embarrassed to give him a slap, but Shen Muhan grabbed her wrist. Her slap did not fall off after all. .

Shen Muhan put down the wine glass and spoke slowly, still sounding like crushed ice hitting the glass: "Who are you?"

It seems that I have forgotten that I have seen her before, and it seems that I just want to retaliate against the word "rolling" that she used to say nothing.

There was a deep coldness in his eyes, so cold, his eyes fell on Xia Jiu's face indifferently.

There are so many rich men and women who are peddling in front of them, as if sloppy flowers are gradually becoming charming. Xia Jiu understands this. Maybe that day, he didn't buy her, so he bought it long ago.

What's more, a man like him, let alone spend money, even if it does not spend money, I am afraid that there are many women who don't know how many moths rush to the fire.

"Young Master Han, at the gate of the Xia Family Group that day, you said, spend two million and let me stay with you for one night." Xia Jiu had to remind him.

Although, putting herself up for sale was the thing she had most disgusted and had never thought of.

Shen Muhan seemed to be reminded by her, glanced slightly, and said calmly: "I have an impression."

"Is Young Master Han still interested?" Xia Jiu asked with red lips.

Shen Muhan’s eyes gleamed on her for a moment. On the girl’s fair skin, the facial features were bright, the nose was just right, and the shining eyes were bright and beautiful, and the impact was very strong. If you use flowers to compare women, then She must also be a kind of rich flower like the gorgeous rose and peonies.

Xia Jiu couldn't see the emotions in his eyes. He was like a piece of ice. The emotions on his body were immobile and condensed. Even if He Feng Jiyue's smile was brought back, the smile was isolated from outsiders.

Xia Jiu said: "At least at that moment, Young Master Han was interested in me. I think I have at least a little bit that fits Young Master Han's aesthetics. Twenty million, I promised you the request that day."

"Twenty million?" Shen Muhan's voice was still cold, "Since there is a price tag, why didn't you bargain that day?"

"Don't tell me anything, before that day, I always thought that I didn't need any price." Xia Jiu raised her red lips, full of mockery in her heart.

Before that day, she had always thought that she had a retreat.

Home, company, or Fang Minghao, she was far from expecting that she would be embarrassed day by day.

I originally thought that after graduation, I could marry Fang Minghao, then enter the company, take charge of everything left by my parents, take good care of my younger sister, and follow my parents' wishes to get on the right track.

Obviously, once derailed, her life would never go back.

Ordinarily, she should dedicate herself to Fang Minghao today. Since it is not, then the price is just high and low.

Shen Muhan stared at Xia Jiu with a flowery smile: "But now I have no interest in that day. If you are willing to take the initiative, I will give you one million."

A joke, people who rejected him Shen Muhan are still qualified to bargain?

In his life, he never had the habit of turning his head back.

What's more, it is a woman like a creature that he has never bothered to put a straight eye on. Where does her confidence come from, she will accept her bargaining?

Xia Jiu turned the tail ring on her finger and said softly, "Young Master Han, twenty million, a lot of points."

"Why?" The man on the opposite side was unmoved, and he didn't even move his eyes. The thick gloom in his black eyes remained suffocated for thousands of years.

"By me, I am still a virgin." Xia Jiu thought, this is his only advantage.

The man raised his eyes and looked at her, his eyes were indifferent and indifferent.

For a long time, Xia Jiu didn't wait for his response, she stood up, grabbed her bag, got up and left.

"Xia Jiu is back." I didn't know who it was, and he murmured, and the eyes of the men in the night focused on Xia Jiu's body again.

In her smile, there is the brightest light, among the flickering lights in the night, like a flower in full bloom in the dark night, and like a ghost walking in the middle of the night.

It seems to be able to see that there is no relationship between she and Shen Muhan, and those people started booing again and asked Xia Jiu to come over for a drink.

"Miss Xia, I am the most talkative person. I will give you 300,000 cups, only 300,000." The person who spoke was Yan Dashao, a famous young man in Jingyuan City, who relied on his father's power. , Changing women is faster than changing clothes, and I chased Xia Jiu with a high profile in school before.

Xia Jiu had Fang Minghao at the time, let alone straight eyes, he didn't even glance at him with squinting eyes, but he kept chasing him, appearing again every other time, brushing his presence in front of Xia Jiu.

Xia Jiu understood that this was certainly not an affectionate drama, it was nothing more than something that hadn't been obtained yet, it was just the best.

Yan Dashao held up his wine glass: "I heard that Fang Minghao is already with Xia Ruomeng and will get married soon. Xia Jiu, look, isn't this the case with men? If you get tired of sleep, you will feel nothing. I knew it, I followed me, at least what makes you fragrant, drink spicy, where can you suffer that kind of suffering? Besides, if I get tired of sleeping, I will tell you directly, and I have to give you a sum of money for it. Breaking up money, definitely will not eat the bowl, thinking about the pot, entangled. But Xia Jiu, with your appearance, the young and old may not sleep well, and even marry you is unknown."

Yan Dashao's words caused the people around him to roar for a while.

Xia Jiu's expression has not changed, maybe what he said is really reasonable, like Fang Minghao's kind of respectful man, on the surface is a gentleman, gentle and moist, but he is most capable of doing things that hurt people's heart and soul, and sticking to your chest. Knife things will not be done less, and sometimes it is not as clear as a scumbag like Yan Dashao.

"How about, Jiu'er, ten cups, three million is yours." Yan Dashao swiped and turned on the phone. There were bright numbers in the account, a long string, and she had to pay her three million, no matter how simple but.

Xia Jiu knows that what he wants is of course not as simple as drinking. A man is looking for someone to accompany him, afraid that he can't find someone?

There was a smile in Xia Jiuming's eyes: "Thirty cups, Master Yan, try my drink too."

Since she wants to drink, she naturally has to choose the most valuable.

Yan Dashao obviously did not expect her to be so happy, and patted her phone on the table: "Okay! Come here, pour the wine!"

Xia Jiu picked up a glass, smiled at everyone, and placed the glass on her lips. Before she got close to her red lips, she had been grabbed by her wrist. The wine in the glass suddenly spilled out a little.

The man's cold voice sounded behind him: "Stop it."

Turning around following the voice behind him, Xia Jiu saw the man who was one head taller in front of him. He was dark, calm and gloomy. His appearance made the noisy surroundings suddenly cool down, as if to say a few more words in front of him. , What trouble will get into for no reason.

"Shao Han, Xia Jiu has already promised me to drink these thirty cups..." It was a rare opportunity for Yan Dashao to find such an opportunity, how could he easily let it go.

What's more, as far as he knew, Shen Muhan had never been a woman, nor did he have feelings for women. He naturally didn't think that Xia Jiu would have anything to do with Shen Muhan.

"Shao Yan, do you want my woman to drink with you?" Shen Muhan asked slowly, although it was a question, it was calm.

Yan Dashao was visibly stunned. Is Xia Jiu Shen Muhan's woman?

How can it be?

Before Xia Jiu came, he had inquired that she was desperate now, and she couldn't even pay for the medicine in the hospital.

If you climbed up to Shen Muhan, how close to medical expenses?

"Young Master Han, when did this happen?" Yan Dashao asked incredulously.

"At this moment, at this moment." Shen Muhan spit out these simple four words, and his eyes were deep and unpredictable.

Yan Dashao: "..."

Xia Jiu: "..."

No one dared to let Xia Jiu drink anymore, and Master Yan fell silent. Naturally, the others didn't dare to booze anymore, and they all looked at Xia Jiu in a daze.

"Don't leave yet?" Shen Muhan reminded faintly.

Xia Jiu waved his hand and followed, and followed him to the parking lot.

Shen Muhan's car is a Bentley worth more than tens of millions. Xia Jiu recognized this car and knew that in his capacity, he had chosen the road tonight, and there was no room for remorse.

She followed into the car, thinking that Shen Muhan would blame her for choosing Yan Dashao just now, but in fact, she also deliberately gave it up to see if Shen Muhan really gave up her completely.


She didn't know why she had to choose Shen Muhan. Maybe this man himself was good-looking and didn't look like a entangled man. Choosing him would be more at ease and she would not suffer.

Shen Muhan said nothing or asked anything.

He has never had any interest in other people's private lives, let alone the slightest sympathy. Whether she lacks money or needs anything has nothing to do with him.

What he wants is very simple, she gives what she can give, and he gives what he can give.

It's just money and goods.

Shen Muhan has already stopped living with Shi Hui and the others. He moved out and lived in a luxurious villa alone.

Xia Jiu sat in his car and looked outside. She knew that although this place was not the most expensive villa in Jingyuan, it was not a place where ordinary wealthy people could afford to live.

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