Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3325: So your eldest master is married

In the end, Xia Jiu clasped his hands on the man's strong back and pinched his nails into his skin.

She didn't know when the battle ended.

Probably when she was crying, or when she was finally forced to say that nothing was bad.

When I woke up the next morning, my whole body was aching, and as soon as I opened my eyes, Xia Jiu was bright...the alarm clock didn't go off.

She sat up, grabbed the phone and looked at it, only to find that the alarm clock had been turned off.

She walked to the closet a few steps, quickly found a medicine from it, and swallowed directly without drinking water.

After washing, she found obvious marks on her neck, so she had to find a silk scarf to cover it. Fortunately, the weather is also cold now, so it's not strange to dress like this.

That man, really knows how to take an inch.

She walked downstairs lazily, her fingers curled on her long hair. The weather was cold, and she wore a pair of fluffy slippers and walked silently like a cat.

When I reached the top of the stairs, I saw that the living room was full of balloons and ribbons, the minimalist style living room, at this moment... it was full of girlish arrangements, blended together, a little nondescript.

Xia Jiu's eyes were flashed by the sudden shock, and then he slowly walked downstairs.

The housekeeper has already gone to work, and Aunt Zhang and the servants are also cleaning up the house. Xia Jiu's face flushed when he saw where the dining table was. He pursed his lips before walking over.

The breakfast delivered by the butler was a cake, basically the same as the one last night.

"Eat this in the morning?" Xia Jiu frowned.

"Young Master said that you made a special statement last night that you are going to eat this this morning. If Miss Xia is not satisfied, I will go..."

"Forget it, no need, just eat this." Xia Jiu picked up the spoon and poked a spoon lightly and put it in the mouth.

Suddenly, I remembered the touch and scenes of last night, the scene... he was afraid that he had thought of it a long time ago, so he gave all the servants in the villa a vacation.

Sure enough, only in this kind of thing, men will be most willing to spend their time.

After Xia Jiu ate the cake in one bite, everything from last night faded slightly in her heart.

The butler brought up an exquisite box with a silk ribbon tied on it.

So, are these balloon ribbons and gifts for her?

"Miss Xia, this is the young master..."

"Got it." Xia Jiu reached out and took it, casually holding it in his hand.

It is also surprising that such a person would know how to give gifts, and don’t know what kind of gifts they would give?

She stuffed the box into her bag until she arrived at the office and finished her work before opening the box smoothly.

Inside was a check, twenty million.

as usual.

The difference is that it is wrapped in a way of wrapping gifts.

She should have known.

What kind of people know how to give gifts?

It is better not to give such a gift.

Ha ha.

When Xia Jiu came back in the evening, the car walked to the intersection in the direction of the villa. Two security guards were driving away a woman. The woman had short hair, aggrieved aggrieved and a little arrogant, and said she had to go in for everything.

Of course it is impossible for the security guard to let such a person in, and the insults are very unpleasant.

Xia Jiu didn't want to worry about it, but when he thought about it, he asked the driver, "Who is there?"

The driver also said that he didn't know, but looking at Xia Jiu's interest, he went to call a security guard.

The security guard saw Xia Jiu and stood at attention: "Miss Xia, that woman dared to say that she is the wife of Young Master Han and asked us to let her in. It's really a new height when we touched porcelain. How could we Young Master Han be like that? woman?"

"What did she say about her name?" Xia Jiu asked.

"It's He Peishan. She also said that she is the young grandmother of the Shen family. It's **** good." The security guard knew everything about it.

Xia Jiu said nothing, and asked the driver to continue driving.

Entering the living room, she flipped through the magazine for a while, and the housekeeper came to deliver the fruit. She asked casually: "Housekeeper, what's the matter with He Peishan?"


His look didn't escape Xia Jiu's eyes. Xia Jiu leaned on the sofa, closed the magazine, and smiled slightly: "Let's talk about it."

"Miss Xia, where have you heard of this name?"

Xia Jiu lazily raised her eyebrows: "Is it me asking you something or you asking me something?"

She usually has a very good temper, but the arrogance of the daughter is not nowhere to be found.

The butler can only say: "That's all old things."

Glancing at Xia Jiu’s dissatisfied eyes, she can only bite the bullet and continue to say: “The eldest master married He Peishan before, but he left soon afterwards. And that He Peishan is not a good person, even her own mother If you dare to die, it's normal for the eldest master not to be with her."

"So your eldest master is married." Xia Jiu's voice couldn't hear any emotions, but the housekeeper was particularly disturbed.

"Miss Xia, isn't this leaving?" he said.

Xia Jiu nodded: "I see."

I don't know if He Peishan is high in rank, if only he can do something big.

Don't be like Xia Fen, being thrown out without doing anything.

After Xia Jiu asked, he continued to look down at the magazine.

Footsteps sounded outside the door, and the housekeeper hurriedly greeted him and said something in a low and hurried tone.

Shen Muhan tilted his head and handed the coat to the housekeeper, who picked him up to look in his eyes and walked away quickly.

When Xia Jiu ate, she was always quiet, her eyes narrowed, and when she had no target, she seemed a little alienated and quiet.

The butler brought something, she thought it was something new, so she gave way.

The butler put something in front of her.

It's a divorce certificate.

"Show me what this is for?" It made her care the same.

However, she really cares about the ability of a woman who was once Shen Muhan's wife to separate herself and Shen Muhan.

After all, the rank of someone who can be his wife should not be too low.

The butler didn't speak, but just opened it to make sure she had read it word by word, and then put it away after reading it.

Xia Jiu smiled and looked at Shen Muhan: "Isn't He Peishan outside the door? Why don't you let her in? Anyway, she is also an ex-wife, so she doesn't care about this feeling?

"Are you going to let her come in and sleep in your room?" Shen Muhan finally raised his eyebrows and asked.

"With so many rooms, are you afraid that there is no place for her to sleep?" Xia Jiu asked back.

"Do you think she likes to sleep in a room without me?"

Xia Jiu was choked: "You think so many people like to sleep with you."

"I don't know other people. It's not a day or two that He Peishan wants to sleep." Shen Muhan ate slowly and responded.

Xia Jiu didn't know what was going on, she felt a little dull: "Anyway, you haven't slept for a day or two before. What does it matter if you sleep more."

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