Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3431: Eat dog food over the phone

Xia Jiu placed the carnations she had brought in front of the tombstone, feeling guilty. Before her mother had a car accident, she quarreled with her about a little thing.

For this, the guilt in her heart was about to drown her.

I thought that there were many opportunities to apologize to my mother, or to act like a coquettish, who knew, it was just a goodbye after breakfast, it turned out to be forever.

Xia Jiu stood in front of the tombstone, tears streaming down her eyes.

Xia Lin gently shook her hand: "Sister, don't be sad, parents also want to see us well."

Xia Jiu reluctantly put away his tears, and Shen Ye came forward to accompany Xia Lin.

Shen Muhan stepped over Xia Lin's position and clasped her finger, "Are you still sad about those things?"

"If I hadn't quarreled with my mother at that time, wouldn't a car accident actually happen?"

This is what Xia Jiu hates most about herself.

Parents are usually affectionate and affectionate, and their emotions are naturally stable.

Is it possible that because you are mad at yourself, you will not drive so securely?

Shen Muhan hugged her shoulders: "It may not have anything to do with you. Didn't you also say before, actually suspected that Xia Huangshan did it?"

Xia Jiu calmed down. The car accident with her parents was actually a coincidence. She had secretly investigated for a long time in the past year.

She seemed calm on the surface, but in fact she had been staring at Xia Huangshan and Xia Ruomeng.

However, after a long investigation, there is no evidence to show what they did.

So she turned the guilt of her parents into blame for herself, and she has been uneasy.

The police had also closed the case, showing that this was an accident, so Xia Jiu's investigation couldn't find out anything.

"But nothing was found." Xia Jiu said.

"Then I'll check it for you." Shen Muhan said softly, "I'll check your parents' affairs."

Xia Jiu nodded slightly, because he was sad, so he didn't notice that he had changed his name to parents.

After the four of them worshipped, they went back together.

Xia Jiu didn't eat much that night, and had a bad appetite, so she just ate some casually the next morning.

Probably when I was pregnant, my emotions were more sensitive, so once my memories were aroused, it was difficult to suppress them.

She even clearly remembered her mother saying at the time: "You are really mad at me."

In fact, it is common to have a few quarrels with her mother every time, at least that night. The relationship and relationship between her and her parents is even far better than that between Xia Lin and them.

But just because his parents failed to come back, these words weighed heavily on Xia Jiu's heart.

Extremely uncomfortable.

She sat on the recliner, holding a doll, her face as calm as water.

Shen Muhan brought the bird's nest and handed it to her.

Before she shook her head, Shen Muhan said, "Do you think your mother would like to see you like this? Do you think she wants to see you well, or is she willing to blame you and make you uneasy for the rest of your life?"

Xia Jiu had to reach out and take it.

"And your daughter, do you think that if you don't eat anything, she can look beautiful?" Shen Muhan took it again, took it directly with a spoon, and brought it to her mouth.

The bird's nest made by Shen Muhan himself is thick and sweet.

The taste is very good.

Xia Jiu took two bites, and his appetite broadened a lot.

She got up: "Then we go to eat, okay?"

Shen Muhan stretched out his hand to support her and walked to the dining room together.


Shen Muhan entrusted Chen Qi to investigate the cause of Xia Jiu's parents' death.

Xia Jiu hadn't mentioned this matter seriously before, and since the police had already filed the case, Shen Muhan didn't care too much.

Now that he knew that things were unusual, he naturally refused to let Xia Jiu be wronged.

No matter what the reason is, always give her an explanation.

Chen Qi quickly checked out a preliminary result: "It's also a coincidence. On the day Xia Jiu's parents were involved in a car accident, the young master's car also appeared on the scene and passed by."

"Let you check the result, did you check this?" Shen Muhan glanced at him.

Chen Qi hurriedly said, "I'm still investigating the things behind it. I just think you and Miss Xia have a fate, so..."

Seeing that Shen Muhan's face was not good, he quickly withdrew and continued to investigate the matter this time.

Shen Muhan picked up the photo Chen Qi had brought and looked at it carefully for a while. It was indeed a coincidence that he would appear next to the scene of Xia Jiu's parents' car accident.

However, I don't have much impression of what happened. This incident should be a coincidence.

Because the truth of the matter has not been verified, he didn't mention it to Xia Jiu.

Everything, we still have to wait for all the results to come out.

Xia Jiu also temporarily left this matter behind.

The doctor said that the most important thing now is to maintain one's own body so that the child can have a stable living environment.

Once you love your child, it is difficult to take it back.

Naturally, everything is important to children.

She lay on the bed and called Jiang Bai.

Jiang Bai smiled and said, "My mom said, pregnant people just want to keep a happy mood. You won't be in a bad mood recently because of anything?"

"It's nothing, everything is fine."

Xia Jiu was willing to keep the child by herself, and there was no other obsession to let go.

"That's good. Wait for you to raise your fetus first, and when your body stabilizes, I will come to see my little nephew."

"It's my little niece," Xia Jiu corrected.

"Hahahaha, okay, it’s the little niece. Actually, it’s also nice to be a little nephew. Isn’t it nice to be like Han Shao?"

Xia Jiu thought for a while, if it was a son, wouldn't it be as cold and ruthless as him? It's a bit cold.

However, it is not impossible to look like him.

Jiang Bai joked: "Did you be touched by me?"

Xia Jiu stuck out her tongue, and the person was picked up. She exclaimed, and Jiang Bai worriedly asked, "What's the matter?"

"Hang up." Shen Muhan's voice came.

Immediately afterwards, the phone hung up.

Jiang Bai couldn't help laughing. Hey, he has to eat dog food through the phone. What is his life?

"What's the matter? I'm calling Jiang Bai." Xia Jiu let go of the phone and hummed dissatisfiedly.

"How did you call?" Shen Muhan threw her phone away.

Xia Jiu remembered that he was making a phone call while lying on the bed.

She was originally lying down, and then she was sitting, but she has been like this recently. After a long time, she suffered from backache, and she forgot before she knew it. She rolled on the bed and called on her stomach.

There is a child on the stomach, so lying on your stomach is the worst.

She touched her belly quickly: "Sorry baby, it's bad for mom, mom forgot. Never again."

She looked at Shen Muhan with her eyes, and saw that he was expressionless, she couldn't help but stretched out her hand to touch him: "I'm sorry, I just had a backache, and I forgot it for a while."

"What did the doctor say? What do you want you to do?" Shen Muhan's face did not change, but he reached out to hug her and help her massage her waist.

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